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Everything posted by Spike

  1. It also says rear engine. That part of the car is often referred to as the rear dash, mate.I know it doesn’t make sense but that’s case. Also the sometimes called rear deck.
  2. They aren’t ‘friendlies’, they are official tests.
  3. Because for rugby the highest standard of the sport is internstional play and is taken much more serisouly than club. It is the opposite for soccerball, club is far more prestigious than international.
  4. Spike

    Members Pictures

    I don't think I will stop
  5. Spike

    Members Pictures

    You look like you have a pussy
  6. £27M is virtually nothing in the scheme of a country's budget. It's like you betting two pound on a footy match. They run stories like this one to get you worked up about it and to distract from actual issues and legislation. If my quick maths are right it is 0.0037% of the federal budget.
  7. Spike

    Off Topic

    @Dr. Gonzo if hou ever visit Chicago make sure to check in Kuma’s Corner, a great bar/burger joint and it plays shitty metal too
  8. Reports say it was birdshot which can be used against humans in a non-lethal capacity, which is good because that certainly limits the death potential. One basij was killed reportedly as well.
  9. Toronto of all places is the cheapest we’ve looked at
  10. I was looking at a weekend in San Diego in a few weeks but it was too expensive @Dr. Gonzo
  11. The democrats are neo-conservative corporate scum, so it wouldn’t matter who it is.
  12. What I am reading is that you hate fun and Patrick Swayze ripping a guy’s throat out in a bouncer v bouncer fight while explosions happen isn’t your cup of tea.
  13. A consistent pain in my arse ayyyy fucking got him
  14. Well is it mediocre or above average? Make up your mind ffs
  15. I don't see how they are mediocre in any manner. It isn't in Italian, it's quite literally dubbed in every language. The filming process was hampered by the fact that every actor spoke their lines in a different language. Stop using Zoom zoom slang
  16. It's a giallo film, nobody watches a giallo film for plot you went into it expecting something else. The acting is patchy because it's dubbed, it isn't a horror.
  17. Get the fuck outta here. The Dario Argento original is great, classic giallo cinema
  18. I didn't know the specifics but things like this is more what I was in reference to and hijab was just a poor example.
  19. Again, I’m not specifically referring to the hijab but anything that can be used as control. More things can be changed and banned than religious clothing.
  20. That's the problem though. Sometimes issues have to be forced, I don't like radical action at all but people are ultimately irrational and can and will act against their own interests. No matter how much education their is, no matter how many dead kids are in the school hallways, no matter how many people die on the streets, people will not give up their guns in the USA, this will never voluntarily happen. The removal of guns is also counter-productive to a 'free society', as through the process of gun control or banning people's rights really are restricted in that sense. Any sort of forced action will have an equal counter-action,, and that's bad, that creates disenfranchisement and stokes the ideas of radicalisation, but at the same time without any action there will never be a change, something will remain as a constant unless it is challenged, sometimes the discourse is civil, sometimes it isn't. How many civilisations go through radical reform versus those that go through radical forced changed? I don't want it to happen in this manner but what other recourse has a country like Iran have besides radical changes to society and hanging the oppressors from the town square on a butcher's hook? What can these people do besides die or butcher the government? How can they force the sort of change they want without using the extreme measure of violence and authoritarian control? This isn't colonial India forcing out a minority occupant, this is an internal ideological war, like Russia, China, the USA, France, and so on. Women have immolated themselves in protest, I don't see an end to this that isn't radical
  21. You guys seem to think I'm caught up in the secular concept of the 'hijab' - I don't give a fuck about the hijab, it's just an example of systems that are used to oppress people in one way or another. What is the purpose of it? It's just a tool used by those of a different social class to oppress another, that being male to female oppression - if I'm missing the point, why else does it exist? I understand the idea of religious freedoms and choosing to wear the hijab - I've never had an issue with it, I don't care if people wear it, if they want to; let them, but when I observe it as a subject, I can only see it exists as symbol of the hypocrisy and double standards of religions, no different than Catholicism banning women from the clergy, or 'the sanctity of life' while denying other's their identity and right to exist. It's the same as any other tool of control to me, like forced private insurance in the USA, or subversive media reporting. It's a bunch of men telling a woman to behave, because they see them as inferior.
  22. Crapshoot Mate, that is the strangest thing I've read in this thread and half the posts in here are by The Liquidator. Any team that wins the CL is the highest percentile of teams in the world, it doesn't happen by chance. Regarding the World Series, it's a false dichotomy due to the nature of baseball. The 'best team' might not even have the best record because of how long the season is and how many changes the line-ups go through.
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