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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike


    Is he the guy that would wrestle with his magical dick and do hip thrusts as his finisher?
  2. Yeah, most definitely just in different flavours. I think Evangelicalism is an exclusively American church and type of crazy.
  3. Spike


    who the fuck is orange cassidy
  4. I love how 20 to 1 was clickbait shit before youtube. Classic Channel 9
  5. Isn’t it shocking that Liz Truss has managed to be less sexy than ol’ Maggie?
  6. Spike


    I was trying to make a joke this morning while I was taking blitzkrieg shit before work, and by before work I mean 1 hour late because I’m cool like that. And ‘pearl necklace’ was a leading contender with ‘Sucked Tony Khan soul out of his cut dick’ as number two but I didn’t like either because I have high standards for throw away shitposts but I am glad you showed up and did the dirty work I didn’t want to.
  7. Makes sense. Too risky to go for the win like that by pulling the goalie.
  8. Maybe he can bond with the muftis over some nose beers and change their minds on the whole orthodoxy business ahaha fuck could you imagine, that is one of the funniest scenarios ever. ‘oi la, just let them birds do their thing ya know’ *snoooooooort* ‘that’s some proper sound powder there son’ ‘alright boys now lets get some of that chicken fessy jan jan scran and gormy sabby’
  9. I could have sworn that happened once or twice before! Could be thinking of a different league
  10. He is a very interesting character of history. Some historians think he wasn’t actually being ‘philanthropic’ but intentionally malicious towards the other Islamic lords. He’d give away so much gold on his hajjs that it would debase the currency to the point of sever inflation, that is how much gold he was pumping into these little feudal states. They think he was just trying to domineer the other lords with his wealth and ‘generosity’, posturing his kingdom as the most powerful in the world. But that is only a speculative idea of something over 700 years ago.
  11. Hmm, reminds me of something...
  12. What a fucking joke if that happens. Just goes to show the calibre of their beliefs.
  13. Evangelicals are fucking nuts, mate.
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    Looks like I’m going home for Christmas. I should be excited but I’m stressed because nothing can be so simple. I have my ticket for 1st of December.
  15. Spike


    Today I made a vindaloo inspired curry. I didn't have all the ingredient so I just riffed on it. Night before the wife and I cooked pork schnitzel, spatzle, saurkraut, and just some mixed roast vegetables.
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    Reminds me of 2013
  17. Spike


    Wow an instagram thot from Australia paid in cocaine really does like him
  18. I'll tell you hwat boy the only three letters I need are U S and A *shotguns a bud lite* I have been drinking
  19. Spike


    The W/L ratio isn’t that bad mate. Won five of the last ten tests
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