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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Here's a wiki to Bill Barr's dad's book in case you don't believe me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations#:~:text=Space Relations%3A A Slightly Gothic Interplanetary Tale is,by Fawcett Crest Books in February 1975.
  2. Monica Lewinsky wasn't a child though? Trump palled around with Epstein more than most of Epstein's colleagues - he's even called Epstein a friend in the past. Trump was president and harbors ambitions of running the US again, Bill Clinton's just a private citizen. I don't think any of us will know who had the closest ties to Epstein or who fucked the most children on his island - especially now that Epstein is dead. But for all the conspiracy theories about Epstein - there's facts that are just often overlooked for an easy theory to string together. He was on suicide watch under 24 hour surveillance in a high security US federal prison - and the moments where he's unaccounted for (and "kills himself") the guards aren't watching and the video footage is deleted. That would only be possible if you had a lot of control over the federal prison system. And WIlliam Barr, who's father gave Epstein his first professional job and who he's known for a very long time (and wrote a book about aliens taking him on a space ship to a planet where sex adventures are had!) had control over the federal prison system. And I think it's likely that considering who Barr's boss was... that's two people who very much have possible motive for Epstein to not say anything. I'm not saying that's what happened for sure... but in terms of conspiracy theories a lot of shit about Epstein is directed at Clinton and then people point to things like Monica Lewinsky who isn't even tangentially related to Epstein. It's like saying "Trump did it, Remember 'Grab 'em by the Pussy.'" But looking at the facts of how he died and who was in control of the US federal prison system... there's a much more logical conspiracy theory to be made - and it's honestly more obvious. And just because something is a conspiracy, doesn't mean it's totally bullshit. But we'll never know unless one of those guards (who've both already pled guilty to improperly leaving their post) say anything - which they probably won't ever will. And honestly all of Epstein's associates should be investigated: Trump, Clinton, the nonce prince, Musk, Gates. Because it's only people who are either very wealthy or very politically connected (or both)... involved with some seriously allegedly disgusting things. And those are the people that are running the western world. But that fact is probably why we will never get a real investigation or inquiry.
  3. Idk how we can say what Harvey Elliot's best position is yet. I don't think he looks good out wide tbh, and I think his best performances for us have come at CM. And we've seen very few of Carvalho in competitive matches for Liverpool. I've got concerns about the midfield with the aspirations we have, we have good players - albeit they are injury prone. But we also don't want to block off our promising young players from having a pathway into the first team. Clyne getting a horrific injury led to Trent getting a shot and look how that turned out. Elliot, Carvalho and Jones all will likely need regular football to push on. The fact is when Klopp & the transfer team have brought someone they really want in... it's panned out well for us. I am glad we waited for Virgil instead of signing a last minute CB the summer we didn't land him. I'd rather they get someone they're fully comfortable with being brought into the squad then someone they're not fully sold on. So I'm with @Danny on this - the club has clearly identified CM as a position where they're ready to spend a lot to address the age and likelihood these players get injured and bolster it with someone that's got a lot of quality. If we spend a lot on someone they're not really sold on... chances are that player is going to fail and I'm not sure the results would be much different with a dud transfer compared to playing the kids we've got as backups in the event of injuries. I'd rather bring in players they actually have a strong belief will fit in at the club, and if that means waiting for Bellingham or whoever else... then we'll just have to do the best we can do with what we've got. Because as that one injury ridden season showed us, while we're far from our best when we're decimated by injury... we're still better than most clubs in the country. The squad's got plenty of quality and character even if we can't put out our best XI. And realistically we can't afford to make the kinds of mistakes that clubs with infinite pools of cash can make - otherwise we end up facing the kind of shit we dealt with in the 90s and 00s... or what United are going through now.
  4. I enjoy people who 6 years ago said things like “nobody is above the law, lock her up” are now demanding that someone be considered above the law. I dunno why I’d expect ideological consistency from this gaggle of absolute morons though. Surely you must realise that it was probably Trump who had Epstein suicide-ed? The person in charge of the US prison system was AG Bill Barr, a longtime family friend of Epstein. And Trump was his friend since the 80s. Too people who were probably a bit worried about what Epstein might have to say. They had the means (controlling the prison system), motive (keeping him quiet), and opportunity (controlling the prisons again).
  5. I still don't understand why China cares so much. She's not the first person from the US congress (or even Speaker of the House) to travel to Taiwan. Tbh, I think it makes China look like a bit of a paper tiger and I'm not sure they want to be entrenched in a war over Taiwan and get bogged down in a conflict where a much larger military ends up struggling against a smaller military armed by NATO (and most likely other South Asian countries), the way Russia's found their war in Ukraine gone. I get that they want Taiwan's semiconductor industry... but I'm not sure they'll get it (at least without having the infrastructure of those industries completely decimated in a war) by acting the way they've been acting. And ultimately, it's bad for business (which tbh, so are China's current covid policies) - which I think is strange China would want to jeopardise that, considering making goods for the rest of the world is what got them to be a genuine superpower. Because if it were me in charge of the decision making for these multinational companies... I think these sorts of statements from China would have me thinking "well, this looks like it might very well end up with China becoming another pariah state - perhaps it's time to transition out of China" and there are countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Turkey, etc... that I think would be quite keen to see western companies move manufacturing out of China to them. The Western world probably needs to be looking more carefully at who they're doing business with. European energy dependence with Russia has Europe wanting to be harsher on Russia for it's invasion and destabilisation of the continent... but really unable to make the steps they'd want to make because... they're dependent on Russia for energy. China's sort of got global manufacturing by the balls right now and are getting increasingly hostile with regard to Taiwan and wanting control over the semi-conductor industry... and if China invades Taiwan, the strongest reaction would be to uproot what made China so strong in the first place. But they can't do that if China's got the manufacturing industry by the balls.
  6. Ron DeSantis tweeting about how he's "shocked" by this news very much reminds me of this:
  7. I don't know why republicans are crying about the raid on Trump's house. It's not like there wasn't a warrant - there was a warrant. The FBI has asked him to turn over missing White House documents many times. That they had to ask for a warrant to go and get them is telling. It's not some random warrantless search. It's not something the Trump team would have thought beyond the realm of possibility (at least if they have competent lawyers) - when you don't produce documents the FBI asks for but has evidence that you have in your possession... it's always likely a warrant can be granted. It's kind of pathetic too, when they talk about the politicisation of the justice department after they spent years harping on about Clinton and having a criminal investigation into her... which resulted in a finding that she didn't do anything wrong, after tarnishing her reputation before the election. The hypocrisy is actually quite hilarious. I can only assume the documents perhaps contain some damning information on these politicians crying the loudest right now.
  8. I'm a bit worried about our midfield just because we're relying on so many injury prone players this season. I think this is a big year for Jones (although he's already injured), Elliott, and Carvalho. There will be enough moments for them to get big chances to stake a claim in the midfield. I'm also wondering if with the injuries we've got right now if we'll see a bit of a different formation to our usual formation. I doubt it though, seems like Klopp hates changing the shape unless he absolutely has to.
  9. These are the sorts of dipshits that wish the crusades never ended because they never saw their skyman bring about what was promised in the book that was written that they think controls everyone's life. Religious extremists are scum, doesn't matter what religion it is and where in the world they come from. The religious right of the US is desperate to create such a absolute shitshow in the Middle East that the war envelopes the holy lands, because they think that's what's necessary for their prophesy to come true. Which tbh is a bit funny... because where's their faith in their God? Shouldn't they just have to be good Christians and follow the teachings of Christ and be patient for it to eventually happen? But that'd probably require them to do things like: care about poor people or... read more of the Bible than the quotes their hyperpartisan pastors and priests have cherry picked to make their political point. They're no different from the Wahhabi scum they pretend to be so much better than. Just a different flavour of scum, but still absolute scum.
  10. Conte at this United squad would be a hilarious disaster. These are players that got sick of Solksjaer and Rangnick telling them what to do and stopped giving a fuck. Conte would have them physically exhausted after the first training session and they'd decide "yeah, fuck this we're not playing for that angry Italian guy." And he'd want to overhaul the squad because... why the fuck wouldn't he? And the Glazers would be like "no no no that costs too much money, just get these overpaid dickheads we've already got to actually perform" all while they'd quickly decide they don't like this manager and he's no fun so they don't want to give a shit for him.
  11. Strong Brendan Rodgers vibes from Arteta in that
  12. That is shocking news, that's absolutely no age to go. Very sad, RIP.
  13. Oh shit, I forgot all about that! So who the fuck would be next up? Moise Kean? Or did he get transferred away?
  14. All my friends who support Everton absolutely fucking hate the guy, so I was basing it more off that.
  15. Part of me wants him to have a great game and go on to having a great season, just because it'd be funny and nobody would expect it... ... and then the other part of me remembers he plays for Everton and would prefer him to be the Rondon I know and love that is hated by you lot
  16. Crazy how much you and I are alike! Fuck, does that mean I'm older than Gandalf too?
  17. I think the way Ronaldo's acted this summer has been very poor. If he wanted out of Man Utd, he could and should have let them know earlier. Everyone knew they were getting a new manager, he could have done the new guy and the club a favour by letting him know he wants to move on this summer before the season ended. Then his suggestion that he signs a new contract, goes on loan this season to a CL club, and returns to United once they've qualified for the CL... floated by Mendes... is just an absurd suggestion. Tie him to the club for a year longer and have him return a year older and a year's worth of wear and tear... so he gets a chance to play for United in the CL again... even though he's part of that side that failed to qualify for it this year. It's a bit appalling after returning a year ago to a lot of fanfare, to turn on the clubs, fans, and players like that acting like he's too big to help them fight to where he wants them to be. He's as responsible as any other United player for them not being a CL club this season. He fought hard for this move - he didn't have to turn down City for United - and now he's back at a club he's considered a legend and he's really pissing over his whole legacy on his return. Now they're going to be starting a new season and it's not clear whether his heart is even in it... even though he's probably going to go into the season as United's most important attacking player. It's not great to go into a season with important players not believing in their teammates or in the new manager.
  18. Cheers @SirBalon - Da Michele is probably the first place we're going to after the train station/hotel! Knew you'd be a great person to ask!
  19. Agree with all of that 200% - it's a step in the right direction, but really I think all of us would be liking to see some real transparency.
  20. @SirBalon - I need your Napoli expertise mate! Got any good food recommendations? I'm not going to be there for very long, and part of the time I'm there... I'm actually going to be fucking off to see Pompei because I've always wanted to do that. But also if you've got any recommendations for how to spend the rest of the time in the city... I'd love that too. My hotel's not in the greatest location for touristy shite - but it's so close to Napoli Centrale (it might even be connected? I'm not 100% sure though )... which is probably handy for me as I'll be taking the train to and from the city. Decided to cut my Puglia exploration a bit short because I've always wanted to experience Naples for more than the few hours I'd spent already... and I've always wanted to see Pompei - so I'm pretty pleased to have this little bit of my upcoming trip in that area.
  21. I think a lot of clubs that have international players are going to be finding this season to be absolute carnage injury wise. I don't think there's any way around it due to FIFA deciding that the best world cup host is the one that throws them the biggest bag of cash, regardless of whether it fucks up the normal football schedule. I suspect we'll see more rotating than we ever have from Klopp before, but who knows.
  22. They've kept up Trump's trade war and are antagonising China over Taiwan?
  23. I agree, let's get Ten Hag out and get Roberto Martinez in.
  24. Tbf being on the same side as Ibra basically guarantees you won't win the CL. Not that he's bad, he's a literal living legend lol, he's just cursed in Europe.
  25. @DeadLinesmanbrought me further into the light by teaching me the joy of buying knockoff kits
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