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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Man, I bet on the USA doing it.
  2. Forced radical interior change isn’t ‘western’ way of thinking lmao btw I wasn’t talking about interventionism, I wasn’t implying a foreign power needs to do this. Seemed to happen an awful lot in East-Asia. I understand you’re point of conscientious natural change but that isn’t always possible when people often wilfully engage in systems that work against their own interests. Look at the American lower class for an example.
  3. That happened across the road from a friend’s house.
  4. The USA is secular and look how much legislation is dominated by religious dogma. Theoretically it doesn’t matter if the government just states it is secular.
  5. Secular is stupid when it will be the same old codgers in charge afterwards. Equal rights are an impossibility when their is a discrepancy in the elite and the masses.
  6. Interesting stuff, the only thing I disagree is that I’m pro banning the hijab as it’s a tool of male religious oppression of women, and it is a double standard not applied to men. I think people should be able to choose to wear a hijab but I don’t think anyone actually chooses as it is simply a byproduct of social conditioning, and this social conditioning will remain until it’s forcefully removed. If Iran made wearing a hijab a choice tomorrow, the women that would choose to not wear it will still get their brains smashed on the street by those morality police that disagree because they’ve been conditioned to behave in such a manner. So in saying that what is goal of these protests?
  7. @Dr. Gonzo Your post about Iran being formally asked to leave the WC and the basiji paramilitant squad sent me down a rabbit hole. I’m struggling to fully understand the cause of the 79 revolution. From what I’ve read the Shah was investing heavily into the country and socialising the wealth, to me it looked liked the first step in a Marxist plan of creating a capitalist economy that could be transitioned into socialism. So I’m assuming that this threatened the clergy and nobility of the nation causing them to undermine the authority of the Shah using orthodox Islamic identity against the Shah’s pan-Iranian identity. They feared their position was becoming untenable and and goaded the government into reacting violently against revolutionaries, and used this outrage to further undermine the integrity of the Shah. The west also pulled support for the Shah because his reforms were too ‘socialist’ in the midst of the cold war. Having no popular support from the people and no international support the Iranian Kingdom was dissolved. Replaced by a cadre nobles and clergymen that control the country through non-democratic authoritarian Islam orthodoxy.
  8. Born on the Fourth of July
  9. You’re a fucking stooge. Why are you so obsessed with superficial Fox News talking points? You’re not even a Seppo but you drink the outrage Kool-Aide about issues that don’t affect you, or even the majority of people living in the USA. You don’t give a fuck about the American experience and what people go through, stop pretending you do. Abortion, Trans-rights, Ocasio-Cortez, are distractions from the real issues. Economic uncertainty, inflation, poverty, corporate exploitation, income stagnation, they are on the brink of economic collapse but you are having a prolapse about one fucking representative from one state. The world inside your head doesn’t exist, you babble on about crypto-fascist talking points that idolise a specific Evangelical culture, that is ironically counter to the idealised philosophy of why the USA exists. You’re a freak in a cave watching shadows on the wall.
  10. RIP to @Dr. Gonzo he was so young https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/25/worlds-dirtiest-man-dies-in-iran-at-94-a-few-months-after-first-wash
  11. Spike


    It really is a team comprised entirely of exactly the sort of player you want on a second line. Not gonna lie, I look at the Canucks and I don't think 'I really want that player on the Hawks' and the Hawks are rubbish bin tier
  12. Spike


    Should probably trade Hughes and Petersen.
  13. I’m just gonna assume it was part funded by a Chinese production company, like that Magic Dragon puppet show, that was like a psychedelic fever dream because it was all about Chinese mythology. Magic Mountain?
  14. Didn’t ring a bell till that vaguely Chinese part with the Great Wall and European dragon.
  15. Do you remember this cartoon? @Devil-Dick Willie Seriously thought I imagined it for years, I could never find it. Google results of ‘evil apple guy wearing a suit’ weren’t working till I threw ‘Australian’ on the end. Apparently it was super successful in Europe but the studio went under when The Magic Pudding flopped, I am pretty sure I used to borrow that movie from the library. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9urc-wCg24
  16. Exactly and Albo is a fucking champion. Hasn't said or done a thing wrong, so they just make shit up, that can't really be proven or disproven.
  17. Ben Shapiro would beat everyone in a debate, and he is a cunt. Means fuck all. This is a classic Sky/Fox News talking point they use at every election, 'they don't know what they doing', 'they don't have experience', and so forth in as many permutations as you like. Farage is far from an idiot, a cunt but not an idiot.
  18. He is extremely competent. He has been working for the people of the UK for over forty years.
  19. Trump should be hanging upside down from a butcher’s hook in the town square. Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange are wanted dead as traitors, but Trump is a hero for doing something far worse and illegal.
  20. Fox News can suck on an immigrant’s chode
  21. Gotta admit mate that turnip is a bit scarier than a pumpkin
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