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Carnivore Chris

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Everything posted by Carnivore Chris

  1. @JoshBRFC Nintendo Switch mate. I only got it because of going to Fuerteventura the other week. I haven't been on the Ps4 for ages. I need to buy a Ps5 at some point to be honest. It's actually a good game on the switch as it's the actual game and not just updated squads like that awful Fifa game last year.
  2. Barcelona won all 6 in 2009 and 5 in 2015 and Bayern have done it as well.
  3. I wouldn't have even had them in Europa spots. Had this been Sevilla, Villarreal(both of which are shit this year), Athletic Bilbao, Real Sociedad or even Real Betis, it would be more understandable.
  4. It's been 25 here(Fuerteventura) today.
  5. Some nice views mate. You have any plans to go anywhere else any time soon? Fuerteventura tomorrow .
  6. I've got a feeling that Uruguay are going to win it this time. But it would be nice to see someone like Colombia or Perú pull it off. Argentina always play Chile. That's not an easy group for them though. Chile, Perú and even Canada can all make it difficult. Brazil have it easy, other than Colombia. Uruguay shouldn't have problems getting out of their group either.
  7. According to the weather forecast, next week in Fuerteventura(well, as of Saturday when I go) will see highs of 24 and lows of 16/17, so that's doesn't sound bad to me at all for December.
  8. What about the 4 year old girl who saw her parents killed before her eyes, before then being held captive?
  9. If you look at cities individually though, Colombia only has 4 in the top 50, whereas México has like 25. The USA has an overall rating similar to Perú, but if you look at individual cities like St Louis or New Orleans, for example, they are up there with the worst. Also you have to look at the type of murders. Are they gang related, are they civilian on civilian, etc. It can be deceiving also. The other year Montserrat had a pretty high murder rate, although there were only actually 2 murders. Due to the such low population, it made it look a much worse situation than it was. Also, I'm guessing El Salvador's will be much lower now than 2 years ago(which is when the data is from) due to Bukele. In fact, I'm thinking that could be a great tourist destination in the near future. Over 100 volcanoes(very few are active however) there too @nudge
  10. I have been following this fella for a while now, as he has been travelling through Latin America, to many countries like Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Brasil, etc and he always goes to the barrios and favelas. When in Brazil, he was even going to parties with gangs in favelas. But to the point; in this video, he decides to take the same route through the Darién gap that many illegal migrants take daily, to experience what it is like for the many who flee their countries for a better life in the USA. This is the route many Venezuelans take(which is why I thought it would be relevant to post here) and just shows the extreme lengths people go to. You can't get any more real and raw than this guy's channel and it's great how he is exposing these realities to the world. His channel really shows how friendly and welcoming the majority of Latin American people are too, whichever country that is.
  11. Against Georgia in the European qualifiers. Typical. Get well soon Gavi. But I can see him never being the same again after this, just like Fati. Barcelona's future is basically dying before it even starts. Pedri and Araújo are injured all the time themselves. But honestly though, the kid getting better is the most important. It must be horrific to suffer such an injury and it's going to be a seriously stressful time for him.
  12. Only 2 weeks and 6 days until Fuerteventura
  13. I think it would be a good idea to have a Latin America thread, rather than separate countries, like with the Middle East thread, as it would create more discussion that way in my opinion.
  14. It's hard to say. But those who choose sides only believe what they want, while they brush off anything they wish to not believe. Really, the right and far left are just using this to fuel their political agenda and create even more divide in the country. You won't see the far left protesting about Sudan, Myanmar or any other country where there is currently a civil war going on as it doesn't suit their political agenda. There is nobody to bait up by doing so.
  15. The scenes in Sudan right now are horrific.
  16. They haven't done that with this though and it's an actual new game this time. That Fifa 23 was horrible due to the reasons you mentioned. I only bought it for when traveling, but ended up selling almost instantly. Terrible game. I'm supposed to be at work now, but due to the site being 7 mins walk from home, I fuck off home all the time. We can't do much in the rain since it's external building work so when they are sat in the brew room, I sneak off home, playing on the switch/watching TV and smoking a spliff. Fuck them
  17. I got FC 24 for the Switch yesterday. Not a bad a game for Switch standards to be honest. I like actually like it so far. Fifa 23 was horrible. I couldn't play it and ended up whacking it on ebay. How they could release a game like that on the Switch is embarrassing. This is atleast a proper game though and should keep me sane while flying to Fuerteventura in 3.5 weeks.
  18. I wonder how much they spent on Cocaine to compliment that alcohol?
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