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1 hour ago, Waylander said:

Musk might stir up a hornets nest with this, it has been alleged that Bill Clinton a regular user of Epstein's escort girls?


See the source image

also Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Bill Clinton... along with probably a shitload of other US politicians and rich people should be shitting themselves at the prospect of this list being released.

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2 hours ago, Viva la FCB said:

This shitpile of a human being has made nonstop absolutely baseless and ridiculous claims before but this might actually take the cake of how delusional one man can get. About 30 seconds in....


"Nobody has done more for Christianity than me."

How on earth does the interviewer not immediately ask "What about Jesus?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Peter doocey asking the new press sec about Biden's tweet that increasing tax will reduce inflation.   she couldn't come up with a smart answer or even just say she doesn't know, just bombarded us with that same old progressive trope of taxing rich a lot because of them being rich blah blah fish paste stuff.


Jeff bezos then tweets that Biden a new misinformation Gestapo should look into his tweet as politically motivated misinformation.


I'm happy to draw a line under this regime as being not only terrible for america but the rest of the world to.   its a day to day parody

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19 hours ago, OrangeKhrush said:

Peter doocey asking the new press sec about Biden's tweet that increasing tax will reduce inflation.   she couldn't come up with a smart answer or even just say she doesn't know, just bombarded us with that same old progressive trope of taxing rich a lot because of them being rich blah blah fish paste stuff.


Jeff bezos then tweets that Biden a new misinformation Gestapo should look into his tweet as politically motivated misinformation.


I'm happy to draw a line under this regime as being not only terrible for america but the rest of the world to.   its a day to day parody

So Jeff Bezos is FOR taxing the rich? Didn’t he pay nothing in taxes? xD

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5 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

So Jeff Bezos is FOR taxing the rich? Didn’t he pay nothing in taxes? xD

it was covered in the new york Times that bill Gates and Bezos who live in Washington state which is the most disproportionate taxes state in the US and exclusively full of democrat politicians due to it being a rich man's tax haven.   


besides the point though, the question was how does taxing the rich lower inflation, every left wing economist called out the lie and bezos then tweeted to have Biden a tweet investigated for missinformation.



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of course the left in America is looking for anything to cling to, today's flavour of the month is the buffalo shooter who as it turns out hates conservatives and moderates, is more a Bernie boy and likes anarcho socialism.  he believes Israel is controlling the world and is a neo Nazi.   he wrote that when he grows up he wants to commit murder suicide, people said he was mentally not right yet he was released from a mental facility a year ago after threatening mass violance.


of course president slomo and the left propaganda machine labelled him a conservative and blames fox, tucker, Shapiro, Peterson, the Easter bunny.


fun fact he was a very liberal white supremacist who's actions are that of a demented person the stare released and his actions do not represent people on the left or the right.   president slomo lied about unifying, the goal is identity politics to create fear, make people act irrationally in their fear and give absolute power to you.   I've seen this movie it's called V for Vendetta.

america is becoming a massive threat to the world, radical people are in control of one of the world's nuclear powers and are he'll bent on identity divisive agenda to tear down Western Civilization and push a Globalist agenda

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7 hours ago, OrangeKhrush said:

america is becoming a massive threat to the world, radical people are in control of one of the world's nuclear powers and are he'll bent on identity divisive agenda to tear down Western Civilization and push a Globalist agenda

Yep the American empire is under threat the US corporations want to destroy Russia and turn it into a liberal democracy so US Corporations can control Russian energy sources.

Then they would move on to China next and take over all their big companies.

I guess like in the film Elysium all the corporate heads and their political insiders would reside in some ecological paradise, maybe Costa Rica.

Having worked in a global corporate I recall jobs being out-sourced to India and Brits who said they would go with the jobs and accept local salaries as they had savings and loved golf. No that was not allowed and then the myth of everyone benefits is just that a myth. It is all about the power of global corporations trumping national sovereignty.

The problem is the earth has finite assets and the stock price cannot keep ascending..........


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11 hours ago, OrangeKhrush said:

it was covered in the new york Times that bill Gates and Bezos who live in Washington state which is the most disproportionate taxes state in the US and exclusively full of democrat politicians due to it being a rich man's tax haven.   

Bill Gates lives in Cailfornia now

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11 hours ago, OrangeKhrush said:

of course president slomo and the left propaganda machine labelled him a conservative and blames fox, tucker, Shapiro, Peterson, the Easter bunny.

I mean... he specifically cited the "white replacement theory" that's been peddled on Tucker Carlson's show - I think it's understandable the loudest voice pushing that particular extreme view takes some blame.

A bigger issue than whatever his political leanings were are that the US media is pushing people into extremists on both sides. That's not any politicians fault, that's the media's fault. Controversy sells, so the more extremists they can create the more disasters will happen and the more controversial stories they have to report on.

4 hours ago, Waylander said:

Yep the American empire is under threat the US corporations want to destroy Russia and turn it into a liberal democracy so US Corporations can control Russian energy sources.

I'm not sure that's really true... most of the US (and the West's) sanctions on Russia have come after Russia has done things like poisoning ex-spies in Salisbury, which led to UK 2 police officers getting poisoned as well, and Russia's second invasion of Ukraine. Russia's destroyed it's own economy by invading Ukraine under false pretenses and having western business pull away from Russia and reluctant to do business with Russia - and it's sent ripples through the world economy.

I'm not sure how the US could "do the same thing next" with China, unless China brings it's military into Taiwan - which I can't see them doing after Russia's Ukraine invasion because Ukraine has made the world's second largest military look pathetic against US and NATO weaponry. China might have better weaponry than Russia - but it also might not, Russian equipment at least is fairly combat tested with all of their "peacekeeping" operations in former Soviet states and the brutality they brought to Cechnya and Syria, for example. China's military is far less tested than Russia's.

China's also got a far larger economy than Russia has had for decades. Russia's economy is basically propped up by being Europe's petrol station and biggest supplier of natural gas. China, on the other hand, has probably the largest manufacturing industries in the world as well as a thriving service sector. But they rely on the West just as much as the West relies on them - if they were to do anything to get the sort of treatment Russia's received... we'd all be reeling from the economic impact.

I also just don't believe that the US really does long-term foreign policy - everything is short term and because of the American political media, the thinking gets an even quicker time table - basically what really matters is the policy in between election cycles. The US and Russia would have a relatively "normal" relationship between the two rivals if not for this invasion - which was something the US warned Russia not to go ahead with in the weeks preceding the invasion.

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15 minutes ago, Viva la FCB said:

Dont feed the troll, hes too far gone friend. 

Eh... he might just be misinformed by whatever info he's been fed from wherever he consumes media from. And even if he's not, it's important to counter wrong information on the internet because for whatever reason sometimes bullshit just sticks with people.

I do think it's weird though when people claim neo-Nazis are part of the extreme left. It might be because Nazi's a mix of "National Socialist" and they see the word socialist... but the Nazi ideology is a fascist ideology. So Nazis are a part of the extreme right. And the reason this gunman claimed he didn't like Fox news is not because they're a right-wing media outlet... it's because they weren't peddling enough of the far right white nationalist bullshit some of their talking heads (like Carlson) push and were too moderate. But he did specifically cite something that Carlson had been pushing on his show in the days before his attack.

But I think it's right Tucker Carlson gets some blame for the shooting - he's got the most watched show on the most watched news network in the USA and he spreads far-right white nationalist conspiracy theories designed to make people afraid and hateful. Carlson didn't invent the "replacement theory" but he's certainly helped it spread - and now that theory has been cited by a man who's murdered people simply because they're black.

The media needs to get more shit for the extremism they have been building up in the US (and really, the world). Because they are going to spread ideas that if people take too seriously will lead to other instances of domestic terrorism like the Buffalo shooter.

The media can't just pretend like they're another loony at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park "just getting their ideas out of their head." They've got a remarkably large platform and they spread ideas, more than news nowadays tbh, to millions of people in an instance. So pushing neo-Nazi conspiracy theories that are cited as a reason a man goes out to murder people of a different race to him... it's something that should be condemned.

Having a "free press" is not an excuse to spread hate and violence.

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6 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Eh... he might just be misinformed by whatever info he's been fed from wherever he consumes media from. And even if he's not, it's important to counter wrong information on the internet because for whatever reason sometimes bullshit just sticks with people.

I do think it's weird though when people claim neo-Nazis are part of the extreme left. It might be because Nazi's a mix of "National Socialist" and they see the word socialist... but the Nazi ideology is a fascist ideology. So Nazis are a part of the extreme right. And the reason this gunman claimed he didn't like Fox news is not because they're a right-wing media outlet... it's because they weren't peddling enough of the far right white nationalist bullshit some of their talking heads (like Carlson) push and were too moderate. But he did specifically cite something that Carlson had been pushing on his show in the days before his attack.

But I think it's right Tucker Carlson gets some blame for the shooting - he's got the most watched show on the most watched news network in the USA and he spreads far-right white nationalist conspiracy theories designed to make people afraid and hateful. Carlson didn't invent the "replacement theory" but he's certainly helped it spread - and now that theory has been cited by a man who's murdered people simply because they're black.

The media needs to get more shit for the extremism they have been building up in the US (and really, the world). Because they are going to spread ideas that if people take too seriously will lead to other instances of domestic terrorism like the Buffalo shooter.

The media can't just pretend like they're another loony at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park "just getting their ideas out of their head." They've got a remarkably large platform and they spread ideas, more than news nowadays tbh, to millions of people in an instance. So pushing neo-Nazi conspiracy theories that are cited as a reason a man goes out to murder people of a different race to him... it's something that should be condemned.

Having a "free press" is not an excuse to spread hate and violence.

except tucker Carlson has never espoused white replacement theory.   he has shown clips of multiple democrat politicians talking on open borders and mass immigration which could and up in white minority due to cultural dilution which is why many European countries have closed borders following the disaster of Sweden.


Pelosi and Biden have spoken on camera about a white minority and changing america to a one party state.   the downside is now Latin Americans are the biggest minority and they don't want open borders amongst many other things.

white replacement theory is a neo Nazi ideology and has nothing to do with conservative ideology.   it was a poor attempt to politicize a situation by a president that is at his end.   Biden promised unity and he continues to push division not only Americans but globally.   

Edited by OrangeKhrush
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15 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Eh... he might just be misinformed by whatever info he's been fed from wherever he consumes media from. And even if he's not, it's important to counter wrong information on the internet because for whatever reason sometimes bullshit just sticks with people.

I do think it's weird though when people claim neo-Nazis are part of the extreme left. It might be because Nazi's a mix of "National Socialist" and they see the word socialist... but the Nazi ideology is a fascist ideology. So Nazis are a part of the extreme right. And the reason this gunman claimed he didn't like Fox news is not because they're a right-wing media outlet... it's because they weren't peddling enough of the far right white nationalist bullshit some of their talking heads (like Carlson) push and were too moderate. But he did specifically cite something that Carlson had been pushing on his show in the days before his attack.

But I think it's right Tucker Carlson gets some blame for the shooting - he's got the most watched show on the most watched news network in the USA and he spreads far-right white nationalist conspiracy theories designed to make people afraid and hateful. Carlson didn't invent the "replacement theory" but he's certainly helped it spread - and now that theory has been cited by a man who's murdered people simply because they're black.

The media needs to get more shit for the extremism they have been building up in the US (and really, the world). Because they are going to spread ideas that if people take too seriously will lead to other instances of domestic terrorism like the Buffalo shooter.

The media can't just pretend like they're another loony at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park "just getting their ideas out of their head." They've got a remarkably large platform and they spread ideas, more than news nowadays tbh, to millions of people in an instance. So pushing neo-Nazi conspiracy theories that are cited as a reason a man goes out to murder people of a different race to him... it's something that should be condemned.

Having a "free press" is not an excuse to spread hate and violence.


I applaud your optimism but people that spout the non stop easily disprovable garbage hes repeatedly spouted dont want facts, they dont care. CNN, ABC and even MSNBC do a pretty good job fighting back and fighting misinformation but the people that need to see that stuff simply dont, the other side is their simply dismissed by the coined term of the infant orange orangutan "Fake News" which essentially means any story they dont like or dont agree with and much like many of his idiotic buzz words his donkeys lap them up... replacement theory is just another one. But back on track these people are far too beyond help just read his response, theres no accountability theres no acceptance or even an attempt to learn its just double down. Sounds familiar yes? The Republican party almost in a nutshell these days. 

I wholeheartedly agree with you and I think it was Bill Maher that said the number one problem with disinformation is noone fact checks anymore - hes partially right in that far too many people see something on Fox News for example and just dont think for themselves and take it as truth. They dont do any research themselves or question anything that sounds outlandish because Fox doesnt give a flying fuck about news and most of their consumers arent even aware or understand they barely report any news. The other side of this is what you bring up, it was just like when the idea of Trump running was floated. Most people thought it was a joke and he'd never make it. He did far more then that and ended up being essentially a lightning rod for the nutjobs and bigots and racists. Its to the point where they cant be ignored anymore as they are too large of a movement and too many moving parts now.

Tbh the Dems should have been able to crush them but their far too weak but thats another discussion im just ranting now. 

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11 hours ago, OrangeKhrush said:

except tucker Carlson has never espoused white replacement theory.   he has shown clips of multiple democrat politicians talking on open borders and mass immigration which could and up in white minority due to cultural dilution which is why many European countries have closed borders following the disaster of Sweden.

So he's never espoused the white replacement theory... he's just going on TV and showing clips that have been edited short to claim that one party wants to... replace whites. xD It's the fucking white replacement theory. He might be trying to disguise it... but look at what he's saying - he's not disguising it very well.

He's getting criticism because he's gone on TV with a neo-Nazi conspiracy theory days before a neo-Nazi has murdered people using the same neo-Nazi conspiracy theory in his manifesto. Seems fair to me a prominent mouthpiece of white supremacy gets criticism when something they've been saying gets cited by a white supremacist murderer.

Idk what you're talking about regarding Pelosi wanting a "one party state" - she commented she wanted a return to republican values before American politics got so polarised and cited old republican policies that were a part of the party platform even during the Bush era. That's not wanting a one party state, that's wanting the extremists of America's right wing to not be so prominent in the republican party.

For all this fearmongering about Americas radical left... it's really not that many people that are truly left wing in US politics. Bernie Sanders, that one woman who has the same initials as Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Angus King, and a handful (and I really do mean a handful, like 3-5) members of the house of representative. Most of the democratic party in the UK would likely closely ideologically align with tories & Blaire era labour (which was very tory-esque). There's a handful of fringe left-wing weirdos calling themselves Antifa... and most people don't really like them because they see them as disruptive and violent.

I think that's a hell of a lot different than the most watched political news channel in a country's most popular show spouting off neo-Nazi bullshit. And if US conservatives want to distance themselves from white supremacy - they should take more steps to condemn it, rather than promote it on their largest media arm. Otherwise they will get criticised for it. And it'll be fair.

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2 hours ago, Viva la FCB said:


I applaud your optimism but people that spout the non stop easily disprovable garbage hes repeatedly spouted dont want facts, they dont care. CNN, ABC and even MSNBC do a pretty good job fighting back and fighting misinformation but the people that need to see that stuff simply dont, the other side is their simply dismissed by the coined term of the infant orange orangutan "Fake News" which essentially means any story they dont like or dont agree with and much like many of his idiotic buzz words his donkeys lap them up... replacement theory is just another one. But back on track these people are far too beyond help just read his response, theres no accountability theres no acceptance or even an attempt to learn its just double down. Sounds familiar yes? The Republican party almost in a nutshell these days. 

I wholeheartedly agree with you and I think it was Bill Maher that said the number one problem with disinformation is noone fact checks anymore - hes partially right in that far too many people see something on Fox News for example and just dont think for themselves and take it as truth. They dont do any research themselves or question anything that sounds outlandish because Fox doesnt give a flying fuck about news and most of their consumers arent even aware or understand they barely report any news. The other side of this is what you bring up, it was just like when the idea of Trump running was floated. Most people thought it was a joke and he'd never make it. He did far more then that and ended up being essentially a lightning rod for the nutjobs and bigots and racists. Its to the point where they cant be ignored anymore as they are too large of a movement and too many moving parts now.

Tbh the Dems should have been able to crush them but their far too weak but thats another discussion im just ranting now. 

I just don't understand how people don't hear something that seems like it's inflammatory and almost unbelievable (for example: the claim that US politicians want a one party state) without looking into it and looking into what was actually said.

It takes google and the ability to sift through some links to get a full picture of what actually happened or what was actually said. If a source is breaking up quotes in a certain way and then putting it's own opinion in... without giving the full quote or full context of what happened... when you can see the full text/get a better picture... you should be able to see when political editorialisation is happening to cause division and sow extremism.

It is scary, but fascinating, how information manipulation and misinformation can be so effective.

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19 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

I just don't understand how people don't hear something that seems like it's inflammatory and almost unbelievable (for example: the claim that US politicians want a one party state) without looking into it and looking into what was actually said.

It takes google and the ability to sift through some links to get a full picture of what actually happened or what was actually said. If a source is breaking up quotes in a certain way and then putting it's own opinion in... without giving the full quote or full context of what happened... when you can see the full text/get a better picture... you should be able to see when political editorialisation is happening to cause division and sow extremism.

It is scary, but fascinating, how information manipulation and misinformation can be so effective.

Im with you man. Thats why im partly so invested in this because it is absolutely fascinating to see this all play out. I do also have the vested interest as naturally it has started seeping down here, at least to start out its a very very marginal fraction of people. 

Youre damn right though it is scary especially when its weaponized in the form of essentially manufacturing outrage. 

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5 hours ago, Viva la FCB said:

Im with you man. Thats why im partly so invested in this because it is absolutely fascinating to see this all play out. I do also have the vested interest as naturally it has started seeping down here, at least to start out its a very very marginal fraction of people. 

Youre damn right though it is scary especially when its weaponized in the form of essentially manufacturing outrage. 

It’s weird too, when I was a kid all the adults in my family would say things like “don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

It’s good advice.

Now I feel like every time I have to talk to my uncle I have to tell him “don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

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I wonder when this motivates a race crime lol.  that first CNN chat where that Maggie Smith tries to attribute racism as a white cultural thing, it is probably a good thing nobody watches CNN or MSNBC anymore.


Why did the leftstream media hide the wakausha killing and recent new york subway shooting? both perpetrators had a history on Twitter and Facebook for posting anti white, anti Semitic hate speech, yet that was silenced, when the wakausha killer was mowing over white folks in his SUV Biden was calling Kyle Rittenhause a white supremacist.

then Joe decided to use the buffalo shooting as a political rally by imputing that the killer and republicans are the same yet the killer has never voted Republican, hates them and hates Ben Shapiro, tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and all Jewish people.   it is pure desperation as immediately after his ratings continued to plummet.


the left is not pushing right to American values, they are pushing left to extreme identity politics.   jokes on then though as the Latino communities are voting against it and more African Americans are crossing the Rubicon.


I would however agree that Trump is not a good candidate, Ron De Santis is probably the best answer as he governs a purple state well and they hate him for that.


in other news Apple employees were asked to come back to the office but stated this was racist as only whites will go back to work.   America has an identity politics issue and if they don't get a proper leader and someone who can instil reality back into the people, america is teetering towards something bad.

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15 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

It’s weird too, when I was a kid all the adults in my family would say things like “don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

It’s good advice.

Now I feel like every time I have to talk to my uncle I have to tell him “don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

And sure enough Khrus's next post is pure garbage and full of misinformation. I guess you have to give the retrumplicans credit for turning blatant lies into every day vocabulary that somehow people believe. Im going to go ahead and block him but I hope people here are smart enough not to believe it. 

Thats just it, it used to be a thing I dont know what happend. I guess when someone you deem as a leader of your country constantly lies and spreads bullshit and a partisan major networking cloaking itself as news people just believe what they spew. Humanity is doomed when it gets its information in the form of unregulated Twitter and TikTok.  

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In news of actual radical politics in the US, Gini Thomas - wife of Supreme Court Justice - has been exposed as having pressured AZ election officials to illegally overturn the election, according to her emails.

It can’t be good having the wife of an unelected official holding his position for life, who ultimately interprets Americas laws,  being implicated in illegally trying to subvert democracy.

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Though Russia's economy appears small I believe it is actually larger due to their internal spending on the military, I think this is not being counted.

China is building a number of aircraft carriers to go toe to toe with the US in the Pacific and then beyond. It is playing the long game yet playing to win.

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25 minutes ago, Waylander said:

Though Russia's economy appears small I believe it is actually larger due to their internal spending on the military, I think this is not being counted.

China is building a number of aircraft carriers to go toe to toe with the US in the Pacific and then beyond. It is playing the long game yet playing to win.

I don't think Russia's high military spending means they've got a bigger economy than is being reported - it's just that the military spending is high despite the lack of spending in other sectors of their economy. Natural gas and oil sales and their military is how they project power in Europe.

They've also now got to go back to a time when there was little international investment in Russia, due to now being the most sanctioned nation on the planet, after getting a taste of what a globalised economy can do for their population. So they're suffering a huge shock to their economy right now that is unlikely to get better any time soon.

China's growing it's military with it's economy, because it has to - they want to be the eastern answer to the US, and unlike Russia but like the US, they're actually a superpower. The US projects it's power through it's economic might and having the strongest military - China has to do the same thing.

All countries, especially the superpowers, are playing the long game to win. I think China wants to be the dominant nation on the country like the US has been for decades - but I think they'd like to reach that point through economic dominance rather than military dominance. But they'll need a big military to back their economic weight because... well... if the world responded to economic power alone, the US wouldn't have such a massive military budget. China's got an advantage in long term strategy as they've given Xi power for life basically, while the US is absolutely dogshit at implementing policies long term.

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18 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

I don't think Russia's high military spending means they've got a bigger economy than is being reported - it's just that the military spending is high despite the lack of spending in other sectors of their economy. Natural gas and oil sales and their military is how they project power in Europe.

They've also now got to go back to a time when there was little international investment in Russia, due to now being the most sanctioned nation on the planet, after getting a taste of what a globalised economy can do for their population. So they're suffering a huge shock to their economy right now that is unlikely to get better any time soon.

China's growing it's military with it's economy, because it has to - they want to be the eastern answer to the US, and unlike Russia but like the US, they're actually a superpower. The US projects it's power through it's economic might and having the strongest military - China has to do the same thing.

All countries, especially the superpowers, are playing the long game to win. I think China wants to be the dominant nation on the country like the US has been for decades - but I think they'd like to reach that point through economic dominance rather than military dominance. But they'll need a big military to back their economic weight because... well... if the world responded to economic power alone, the US wouldn't have such a massive military budget. China's got an advantage in long term strategy as they've given Xi power for life basically, while the US is absolutely dogshit at implementing policies long term.

Russia apparently looked at their food production a couple of years ago as they had decided Biden would escalate things in Ukraine either directly or covertly.

It was all over the independent media before the election, Trump meant trade war with China and Biden trouble in the Ukraine.

I was reading books  year or two ago from Waterstones covering the unreal levels of corruption in Ukraine with loads of front companies there. A lot of companies owning lots of property registered in the Caymans.


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