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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Looks like a nice pair of bins... I would be a bit skeptical about the photographic usefulness of it, but it should be very nice for skygazing... At that magnification, you should be able to see the moons of Jupiter, nevermind all the stars and deep sky objects. I have a list of DSO you can see with binoculars somewhere, can send it to you later if you wish... I sold my scope and am getting a new pair of binoculars myself.
  2. Can't say I care much about the logo of any league, to be honest.
  3. nudge

    Show us your pets

    He (I think it's a male parakeet? Or is it is a she?) is lovely, Chris. Have you taught him any swear words yet?
  4. Might be just "an open barren surface", but it's an open barren surface on another planet, a world where no human had ever set foot on, almost 200 million kilometers away from us! I think we have been mostly spoiled and numbed by huge loads of information to such a degree that things like this do not seem groundbreaking anymore and people have largely become too apathetic to react or care. Imagine how ecstatic and excited the general public would have been if they had access to videos or images like this some 50 years ago!
  5. Haha no apology required, especially when it comes to believing in a club you support... given that the two are both on 22 points, don't think there's much difference between them anyway. Welcome back.
  6. I'd rather eat the cow, to be honest!
  7. Civil disobedience movement is growing in Myanmar, led by doctors and other medical personnel, who have already declared that they won't work for military government. Noise protests and singing are taking place in Yangon at night, with people gathering under the cover of darkness.
  8. I know what you meant Just in a silly mood. Anyways, @Happy Blue would never recommend eating grain bowls... he'd suggest you to have a whole cow for breakfast, including the udders and everything!
  9. Yeah I don't recommend eating bowls, ceramic is probably not very good for the teeth and it's also hard to digest...
  10. Wow, very clear indeed. Meanwhile, my night sky conditions:
  11. nudge

    Show us your pets

    That's what annoys me every time when I hear yet another story of some dog attacking and biting someone "unexpectedly" and "without reason", only to find out that the said dog was pretty much neglected, kept outside in a kennel or even worse, chained, and mostly isolated, with lack of interaction and proper training; especially when it's one of the strong-willed, high-maintenance, boundless energy breeds that are known for needing a lot of daily exercise, socialisation and general attention.
  12. nudge

    Show us your pets

    I mean, most of the dog breeds can definitely adapt to it, especially if provided with adequate shelter, but the question is, why would you want to do it for a pet dog? It's different with working dogs; people in the countryside keep them for protection of their property and livestock from wild animals and potential human intruders, so they have to be kept outside for that reason, but I don't know why anyone would like to do it to a companion dog...
  13. nudge

    Show us your pets

    It depends on circumstances (e.g. climate, type of housing, the breed of the dog, etc.), but in general, dogs are pack animals who need to socialise, bond and interact with other members of the pack, so surely if you spend most of the time indoors yourself, that's also where your dog should be? Now if you have a house with a backyard or something along those lines, and spend time both inside and outside, then giving your dog the freedom to go back and forth seems to be ideal...
  14. nudge

    Off Topic

    How many in total now?
  15. That's a shame. It's a really fun racing series.
  16. Grosjean will be racing in IndyCar next season, except the ovals/superspeedways. Massive respect.
  17. https://www.frontiermyanmar.net/en/aung-san-suu-kyi-win-myint-to-face-charges-as-nld-calls-for-unconditional-release/ Wow. They didn't even bother to come up with charges that could be taken seriously.
  18. We started discussing this at work in early January; at first, everyone thought that it will be a regionally limited spread similar to SARS, then once China put millions of people into a lockdown, people started having mixed feelings - on one hand, lockdown there meant less opportunities for it to spread internationally, on the other hand, it showed how much more serious it was than originally thought. Then about two weeks later, my boss (a virologist) was already furious about lack of proper containment measures and testing in Europe/Western world, but especially about lax attitudes of politicians in charge, and correctly predicted massive outbreaks everywhere in a few weeks time. It's interesting to see how the attitudes changed in just a few months time; a lot of mistakes were and still are being made, hopefully the lessons will be learned though as I don't think it's the last time we deal with something like this.
  19. We'll, that bath scene was very awkward...
  20. Same outcome as SN8... Successful hop, crash on landing. Engine 2 seems to have failed to fire on landing burn.
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