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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Rugby League

    m8 don't pull the wool over my eyes I remember you were up the milk's arse, can't bullshit a bullshitter
  2. Spike

    Rugby League

    I watch a couple a year
  3. Spike

    Rugby League

    thought you liked nrl
  4. Spike

    Rugby League

    Watching the NRL Indigenous v Maori match. I once thought it was weird and racist but now I reckon it is one of the best things the NRL has done. Gives them a chance to show their heritage and culture on a national stage. @Devil-Dick Willie you gonna follow next season?
  5. smh my answer isn't good enough
  6. They were around for nearly a decade but they might have only won two games! 1,200 × 800
  7. I would love to play hockey, but it's an exclusive sport. If I had a friend that could help me get into it, I'd love it but how am I supposed to learn how to play a game that is probably only played by failed college/high school players with a chip on their shoulder!?
  8. Atlanta had a team in the 70s What does free-flowing even mean? Have you watched hockey recently? It is higher scoring than it has been in years, it's faster, more skilled based, and the skill bottom and ceiling is higher than it has ever been. We are seeing more innovation and skills that just simply didn't exist in the past. It's not 2001 anymore, the dead puck era is over
  9. Yessir, people don’t like Bettman but comparing the league in 2022 to 1995, you have to admit he has nailed growing the sport and amending rules to get away from the dead puck era. Who wants to watch lines of low skill 110kilo ‘energy’ players dump the puck for a 2-0 score? I much prefer ‘Quebec’ and ‘continental’ skill hockey than gooning it up. But I’m a foreigner, I didn’t grow up in the American rich kid sport circles, or Canada’s ‘French and a visor? Typical frog’ cultures so I probably have differing opinions on the sport. But if I were Canadian, given my stereotypical Australianess I would have been the ‘Sawry aboot finishing yer two-four there, bud’ type.
  10. No, I only live in the USA, I am not American. I wasn’t trying to be a smartarse I just wanted more specific questions so I could answer, otherwise it would have been a pretty boring and straightforward answer that you probably already knew it the answer. I was expecting more along the lines of, my podcasts say ‘XY has happened in the USA’ or this particular policy has failed. It’s fine, I guess? He inherited the pandemic and he isn’t as confrontational as Trump so it is nice to not hear about him every single day. People are mad a few promises haven’t been fulfilled but ultimately I witness a lot less bellyaching and divisiveness. I feel like people don’t have to double down and cope with the idea that the guy they voted for, Trump is a moron, so people are less up his Biden’s arse trying to justify everything. I think most people don’t like him because he is 240 years old and a career politician that has held a variety of views in the past that don’t work modernly.
  11. Spike

    Off Topic

    Muhammed Faisal Aladdin Ali Yusuf Khan
  12. The seventeen years the league had 30 teams is the longest stretch without expanding, not counting the original six, I just checked because of your post because I was curious. Isn’t that food for thought?
  13. ? - why biden bad? - what makes you ask this question? - me watch two podcasts - can you explain what they say in these podcasts - *gets angry and confused* I don't know what you want. I tried to help you, I just needed to know what stuff in particular about Biden you saying Americans don't like. I can't read your mind.
  14. You asked a two questions and I asked you to explain why you think that way so I can answer them. It's pretty obvious mate
  15. I don't listen or know who those people are. You're gonna have to work with me here
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    I love the stereotypes of North English. Cam on Ingerlund scor sum facking goals
  17. How do they know what a notoriously private gangster that is banned from entering the UK wants?
  18. How do they know what a notoriously private gangster that is banned from entering the UK wants?
  19. It turned out pretty good though. Suffering: justified
  20. Spike


    Marchand with another embarrassing meltdown tonight. Lucky he didn’t get his block knocked off
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    I probably would have cried if anything else happened.
  22. Spike

    Off Topic

    Lamb Shank and shoulder stew Mis en place and prep work done. I need to broil the skins from the tomatoes so I can blend them. Bung em into the oven Had to brown the meat before throwing in the veg. Getting the shoulder ready to toss in I noticed at the last second that little piece of black plastic they put on the tray is still attached. I get the shoulder out but the damage is done. A million pieces of burning black plastic. Wash the meat (ugh), and drain oil so I can scrub pot. Okay now I can restart and finish browning the meat. I get to the shoulder again, it's in and browning and while I'm doing that I notice out of the corner of my eye the plate and paper towels I had set up to hold the meat is now on fire. How it started I don't know but I have to deal with it. While I'm dealing with the fire and cleaning the mess up I didn't adjust the temperature on the burner so now the lamb fat has rendering and smoking. All my fire alarms give me the warning beeps, not going off but strangely enough a woman's voice 'Smoke detected in hallway. Alarms will sound and it will be loud' WTF I had never head an alarm like that, so I run through the house to open up the windows that aren't covered in the plastic stuff meant to prevent drafts. Remember those tomatoes? they are still in the oven. So I get to throwing in the garlic and onion, luckily the oil wasn't too burnt and hasn't left an overly charred taste. But why is it smokey still? The tomatoes are black and I quickly reach for the tea towel but don't sufficiently cover the index and thumb on my right hand and I burn them just enough to feel it. This was about five minutes of adventure. At least now the bastard is in the oven and stewing.
  23. Spike

    Off Topic

    Just had the worst cooking experience of my life, everything that could go wrong did go wrong and I feel that @CaaC (John) would find it funny the mental image of me swearing like a fool running around a burning kitchen
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