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  1. What the fuck does Russia waging a war have to do with arms manufacturing nations instigating proxy wars to keep supply and demand? Russia didn’t start a war involving Russia so it could sell arms to Russia.
    1 point
  2. Where are they leaving to? Are they gonna sell their homes and move to Jo-Berg next door to you? Honestly sick of this dollar store Ben Shapiro bit you are running.
    1 point
  3. The world is such a pile of shit
    1 point
  4. lmao half of the USA used to be Mexico, full of Mexicans, and you have second generation Americans telling Mexicans ‘to go back’. It’s like this bumper sticker I saw the other day ‘Iowa native’, the sheer audacity to have that on your car, it’s BOLD
    1 point
  5. Not that you are guilty of it, but IMHO ‘both sides are bad’ argument has become a bad stance. While it is true for the most part, I feel like it’s become a stance to dismiss 1. What is happening in Palestine, 2. a hand wave to justify Israel. Only one side has the means to actualise their goals, backed by most of the west. It becomes a situation where the analysis becomes redundant if ‘both bad’. It’s also a safe statement and relatively non-offensive, especially in this near world wide spanning clash of culture and religion. This is definitely a unique situation where the media establishment (pro-Israel) is completely at odds with the grassroots (pro-palestine), this is an unprecedented division, that I’ve honestly never experienced before. Something has to be said about the dissemination of information through atypical means (tik tok, snapchat, yourube), because twenty years ago surely this would mirror the support for the ‘War on Terror’. I wouldn’t necessarily call this alternative dissemination a weaponisation of information but it is definitely information without context that a lot of people struggle to process materially, culturally, emotionally, and with the nuance of all the factors considered, we see this juxtaposition of cultivated message media v alternative gonzo information daily in this thread, and what we experience is an inability to see the forest for the trees in any capacity and becomes ouroboros of black and white morality arguing. They can’t even conceptualise they are dehumanising the other, which is ironic seeing as this is a struggle that is constantly trying to justify itself in such a method. There are so many issues that aren’t even addressed in this thread, what is even the point in addressing them? It’s such a tangled geopolitical thread of what-ifs, factions, end goals, the only thing I’m comfortable saying is that this is a conflict between a western-backed colonial state against an occupied land represented by a non-existent-state apparatus of teenaged Sunni nationalists; with the only resolution seemingly being the complete eradication of the Palestinian people, making any sort of thoughtful criticism and analysis of Hamas pointless in the long run. I truly believe the line in the sand has been fully crossed and their can be no resolution that isn’t a genocide, the intention is clear to me and Israel can’t continue exist without seeing this through. I don’t even bother to ask what Palestine will do if they have independence and sovereignty, because that ain’t happening even if Israel disappears. It’s a terrible thing to think but I think we are witnessing a truly horrific watershed moment of history that will have far reaching consequences beyond the immediate geographic area. This is the event that will actualise and normalise a the complete shift to right wing politics, this opens the door to things like project 2025 and the acceptance of these violent acts against people like immigrants, LGBTQ, religious minorities, and other at risk groups.
    1 point
  6. I don't think there's any doubt that of pro-Palestine propagandists have been targeting low info people to try to get drone-like support for their cause. This person's been so taken in by it she's a million miles away from the conflict in complete safety, harassing a Greek restaurant for... it's display of Greek flag decorations. In another reality where people aren't fighting for the hearts and minds of westerners to have blind pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian support, you don't get some idiot pumped full of this shit to the point where seeing any flag with blue and white on it sends her into a rage. Honestly, the global reach of this shit scares me. People are right to be concerned about human rights abuses. They aren't right to be so worked up about a conflict that has existed since before they were born and will most likely continue to exist well after we die (because the internatinoal community persists with letting Israel and Palestine try to handle this themselves, while they have no regard for each others humanity) to the point where they start dragging in other immigrant communities into this shit. There's people around the west baying for war between Israel and Iran on behalf of the Palestinians or Israelis - knowing that at the end of the day they'll be safe in their homes in Johannesburg, London, or wherever and it'll be other people dying for the cause they so passionately support from a million miles away. And that shit doesn't happen without the Israeli and Palestinian propaganda machines churning away every day trying to win over the "hearts and minds" of the west.
    1 point
  7. @Bluewolf, @nudge, @Michael, @Coma Last reminder!
    1 point
  8. @nudge, @Michael, @6666, @Bluewolf, @Coma Last reminder!
    1 point
  9. @Stan @MUFC @Tommy @nudge @Whiskey @Coma @DeadLinesman @OrangeKhrush Sprint qualifying is tomorrow night!
    1 point
  10. The international community wants conflict to generate a war economy, saving capital from collapsing in on itself without its ‘infinite growth’. Can’t collapse if you keep manufacturing massively expensive and resource demanding goods. Also can’t kill too quickly and efficiently because then you can’t keep selling manufacturing weapons.
    0 points
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