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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. The economics is quite complex. If we're to open up for that sake I'd hope it's based on analysis of monetary policy and central banking tools rather than a hunch that everything will be a disaster.
  2. Were they over 50? It's mainly young people I see not wearing masks. Like it is uncool to wear a mask or their makeup will get smudged on their way out so they won't wear one. Next generation as rampantly individualist as any, the planet is fucked
  3. Lol fucking hell. That means unless the algorithm has some other individual level variable data to take into account it has randomised who gets put down when all else is equal.
  4. London is the 2nd biggest French city in Europe
  5. France has been added as well and they're going to put the UK on their list in retaliation I love how bitter French culture is.
  6. Why didn't teachers get to do appealing before kids got results?
  7. It's not uncommon in London for grad roles to set minimum A levels needed to apply. It's like a revised way snobs used to say "redbrick uni grads only" to try and keep the state educated people out without an HR lawsuit.
  8. Thought it was 36% of grades downgraded which is massive. Are those 36% spread across 14% of kids? I don't envy those who have to make the decision because there's no method that works. Maybe the better thing was to have everyone get what they wanted and a cultural and CV write off of that year with employers and universities doing their own weighting. The lesser evil being everyone's grades are treat as a joke rather than some people feeling massively wronged.
  9. Basically at the same phase many others companies have already reached? Just with the added Trumpism. Some analyst somewhere (lol) said the risk is that they dish this out outside of trials and it backfires then the anti-vaxxer cause will grow in numbers and resistance to all other covid vaccines.
  10. Apparently the only difference between this vaccine and others in development is they haven't bothered with full testing and seemingly they're not going to bother.
  11. Honey Honey

    Off Topic

    Were you furloughed for a period of 3 of more weeks at any point before June 30th? If yes you should be eligible for partial furlough, 80% pay of the missed hours. Your employer needs to submit the paperwork for this. If you normally work mon-wed, but instead now work mon-tue, you'd be furloughed on Wed. So 80% of Wed pay will come from furlough scheme. You'd get 100% od mon-tue pay.
  12. Could be touching the doors in and out of the building. I feel a high risk taker everytime I open the door to get to the milk in the fridges at Lidl
  13. If it was just about a shop that's closing down for good then why don't they say that instead of saying this is so we can sign Willian like they did in their statement?
  14. Basically the £2m in savings to the wage bill will go straight to the agent of 32 year old Willian.
  15. Anyone in the North West privy to any local analysis on why it has had the worst COVID figures in the country? More deaths than any other region. Worst ratios. Haven't been able to get daily cases below 100-150 when London has been at around 50 for 2 months. Walked straight into a 2nd wave. If we just go by national TV interviews of locals you'd assume it's because few in the Greater Manchester area can think for themselves. What's the real reason?
  16. Local lockdowns didn't work months ago because testing wasn't readily available. They failed in both China and Italy. I also know someone who went to Spain at the time it was blowing up in Madrid and said it's fine the cases aren't where he's going. He caught COVID. Local lockdowns were one of the biggest failures of the early pandemic days. Your city might not have had many cases precisely because of lockdown.
  17. We used to have two Liverpool fans from Harrogate. Italian lads. Going back years now.
  18. Paul Scholes apparently breaking the rules this weekend throwing a massive party. Does he live on your street @DeadLinesman
  19. Da youth are being blamed by the WHO. The virus starts with 20-24 year having unprotected handshakes. The risk is under 44 tend to be asymptomatic so probably arent getting tested. If there is a spike in cases many more are likely to be infected.
  20. Dunno about big outbreak but it's going to be interesting in October when cold and flu season is back. The amount of tests required will be massive. What will everyone do the moment they get the first symptom? Immediately isolate whole household and get tested? Unlikely.
  21. The first few months were spent debating whether masks work or not. Evidence was mixed. Studies since have found it to be effective for Coronavirus. The World Health Organisation only last month changed its guidance to say everyone should be wearing masks rather than their original stance of everyone infected should wear a mask. A part of the shift to masks is because you can have it and spread it and not know. Despite mass protests, big beach crowds and Liverpool title celebrations there was no spike in cases. You can say that's luck and chance falling kindly or that the virus doesn't spread well outdoors, or both. What we do know is the virus is spreading in enclosed places of poor hygiene and conditions. Slaughterhouses, factories, farm housing. Generally the population, myself included, are becoming less and less risk averse as time goes on.
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