It turns out it must have been panic attacks, which have the same symptoms as heart attacks, which is why I was shitting myself. The pain also lingers on an off but is in areas you associate with more serious physical health conditions. It randomly came on while simply watching Tele at midnight or so the other night, which was weird.
It's not covid though mate, I've had none of the main symptoms and I've never even thought of it being that, but potential heart attacks or a stroke. Scary, but it feels alot more dangerous than it actually is from a physical perspective. The symptoms are similar to a heart attack or heart failure which was the scare.
I'd never had them before nor ever thought I'd be prone to them. I would say I've always had a bit of anxiety as I'm always a bit fidgety and hyper but it's not something that affects me in public, I mean I wouldn't go to camp nou on my own, for example, if it did. I do like chilling in, but you need a balance, even if it's just working all week. I always associated these attacks with someone who is agoraphobic.
I think it's the opposite for me and being stuck in the same house too much drives me nuts. I've been lazy for 2 months and sat in alot. This along with a change in sleep pattern, thinking too much and getting wound up all caught up on me. It happened 3 times in 3 days before I went to the hospital, as I thought my heart was packing in. The shock from the first caused the second 2 I think as my mind was racing.
What I would say, is chill out, don't let issues going on wind you up too much and look after yourself. I've noticed @RandoEFC getting wound up alot in recent months and I would say relax because you could cause yourself alot of unneeded stress.
@CaaC (John) the problem with many of us men is actually going to the hospital in the first place. We'd do anything to hold it off, but if you go, they can make you better, or in my case, reassure you.