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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Yes Tories are the other cheek of the same arse as Labour, that's why Tories took over from Labour and spent 14 years doing absolutely stupid and poorly thought out things that only led to economic collapse, a cost of living crisis, and some great disaster for disaster capitalists to capitalise on. You probably thought Liz Truss was some glorious leader lol.
  2. If you don't think the tories are actually conservative, that's hilarious but also scary.
  3. She really said "America has never been a racist country" but she didn't say the part about having sex with their slaves lol. But she did write in her book that she experienced racism growing up as an Indian in the South of the US, so it's a bit weird for her to then come forward to say America had no racist history. A bit stupid to do that tbh, considering the civil war happened due to some states believing they had to fight for their right to continue to own other people as slaves. America clearly has been a racist country and still struggles with systemic racism. She's been endorsed by basically any big player in the party - it's going to be Harris v. Trump. Donations came pouring in for her yesterday on the announcement of Biden stepping down, while that money had dried up big time for Biden after that bad debate performance. I'm not sure she's the most disliked VP in history. Pence was unpopular with democrats and ended up with Trump supporters saying "hang Mike Pence" when they stormed the US capitol - Dick Cheney's pretty widely hated as well. It seems that she's going to have a very well funded campaign. It actually seems that since the news, the party has massively united around Kamala as the candidate. I think Biden stepping down for Harris gives the democrats the best chance they have at winning this election. It obviously would have been better had Biden not been running for a second term in the first place and proper primaries could have been held - but at this point in the process, I don't think democrats could reasonably go through a proper primary process and have a candidate ready for the election. It flips the narrative Trump had a lot: Biden is too old to be president - now Trump is the oldest presidential nominee in the history of the US (Biden never got the official nomination for 2024) "I will be the president of law and order" - now Trump is a convicted felon likely to be up against a former prosecutor Rallying against the deep state v. American political traditions - Trump's appointed the justices needed for the judicial coup of America, where laws can be re-legislated by unelected judges who serve for life, who have changed US legal precent that has lasted decades and was viewed as the norm. This is particularly big for abortion and womens rights, as well as things like minority rights. I don't think she has an easy pathway to the presidency - she's a non-white woman in a country where a non-white president made racists lose their minds with culture war bullshit and where a competent woman lost to a moronic reality tv show star. But she's got a lot that make her an appealing choice to people who were terrified of a second Trump presidency, but don't want someone on death's doorstep to be in the white house.
  4. It’s easily not the worst Star Wars series to date, I’ve watched both it and Ashoka, and Ashoka’s nearly unwatchable while this was actually a good Star Wars story. According to that second link you’ve sent, Andor is the least watched Star Wars thing… and that one is honestly the best Star Wars show, other than Kenobi, that’s come out yet. But I’m pretty sure I’d seen other data that showed it was the 2nd most viewed Star Wars show.
  5. I think it comes from seeing Italians get wound the fuck up about their food purity when people do shit that's different to the "standards"
  6. I think it'll take a couple of decades, but yeah I think people in the US and UK will look at this point in history and say "what the fuck was that?" It's either that or society has devolved even further and the world will be more fucking bizarre than we can possibly fathom.
  7. It's real. So is Hulk Hogan endorsing Trump at the RNC
  8. Depends whether you like or dislike Everton lol
  9. It's the second most watched Star Wars show lol - I'm pretty sure all the idiots who review bombed it have actually ended up stoking the show's popularity. People knew the reviews were mostly bullshit, so they'd have to give the show a shot. And because it starts off with a bang and is actually a pretty good show in a basically untapped Star Wars setting... it's turned out to be quite a popular show. Seems like most everyone who genuinely likes Star Wars also seem to genuinely like the show.
  10. He's a dumb cunt just inventing something for United fans to be pissed off at Scousers about. Everton fans wanted to keep him, they get to keep him and I think they're quite happy about keeping him like you say. Rather than just be happy United have signed a highly rated promising & young CB, he knows anger gets him more engagement so he's just inventing something for people to be pissed off about because that'll keep his social media engagement high. So rather than accepting it's a scenario where both Everton and Man Utd fans might be happy about something, he's just being a cunt to keep his social media engagement up. A good thing to do is just block accounts you see that do this and deny them the attention they need in order to get sponsors for their stream. It's just a grift for people who don't have any real skills to try to make money by being a "football influencer" - fuck 'em. Transfer windows are fucking annoying because journalists just make shit up 90% of the time and you get random people on the internet talking about players they've never seen play like they're some kind of international football expert, when really they're just some dickhead on the internet.
  11. Yeah, the price doesn't seem realistic and I don't know if Milan can afford to pay a realistic price... unless Dortmund have some kind of financial issues I'm not aware of.
  12. Yeah Pelosi apparently said she's concerned if Biden doesn't pull out, it's likely they lose the house. Polling indicates that with Biden staying or pulling out, at the moment they're likely to lose the presidency anyways. But Biden not being in the race seems to increase the likelihood of democrat turnout to the point where they can likely keep the house.
  13. I feel the opposite. Could do with more sport on TV and less other shite.
  14. It’s actually a weird choice because he’s basically a mini-Trump like DeSantis, but with less of a personality that gives off “ew wtf is wrong with him.” Typically, candidates pick a running mate that cover for their weaknesses (Obama was criticised for inexperience & foreign policy - picked Biden to make up for that; Trump used to not poll that great with the religious right so he picked a zealot in Pence to bring them on board, etc). Trump’s not really done that. He mostly appeals to the base. Maybe the thought is a guy who came from poverty to becoming a senator and writing a bestselling book that got a movie adaptation is a story that might pull middle American swing voters. For me, a guy coming from poverty and then becoming a prominent politician in the party that makes life as tough as possible for the working class just makes me think he’s a cunt.
  15. Meanwhile Schumer and Jeffries seem to be pushing for him to step out of the race. I think Biden's going to be pushed out in the coming days.
  16. There's idiots who think that Trump is working behind the scenes with JFK Jr. - even though JFK Jr. has been dead for 25 years (just googled it and today's the 25th anniversary, weirdly). I think if he kicks the bucket a few of them will do some mental gymnastics to convince themselves he's not really dead and is guiding some other politician behind the scenes. That's the weirdo q anon idiots - which aren't the entirety of his base, but they do make up a decent portion.
  17. The guy is an absolute dickhead. 99% of the policy he supports is basically the worst possible position a politician can have on any given issue.
  18. Nah he’ll never be our manager I’m pretty sure.
  19. Lmao please not Fat Frank. I think Beheaddie Howe's probably the best of that bunch, but Potter'd be the easiest to hire from the FA's perspective.
  20. Wholeheartedly disagree tbh and I think it's a joke Walker somehow made the team of the tournament, he was easily our biggest weakness at the back - I think the only City player for England that had a good tournament was Stones honestly. He and Rodri were really the only City players that actually turned up for the tournament.
  21. The Taliban is here to stay, but I'm not sure the Western world should be having normal diplomatic relations with them. If the West is concerned with China dominating their rare earth minerals like lithium, have an ally like Pakistan or the UAE get in on competing with China for resources and have US/EU funding for these deals to give those allies the kind of financial weight to compete with China. That way the west isn't abandoning economic interests, helps strengthen an ally in this sensitive part of the world, yet not have to be directly involved with a terror state's government. The US, EU, UK, etc. aren't Afghanistan's neighbors, they don't have any real interest or reason in Afghanistan other than those lithium mines honestly. But countries like Pakistan are US allies, the UAE is a US ally too. Pakistan's a neighboring country and the UAE's close enough to the region (although its technically not the Middle East when you're talking about Afghanistan) and close enough culturally for them to have a vested interest - and their alliances and relations with the West are important enough to where I think they'd be happy enough to be mediators for western economic interests so long as they get their cut. Is stoning someone more unjust than an indiscriminate bombing campaign or the collective punishment of a people due to threats of terrorism? I say this as someone who has absolutely 0 love for the Taliban: I'm not sure their human rights violations come anywhere near Israel's. The Taliban will kill you for things like: you're the wrong flavour of Muslim and too Shia to be allowed to live or because you're the wrong type of ethnicity that's historically been living on that land for 1000s of years - but never in quite the same scope and scale of how Israel's gone about fighting their wars. Capitol punishment by stoning is objectively a terrible thing. Bombing refugee camps and hospitals, imo, is also objectively terrible... and honestly, I think it's much worse. Beheading someone for being Shia, Persian/Tajik, like the Taliban do, is backwards and obviously wrong. So is collective punishment of a population due to the actions of a terror group hiding within them. And again, the scope and scale of the human rights abuses, when you compare them, are so much more deadly. As for why the western world won't ever cut ties with Israel... it's not hard to see why. Israel would never have been established without the West - Israeli zionists needed western support in order to form their nation. And ultimately the reason of "why is Israel in what used to be called Palestine" is because of centuries of human rights violations against the Jewish people by Europeans culminating in the Holocaust resulting in world powers being in support of a nation the Jewish people could call home - and decades of the Israeli zionist movement (which I believe originated in the UK) having the opportunity to push for their goal with the biggest players on the world stage in the immediate aftermath of the second world war. The West is uniquely culpable for the state of the Israel-Palestine conflict, I don't think it's something they can ever wash their hands of - nor should they. There are other instances in Middle Eastern history where the West has caused significant damage to people... lasting generations - and then washed their hands clean of their mistakes and crimes; it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and millions are still reeling from the aftermath decades later. Imho the West and the more powerful Arab nations have the most responsibility to bring about peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Because god knows if left to their own devices, they'll keep this war waging for eternity.
  22. If advanced German tactics involve telling one of Europe's best strikers to sit around in the centre of the pitch and hardly fuckin' move, then I single handedly blame the Bundesliga for how bad England was in this tournament and we must send the SAS to rescue him from this farmers league
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