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Fairy In Boots

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Everything posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. Spurs is where he’s going mate. 90% sure, don’t know the ins & outs
  2. Couldn’t be arsed to carry on the match thread Grealish will be going I’m told, however not Leicester or Newcastle however both have been after him.
  3. I’m not sure what’s more ignorant the people your taking the piss out of or remain voters that keep peddling this sort of shite.
  4. So I was reading about Italy earlier . Another great reason we voted out well done all those with a pair who stood up to the imperialists in Brussels. Hopefully they’ve just put the nail in the coffin of Italian membership, forza italia onwards to freedom
  5. basically this sums up John McCaine & Neo cons in Washington today
  6. of all people it’s fox fucking news that seems to be the only ones talking sense on Syria.
  7. Re Crimea, Not onboard with it, it wouldn’t have happened if NATO hadn’t been encroaching on Russia’s border though. NATO literally poked the bear then washed its hands when it blew up in their faces. Re Assad, he is a cunt but he’s not a thick cunt, why use them now? It’s stupid and the western war machine gearing up over it when there’s been no verification whatsoever makes me think the whole thing stinks. The Guardian has a piece today calling for military intervention in Syria ffs. It worked so well in Libya after all, on the guardian and the mail it’s 70/30 split against roughly nobody trusts the western press anymore regardless of political leaning.
  8. Nah complete bollocks I’m going to sound like a tinfoil hat wearing Alex Jones fan here. I’m convinced it’s a ploy by various parties in the west to keep engaged there because war = money. Various people talk of the “deep state” and although some of the claim are fanciful there’s definitely something to it. Or it’s Assad’s enemy’s trying to frame him to get others to step in because they’re losing. Then again the US has funded the rebels. I’m not saying Assad is a saint but I’m convinced he’s the lesser of two evils in Syria I’m pleased he’s won. I wonder where the West’s proxy war with Russia & Iran will land next? Are they still killing each other in eastern Ukraine because of NATO’s expansionist ideals to the Russia border?
  9. Didn’t we have a Syrian thread? Anyway I don’t buy this latest chemical attack one bit Assad is on the verge of victory, why do it?
  10. I watched the highlights, this must be the first time in we’ll over ten years but I found it overall entertaining. It looked to me like Ronda got the biggest pop of the night. For what it’s worth it was that or the Charlotte v Asuka match that was probably the best. Has Balor come out as gay or he hoping that pink pounds will get him over? Also wanked twice to Stephanie today.
  11. Discovered these yesterday better than 95% of the stuff i've heard since 03
  12. Three Billboards 8/10 very solid and enjoyable, can tell it’s from the same guy behind in Bruges. Also got that no country for old men feel, Rockwell is brilliant
  13. Also only slightly related to this topic but the virtue signalling over homeless folk is already tedious. There was a guy last week in Brum who’s been begging and sleeping rough on an island heading into the city centre he was given a job and a chance by a Good Samaritan working at his car wash & valet business. The local paper had a photo opp it all sounded brilliant and he was homeless again a week later turns out the “second chance” wasn’t enough he was caught stealing from clients cars. Silly fuckers like that deserve to freeze to death on council slabs in -7 conditions. It’s natural selection taking its course.
  14. Its been continuous but very dry light powdery stuff since Wednesday here which hasn’t settled apart from where it’s blow into drifts which had been manageable. But from 2pm onwards it’s settled now we’re at about 4-5” I got home about 5 and that was starting to take the piss to drive. I gather it’s taken most folk a few hours to do 2-3 miles
  15. You could bottle his piss and sell it as wine & I’d pay good money for it. Regardless of off the pitch (which I’ve heard he’s class around the club with kids etc) he’s been superb
  16. Agree on work being shit, however to my mind it’s still what kinda what we’re hardwired to do as hunter gatherers. It’s just now the parameters of society have changed. Sat in an office filling out a excel spreadsheet for an admin role that pays ex amount that can then be exchanged for food or other goods is essentially the same tedious work that hunter gathers partook to whittle spears etc in advance of a hunt. The hunt has been replaced by a simple monetary exchange now & obviously it’s much more complex than my simplistic likening, but the basic core ethos of working at something to use or exchange for a necessity such as food is the same. And I’m born & raised catholic I don’t use contraception, I think condoms are about as stimulating as frostbite. We’ve taken a different approach l, We’ve got young children now so we’ve taken the ultimate form of contraception, celibacy enforced through lack of a moment to ourselves.
  17. I’m unsure where he will play really. Maybe we will go to 3 cb’s with to wing backs. I think he’ll play as a holding midfielder more initially
  18. Imagine getting one lifetime on this earth and will fully denying yourself of a medium/rare steak! I can understand being picky about where your meat comes from, I’m anti religious slaughter and I’ve been in that many abattoirs & Battery farming set ups with work to avoid supermarket meat all together. I don’t think I’ll ever understand subverting natural instincts and thousands of years worth of human evolution to suddenly walk away from our place at the pinnacle of the food chain. It must be some sort of mania brought about by vitamin b12 deficiency
  19. Sites like glassdoor & payscale etc frequently give salary predictions and averages based on the various variables. You don't need a trade union who're exploiting themselves to tell you.
  20. It’s the age old thing of if you want something do it yourself. I negotiate my salary every year, if I don’t get a decent rise base on performance I look for other jobs. 2-3 times I’ve put notice in only to renegotiate salary and withdraw my notice, you’ll get the piss taken out of you if you let it.
  21. Where as I’ve done jobs I hate to keep the Wolves from the door
  22. Indeed my Mrs is at home with the kids at present but wants to go back to being a nurse in a shitty NHS job after, I’ve tried telling her I’ll pay for a qualification in a field with greater earning potential but she won’t have it.
  23. He’s not a really a right winger he identifies as a classic liberal which traditionally is left of center. In today’s modern world though if you’re not echoing the feminazi doctrine and ignoring basic science with gender identity you’re “a right winger” . Women are far more likely to have careers in vocational roles which are normally lower on the pay scale to, the whole argument is a crock of shit. As a boss you’re interested in paying what people are worth, many similarly aged men are on different salaries doing similar roles within the same company.
  24. It was so obvious how she was twisting it. As you said he was just too good for her and able to keep his composure which enabled him to pick apart the attempted narrative she was trying to portray.
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