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Posts posted by Stan

  1. Ajax have dismissed Marcel Keizer, Dennis Bergkamp and Hennie Spijkerman from their duties.

    According to Priya Ramesh on Twitter, Ajax said 'the club's leadershup finds there is inadequate confidence in them...the disappointing sporting results have also contributed. There is also a difference in opinion over the implementation of technical policy.'

    Apparently Bergkamp and Spijkerman were involved in disagreements with Wim Jonk and Peter Bosz which led to their departures. 

    Marc Overmars wanted to consider Laudrup to replace Bosz but Bergkamp wanted Keizer and apparently 'tensions have festered for a while now' 

  2. 25 minutes ago, DeadLinesman said:

    On a serious not though, I’m genuinely fucked. Sleep deprivation is awful.

    We're delighted you're finding time to come on here :x

  3. woken up to a lot of fucking snow and I couldn't be happier :D. All the more reason to stay in and watch football.

    Got the 3 Premier League games then Villarreal vs Barcelona in the evening.


  4. 14 hours ago, JOSHBRFC said:

    I’ve been a bit quiet recently in terms of posting on here, but.....

    I’m pregnant :$.

    Seriously though, 18th of June is her due date, also the same day the World Cup starts! Timed that brilliantly didn’t I. 

    congratulatios buddy! Timed that impeccably!

  5. 9 hours ago, Anton said:

    Knew it was a good decision. Fucking purple pricks.

    surely Kenny has to go now. Players clearly aren't responding to him. He's had injuries go against him but the injuries seem to be too frequent. The 2 youngsters up front did quite well. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kitchen Sales said:

    125th anniversary of the club. Here is the greatest Newcastle team voted for by the fans:

    Shay Given

    David Craig - Bobby Moncur - Philipe Albert - John Beresford

    Peter Beardsley - Paul Gascoigne - David Ginola

    Jackie Milburn - Alan Shearer - Kevin Keegan 


    In true Newcastle United style this team just simply won't be able to defend xD


    but you'll have a centre-back that can lob great goal-keepers from outside the box!

    Not to mention a striker that kicks opposition players in the face and threaten not to play for England again if he gets punished for it :ph34r: 

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, The Rebel CRS said:

    I've just jacked my job in. I've only been on there 6 weeks but there is not a chance in hell I'm being spoken to like a prick off some fat little virgin scouse cunt who lets his job go to his head. It was for the best that I left as I would have ended up smashing his face in and cunts like that would go straight to the police. The arrogant, fat little cunt. He looks like Penguin off Batman.


    The way he spoke to me today was absolutely ridiculous. I was walking from the compound as I went to find a hammer, he shouted me and this other lad over and started giving us shit. It felt like I was a teenager all over again being shouted at off the head teacher for being naughty. That isn't happening, especially not from some nonce looking fat midget dickhead like that. I would seriously smash his face in!




    right, i'm sorry you had to go through that but was it @Cannabis or @LFCMadLad that did this?


  8. 1 hour ago, carefreeluke said:

    Yeah mate, he's been playing the role Bakayoko plays and it's a tactical ploy in the new system we play, helps create space for the likes of Hazard and Morata and gives teams something else to think about. It would be interesting to hear the Leicester fans' opinions.

    In my opinion he's more a holding midfielder type player who in their title winning season probably didn't get enough credit for his defensive work, interceptions, hard work and working very well within a very specific system. We now have a very specific system and style of play which he has a role. After the title win at Leicester, his performances dropped like the majority of Leicester players. At Leicester he'd be one of the first to get on the ball and filter it through direct to Vardy. His passing is probably about average, nothing special and being in advance areas isn't his strong point, I would say Kante was a lot more important for them in advance areas with winning the ball high up the pitch and through counter attacks as Kante has the legs to do that. It would then be Drinkwater's job to cover.

    Majority of Chelsea fans seem to be impressed with Drinkwater and there's slowly being talk of the international call up for the World Cup. For me he works hard (which is all you can ask really to be fair) and he reads the game well but overall I haven't been that impressed so far especially compared to other Chelsea fans. I'll judge him properly at the end of the season though when he's had more playing time.

    I don't want to change this in to a Kante discussion as I know Drinkwater is the talking point but Kante was the most important in that 15/16 team. The fact he could defend and attack in equal measure and do both as superbly as the other meant he could run most games from that midfield point. And not to the detriment of Drinkwater, but Kante could probably play a game by himself in midfield and come out on top. They were the perfect pair. When one would go forward, the other would know to hold back and support in case we ourselves got countered.

    I actually think Drinkwater would benefit more from going forward and not being restricted to stay back or defend as a priority. He's got a quick mind which means he can read the game well and assess danger, so to speak, so if you were to get countered against, he would know where to be on the pitch and have the energy to get back and support. He'd end every single game absolutely knackered but that's only because he gave so much to the team and almost always gave 100%. 

    Most sensible Leicester fans recognised that when Drinkwater played well, the rest of the team usually did because he's such a workhorse and so tireless in the midfield. He'd work so hard up and down the pitch it meant that the creative players were free to express themselves - much like Hazard can (he'd probably do that anyway tbf) and Mahrez does for us.

  9. 6 minutes ago, The Liquidator said:

    I wonder if I can take a moment of Leicester City's fans time by asking a question about Danny Drinkwater?

    While I had seen him play for Leicester I couldnt consider myself as knowing all his game and how the club used him in there set up.

    Over the last couple of games he has started for Chelsea its been seen he has been released many times breaking through from a deep laying position where's he has either tried the final ball or a attempt on goal.

    Alas he hasnt really been excelling at either act, but I have been impressed with his timing of runs and running away from the player marking him, so my question is, is this something you guys saw him do at your club, or as I remember him, he was more a permanent fixture holding midfielder who would get a nose bleed if traveled too far up front?

    In the title-winning season, he was able to do that with the insurance of the beast that is N'Golo Kante helping him out. 

    Last season, he didn't do it as much. But that might just be because overall we were pretty poor so he was restricted from playing his 'natural game' or what he was good at (getting forward at the right time). 

    I don't see him as a holding midfielder but his reading of the game is very good and one of his best qualities. Very energetic and is capable of mixing up his game as a defensive midfielder or getting forward in attacks and providing for the wingers/strikers. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, FCBNick said:

    Guys, does anyone on here know how good the University of Salford is with their Law programme? Or any uni’s in England you all know of that has an excellent Law programme?

    you've got the standard Oxbridge unis at the top of the pile.

    I know UCL and Nottingham are good for law too. Durham, as well. 

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