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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Ragnarok is painful in some regards. A bloede young adult romantic comedy. Aaaaah this isn’t god of war
  2. I just googled an early game standard enemy in God of War Ragnarok, completely unrelated to the story of the game, something annoying I wanted to see if other had issues with it. Google returns results for me that have late game story spoilers. I am fucking furious
  3. Why yes, I do moonlight as a exorcist mufti, how did you know?
  4. Spike


    Vikings v Bills had one of the most insane 4th quarters I’ve ever seen.
  5. There is a tree common to the area I live in that has a similar mechanism. The shape is a little different but it’s the same effect, it is really cool to see happen in real time. A type of maple maybe? Never saw anything like that back home!
  6. It is somewhat a shame too because I know there are feelings for regret and nostalgia for the dissolution of some of these states, like Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. It is almost like people don’t know what they have till it is gone.
  7. So my understanding is that ultimately USA wants complete removal of Russian forces in Ukraine and the return of all the annexed regions to Ukraine. Obviously Russia doesn’t want to do this, but Russia knows that the the Donbas region is ethnically and culturally in support of Russianism, so the removal of Russian control of the region will likely bring further protesting and violence as pro-Russian separatism has been an issue since the Euromaiden. Neither side will budge, because the ball is obviously in Russia’s hands until pro-Russian sentiment is weakened in the region. USA will never compromise to split the territory of Ukraine between Ukraine and Russia despite the fact this would be the quickest route to a resolution to the groundwar. In other words this conflict could have been avoided if the pro-Russian regions were allowed to succeed following the Euromaiden, as they were strongly in support of he previous President and his pro-Russia ties, while the west was deeply condemning Yanukovych and his governments closeness to Russia.
  8. My mistake, @Dr. Gonzo he is an idiot afterall.
  9. Yep, always look at the owner of a journal before reading it. Same thing for Washington Post.
  10. Spike


    It's not even a phenomenon exclusive to South-Asia. Changing diets in the Indigenous communities of Australia, Mexico, the Philippines, North America are causing a huge increase to diabetes. In Mexico some communities don't even drink water, opting for high sugar carbonated drinks instead. Unfortunately that is also linked to diseases like gout and kidney stones.
  11. Mate that paper is owned by New Corp
  12. Spike


    Nonsense. Despite the fact taste is subjective, this doesn’t take into account economic, geographical, and culture factors. Not to mention they also like to eat cheese infested with maggots to break down proteins in the same country as pizza.
  13. I stopped talking about Brand ages ago
  14. Man Berlin is actually a really ugly city. I do really like the attempt of bring nature into the urban sprawl.
  15. Getting lectured by anyone is annoying as fuck. I really don't care about the monetary value of a person as long as they pursue social equality and worker's rights. I have significantly more money that someone that is in absolute poverty but that doesn't discredit or change my desire for them to be pulled up out of poverty and to taken care of instead of forgotten and exploited.
  16. As opposed to whom? Everyday people that parrot Fox News like OrangeKhrush? Or the millions of people that vote against their interests?
  17. He isn't the worst. Last I checked he was very pro for social programs and worker's rights.
  18. Spike


    I bet I can name at least a few things eaten in Germany that are very similar to England. Everywhere has bad and good food, so I always find it really sad when people hold the food they are familiar with up on a pedestal, I know so many people like this and it’s really frustrating, I know people that treat German food like you treat English food, they find it repulsive and really bland. I’ve cooked great food for people, things like sauerbraten and roulade and they act like I’m serving up a pile of slop. I don’t understand why people get so fixated on specific things to the point of myopic. The picture you posted is sad as well, because all it is doing is shaming poor people and the food they eat that is readily available and cheap. I often ate beans on toast as a kid because we were poor, it’s not nice to look at but it is quite tasty and filling for a very low cost, why should I feel bad about it because we didn’t have much money? currywurst - curried sausage schnitzel - meat cutlets stolen - fruit cake blutwurst - blood pudding apple strudel - apple pie Bratkartoffeln - roast potatoes with bacon kartoffesalat - potato salad I wouldn’t shame anyone for labskaus.
  19. They’re having much more fun.
  20. Spike


    I actually lmao when Tommy makes fun of English food. I’ve never seen someone so oblivious
  21. We’ve been their closest bloody ally for 80 years. It’s ridiculous how they treat us. We get the ‘honour’ of a CIA deposal not murdering the head of government. Thanks you fucking traitors.
  22. It isn’t a fantasy, it’s groupthink. Which is amusing when you think of the American obsession with the ‘exceptional individual’.
  23. The USA needs to fucking leave us alone.
  24. Spike


    Saudi Arabia uses fucking slaves to generate wealth. That's why it is blood money.
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