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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Suspiria (1977) It's a giallo film. 8/10, it's scary.
  2. That's literally what he said, 'I want to sue Jordan privately'
  3. What do the right wingers you know think about it? I bet they are the same people that say things like 'WHY THE FUCK DO WE HELP OTHER COUNTRIES WHEN AUSSIES NEED HELP AT HOME?' lacking the critical thinking skills to realise that helping other countries isn't humanitarian pity, it's investment. Also why do we need submarines? why do we need nuclear submarines? why are we so hostile to the most powerful country in terms of raw man power and manufacturing in the world? why do we tell china to fuck themselves when Australia is constantly selling land and mineral resources to China? why does china own large quantities of water in the murray darling basin when most of the land around the basin is in perma-drought?
  4. Spike


    It's got me thinking @Devil-Dick Willie what times have you guys actually been worked hard? For me, all when I was a kid Eric Bischoff's smug fucking smile JBL's entire WWE title reign, especially the really fucking racist stuff about Eddie Guerrero Chris Jericho getting fired after losing to Super Cena (I was already sick of Cena despite freaking out when he won WWE title from JBL) Cena constantly beating Kurt Angle after getting Chris Jericho fired How bad the December to Dismember PPV was, I think that was one of the last one I bought. Now that I think about it, the last was the one on the day Chris Benoit killed himself and his family and no-showed for a match, I was really confused and when I heard the news, I literally just dropped WWE like a bad habit, couldn't take this shit anymore, sick of seeing the Eddie Guerrero name dropping, Rey Mysterio and John Cena winning all the time, and Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle gone, and Benoit a murder. Literally all four of my favourite were either gone from WWE or dead. I guess I really only religiously watched from 2004 to 2007. Though I had stopped watching for many years, I was channel surfing and somehow had the luck of comign across CM Punk's pipebomb and I thought he really was having an unscripted rant on the tele.
  5. Spike

    Off Topic

    John owes me 27 packets of peanuts. Preferably the Australian brand Nobby’s Nuts.
  6. Fuck ya game tommy, Binchicken resigned @Devil-Dick Willie your acting premier is suing a comedian
  7. Candy 7/10 Narratively, it's a little weak. Jumps right into the misery-porn of addiction without giving much time to the 'heaven' side of addiction. Second scene has an overdose, within thirty minutes, the lead female is a whoring herself out. Yeah those are things that happen but from a narrative perspective it's needs to built up more so one feels more empathy for the characters. Otherwise wonderful performances from Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish, they've turned a mediocre script into a very memorable movie. Also Geoffrey Rush is in this movie for some reason, I'm guessing he owed someone a favour and had to do a job, or he just really wants to support Aussie cinema. Also fuck me dead Heath Ledger can be hard to understand sometimes, he just mumbles constantly. I swear he pronounces Geoffrey Rush's character's name 'Casper' as 'Casser'.
  8. Not that surprising mate, most sports teams in the world make the fans jump through a hop and do a dance for season tickets. Well at least in the big time leagues. A big ask filling a 90k stadium for 60+ games a year, I reckon it's diminishing returns. People will be less stressed about getting tickets to games and let a few slip by them the more tickets a place can sell. Though I reckon Liverpool has enough national fanbase to do it every week.
  9. Realistically what could Liverpool sell out every week? 80k? 90k?
  10. Spike


    Children are easy to work into a shoot
  11. Spike


    That angle worked me into a seethe when I was like 12.
  12. Malignant Um...hmm. This is both 10/10 and 0/10. Watch it and see for yourself. I 100% recommend it.
  13. Has to be someone he knows or someone he knows spilled the beans on where he keeps his valuables.
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    I was thinking it might be seasonal allergies but not possible because I'm not congested or sneezing. This all in my muscles. It's almost like having half of the flu.
  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    And thirsty! I'm drinking what feels like 4L of water a day
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    Got sent home from work today. Don't know what the matter is, weak, all my muscles are sore, nausea, something is definitely up.
  17. Also in the USA drive 6 hours in any direction Yep that sure is a cornfield
  18. You should be sorry and appreciate how easy it is for you to travel and see cool shit. I'm giving you an F- on this report. Drive five hours in Australia Yep still in Queensland Drive another five hours Yep it's still Queensland Drive from Brisbane to Cairns Yep sure is 20 hours of Queensland
  19. I refuse to believe that you've lived in Germany your whole 50+ year life and not driven the thirty minutes it takes to get across the country. @Tommy
  20. When I was in high school, kids would fight. It'd get pretty bad, rivalries, bad blood etc, it easily could have or would have escalated to gun violence if guns were readily available, but only in the very extreme cases. That is one reason I don't want to raise children in the USA. It's not okay and it's not normal for kids being murdered in school because of a disgruntled student or employee. Kids just take it to the extreme, for whatever the reason it's a method of self-expression to murder the students or try to burn down the school. I couldn't imagine the pain of having a child and then immediately not because of gun violence. Kids get murdered by stray bullets in the city of Chicago, what is this war zone? It's not on for me. It's the one thing I will never accept as a normality. It's the people that @Eco mentioned that I'm least worried about, the hunters, the 1776ers, the recreational shooters etc. They typically practice safe gun techniques, take care of their weaponry, and for the most part store them securely. It's their kids and other family members I worry about, one bad day or several in a row and they know where they can get a gun, probably not use it properly and cause serious harm to others.
  21. He has 95% of the forum on ignore, so yes.
  22. It's also not necessarily their fault
  23. Spike


    I'm obsessing over fantasy this year.
  24. Spike


    I always doubt the stories about non-English speakers. The best is Lara or someone saying ‘it’s small red and round, go fucking find it’
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