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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Danny


    That Khan fight was pure Eddie Hearn
  2. We're still on for it, who woulda thought it. So difficult as even one loss or draw from our next two games could see us drop. So proud of the team right now, we had a difficult start that saw us struggle to get the right results but we've managed to slowly turn that around. There's so much belief at the club, the attitude of the players is top knotch and that's an example of smart recruitment. If we don't make the play offs then we've still had a great crack at it and come closer than @Toony thought So much potential for next season but two games to go, come on you Bees!
  3. Danny

    Off Topic

    Born in me ol mucka, never lived there (though it's definitely not posh). With that said I was taking the piss as I imagine the people's republic of Croydon has spread its wings into their lovely land
  4. Danny

    Off Topic

    So you lot come from the posh part of SW London...like Twickenham extended
  5. Danny

    Rugby League

    Warriors are flying this season, was a shake you game against the Broncos last week and were probably under pressure with the unbeaten streak, but were composed today and came out deserved winners. Good crowd too (18k).
  6. No one specifically but whoever he leaves out of the FA Cup game will be the recipient. Probably carry on the workplace bullying of Luke Shaw
  7. Does Mourinho speak to the press without moaning at one of his players?
  8. Danny

    Off Topic

    Paedo Flattering me now
  9. Danny

    Off Topic

    I've just started an argument with Brian Cox on twitter telling him the Earth is flat. Following on in @Any O'Brien school of Tweets
  10. Danny

    Rugby League

    Off to the Mt Smart Stadium in Auckland to watch a double header today, Tigers vs Storm and then Warriors vs Cowboys
  11. I think Cardiff have shown that you can give the stadium a bit of character even when it does start as a bowl so there's some hope for you lot. Their double tiered main stand is nice. I imagine you're going to introduce something similar, anything you can do to take you away from the current bowl would be a good move.
  12. Danny


    Fury will need a warm up fight or two, been out of the ring for way too long. The most logical thing to do with the fight from both sides is have Joshua fight an American heavyweight in the States and then have Wilder fight Whyte at the 02, then Joshua and Wilder have a mega fight at the end of 2018. Though I think that's a bit dangerous for Wilder and personally see Whyte beating him, so he probably just wants to fight Joshua first and then take everything after that. Joshua would want to fight Whyte in an all British heavyweight unification fight as it'd make history, plus I don't think Joshua actually rates Wilder that much and looking at what Molina and Ortiz did to him, I think AJ will win that comfortably. But Wilder isn't accepting anything other than Joshua and whilst his team haven't made any offers yet, it'll come down to those two I think. But if Wilder wants more money out of it which I think may have been an issue (I believe Wilder has made something like $2m from a single fight whereas AJ is getting £15m+ for each now) then the only way he'll get that is by fighting Whyte and building his reputation. Heavyweight boxing is dominated by Britain now and the money is all over here, and I think most British fans din't rate Wilder that much compared to AJ, so he'd need a big performance against someone like Whyte to improve his split of the AJ fight. What heavyweight boxing really needs is AJ to come through Wilder, unify the entire division and then have what would be the biggest fight in years against Tyson Fury.
  13. Danny


    Comfortable win for Joshua in the end, thought he negated Parker's rangey punches really well considering he's a big boy. Saw in the Fury fight that Parker isn't afraid of releasing one of those winding hits and Parker struggled to make contact with them. Ref was shocking, Parkers the smaller man so needs to fight on the inside and AJ's strength is in his hooks and upper cuts, doesn't have the speed for those rangey shots. Joshua's also answered the critics with his engine, barely looked tired though he did lose that initial sharpness in speed in the opening rounds. Hopefully he can fight Wilder next and if he wins we'll see the biggest heavyweight match up boxing has had in years.
  14. Danny


    Came close though, sent him flying with half a hit. Povetkin should fight Whyte as the Joshua fight will be over quickly as long as AJ beats Parker
  15. Danny


    Just watched the full fight between Parker and Fury and oh my the commentary was badly biased towards Fury. Great footwork but not a lot of punching output.
  16. Danny


    The sooner these fights happen, the sooner the excitement in the heavyweight division will dry up. You mentioned Parker there, you then have Wilder being troubled by Molina and nearly getting KOed by Ortiz an then being saved by the bell. If he was in there with say Dillian Whyte it would have ended differently I feel. You look at AJ and one of the biggest names in this division in Whyte, he dealt with fairly comfortably even if Whyte landed a couple. It's a shame Klitschko's reign has ended as him, Fury and AJ could have really lit things up. Now it's going to be down to Fury and AJ imo.
  17. Danny


    For me the only person on Joshua's level in this division is (or was) Tyson Fury, so I've got Joshua but probably later than 6.
  18. Danny


    Yeah Browne didn't really offer much but that was a violent KO. Wilder has to go for Whyte now, if he wins the AJ fight is then massive. Though I reckon Whyte does Wilder. There goes Buglionis fight with Yarde.
  19. Danny

    Off Topic

    I've been told the island you land on aint much to write home about but some of the others are good. I worked with a girl who was from the Cook Islands, heard good things from here/seen her pictures
  20. So it's the bucket hat that done it, I'm off to the shops!
  21. Best thing about the A-League is watching the "ultras" dress as if they had just finished watching the football factory. @Toinho owns a bucket hat
  22. Danny

    Off Topic

    Ironic how things work out, due to the cricket in Auckland all hostels sold out this weekend which means me and the missus have to get an airbnb somewhere for the weekend, nearly ended up staying in a tent in someone's garden that's how much things were booked up/how low our reserves ran that we can't afford a hotel/expensive bnb. Both of us working now mind so just waiting on paydays to come in, but hoping by the end of the year we'll have enough money to travel around NZ both north and South Island and then do Fiji, Tonga, Samoa...potentially some more Pacific Islands (though not sure what/how many/if any) before finishing in either Phillipines(hopefully)/Thailand/Malaysia and then going home. Amazing how much can change in a year
  23. Glad it went well me ol mucka. Pop the question or just your back?
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