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Everything posted by Spike

  1. So German friends, some of you know that I love German food and beers but I've a quick question for you: is it odd that I mix my spätzle with rotkohl and sauerkraut?
  2. Of course it will. The 60s, 80s, and 00s all had teams playing conservative football succeed. Herrera, Sacchi, Mourinho, all coaches had their heyday when conservatism was at its peak
  3. If they are anything like Chelsea fans it will take a little while after he is sacked for the delusion to disappear.
  4. Spike

    Off Topic

    Was this mean to be a diary entry? Wrong app, Stan mate?
  5. What a fucking moron. Nearly all the players he has weren't at Utd during the yewrs he has mentioned. I'm sick of the prick
  6. Since I feel like actually contributing to the forum lately, I'll give my thoughts on squad building. Goalkeeping I don't think any changes need to be made here. Wingbacks/Lateral 'defenders' Excusing Palmeiri, I don't think Alonso, Moses, and Zappacosta are enough to cut the mustard. I do like what Alonso and Zappacosta bring to the table, I don't believe they are elite but their strengths make up for the weaknesses, however I don't think Moses is up to scratch as his inability to pass or cross the ball is too detrimental to the team. Centre halves Luiz and Rudiger is overkill, they are too aggressive, they'd be more suited to a midfield aggressor role (read: not a defensive midfielder) but Kante already does that and he is elite. Cahill, I like him but he is past it and not a player that is excelling in the three player system. Christensen is fine, Azpilicueta is my favourite Chelsea player but perhaps he should be back in his WB role? That Welsh kid is a future stalwart, I just hope the next manager agrees with Conte. I'm glad he isn't being rushed but I hope he does keep slowly getting more and more minutes. Midfield Kante is elite. Cesc Fabregas, I don't get this guy; maybe he does something I don't see but he never impresses or upsets me. Bakayoko, I like his physical aggression and power but timing and decision making are rotten. I think he gets more time but if he doesn't improve than it's over. Drinkwater and Barkley, I don't know these guys. An anchorman is pertinent if the team is moving forward with an aggressive CB. Forwards Hazard, Pedro, and Wilian (for the moment) are all elite and should be of no concern. Morata is worrying but I'm patient with him, Giroud is fine and a strong second string player. This is how I'd line up in the future using Conte's sytem: The idea is with the dynamism of the wingbacks, and the aggressive passing of a player like Luiz, the midfield would serve as more of a hammer than a rapier. Subverting the use of a traditional midfield playmaker for an anchorman would protect the CBs through the middle and give them chances to defend outwide to support the WBs. One CB presses, one midfielder presses, while the other two CBs retain shape, as does the anchorman.
  7. A lot of American sports are shit, I just don't think they are 'embarassing' like that Scouse mong thinks. Being in an amongst the culture I respect them to a degree.
  8. I was hoping that Irish bloke was going to level him
  9. Spike

    Off Topic

    Why is that? Does it increment increase too quickly?
  10. Spike

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    I'm real fucking unfit so all I do is HIIT. I'm doing a couch to 5k program right now. Aye, but it does sound like you're in a better boat than me to start. I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life, I'm probably pushing 90kg. I used to be around 70kg when I moved to USA.
  11. Spike

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    I always have a warm up and cool down walk that includes light stretching. I always make sure I never finish a work out tired, always catch my breath and do some cool down exercises. So far I haven't had a severe injury, the occasional tweak or ache but nothing that doesn't disappear within a day or two.
  12. Spike

    Off Topic

    Short run, not as successful as I'd have liked but my knees started aching and I didn't want to injure myself on the first day back into it. Only did a splash above a mile. At least it is a pleasant day. 4', sun shining, dry, which is better than -14', cloudy, wet/snow.
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    Her mother got her a gym membership three months. She hasn't been a single time. I stopped running over the winter because of the weather but now I want to start again.
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    I don't need to go with her, I need her to stop being an overweight diabetic that outright refuses to exercise. She wants to have kids soon and I told her that I refuse to have kids until she gets her health under control.
  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    I tried to get the mrs. to go for a run/walk with me, but she refused to. Why the fuck should I even bother, if she doesn't? Absolute waste of my time, and kills my motivation.
  16. For the most part yes. I just come off very abrasive and people react accordingly
  17. the sad part is that it is unintentional
  18. Ramos caca.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. football forums


      The best part is that he caca in his pants last match.

    3. football forums


      He did and the Soanish sports papers have really gone to town on that one considering how well Eibar played and how they deserved more.  The headlines translated are obvious... "Ramos goes off due to shitting himself" xD

    4. football forums
  19. Spike

    Off Topic

    I couldn't tell you that I remember the taste. I just remember the effervescence.
  20. Spike

    Off Topic

    Lucozade saved my life when I was 17. I was very ill, losing weight, I dropped nearly 15kg in two weeks, I couldn't eat as my body rejected everything. I would instantly vomit anything that I tried to eat, but I could stomach Lucozade. If not for Lucozade I imagine I would have been hospitalised from dehydration.
  21. Sarri - I do not know enough about the man. Enrique - He is gruff, confrontational, and grouchy. He would never accept this post unless given what he wants. This is the man that replies to 'good morning' with 'oh? what is so good about it, then?'. Ancelotti - While, I really like the bloke, I don't particularly rate him as a manager. He seems to be the type of guy that can get the horse over the finish line but only when it is in a good mood. He isn't particularly a great strategist or tactician but relies on superb man-management to get the job done. There is a reason why Lampard, Drogba, Malouda, a other had their greatest seasons under his management. The only manager to give up a ridiculous lead in a CL when the opponent made a couple of tweaks, with one of the greatest teams ever assembled against the weakest winners ever. Tuchel - I don't know much about him but he seems to have bizarre body language. People joke that he has autism.
  22. Drogba was a fucking prick when he was younger. Everyone knows that. He was once reviled.
  23. Guardiola reminds me of a teenager that just read political philosophy for the first. He dreams of revolutions and fighting for the people, shamefully dreaming that the Falangists were still in power so he topple over them. It is 'revolution' not born from any love or compassion for the plight of others but self-love.
  24. I don't buy that a wage increase would cure what ailes Costa. He is a habitual malcontent, a wage increase is like putting a band aid on cancer.
  25. Chelsea do spend quite a bit but haven't forked out huge transfers for years, save Morata. Transfers are rarely above the 40,000,000 mark. If you were to examine the team since Torres, it's a marked shift in transfer policy. They are in a weird spot of trying to be thrifty but also spending a lot. I think the club hopes that if they keep buying 30,000,000 pound players they'll find a gem that is actually worth 90,000,000 pounds.
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