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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Stop wasting your money. I'm telling you guys all you need is a script blocker script for your web browser
  2. Beastie Boys first album was initially named ‘Don’t Be A Faggot’. Hilarious and offensive. Ad Rock has acknowledged its poor taste and apologised.
  3. I dunno, it is an odd idea to think about one night stands and failed relationships. That doesn't sound very fulfilling
  4. I never did hit the numbers I would have liked but I have been in a one relationship for a significant portion of my life. That's good I guess?
  5. I never did hit the numbers I would have liked but I have been in a one relationship for a significant portion of my life. That's good I guess?
  6. Spike


    I get blading for a big job but some guys are fetishists
  7. I’ll send you back to England in a pine box ya dopey eyed cunt
  8. Probably the point, arrogant and incompetent super soldier getting served. Very critical review with a positive score?
  9. The boomers that are defending Trump are the same boomers that seethe at Nixon for Watergate. Hypocrites.
  10. It works, thanks though. It was the CPU diagnostic light on the mobo
  11. Spike

    Off Topic

    Cashed up wankers will throw $80,000 at a watch that is worth $50. The only people I ever see wearing watches that aren't a typical cassio or whatever are noveau rich Arabs and South-Asians, or old money white people. At least around these parts.
  12. Yeah but you are talking about it and that is why he said it. Mission accomplished for Gallas
  13. de Jong is better at that than both of those players. He can play CB even.
  14. Why don’t they play for free?
  15. I can’t say I agree, people are often manipulated and lied to. Not all agreements are even honourable before signing. There is a lot of abuse when it comes to contractual agreements.
  16. So I bought some new hardware, motherboard, CPU, RAM. I installed it last night but I consistently get a red light for the CPU. The pins are fine, I’ve reseated it, nothing is out of order but I can’t get the system to boot. Everything starts up with power but no BIOS. Any help? I’m gonna have to work backwards and maybe redo everything
  17. Well it’s only time. It stopped meaning anything when it became just something that happens every game instead of a protest. It never really made sense either, it’s a Yankee thing and they did it during the national anthem to protest. Kinda sucked the power out of it Europeans.
  18. Spike


    Winton is so remote, but it is literally a dinosaur graveyard. They just keep finding stuff out there
  19. They'd even get the crusades wrong because for the most part it was just a way for the church to funnel warlike feudal lords into ransacking the levant instead of eachother and to bring gold and plunders back to Europe. Hang on that sounds like something else...
  20. Thanks everyone, I don’t feel as alone as I did when I wrote it all out. It’s easy to fall into negativity and it thrives on itself. Today I’m forcing myself to be positive, optimistic, decided to make changes. Even if they aren’t permanent they are short term goals I can achieve, and I think it is important ti set little tasks for yourself to stay busy and improving. There is a beer festival for work coming up, I was super excited to go about a month ago, but now it’s causing me nothing but stress. So I put my foot down and said I’m not going, I have to take care of myself and being around a bunch of pissheads isn’t for the best. I’m gonna cut down on the grog, for the time being, I hadn’t been drinking much but I feel like it’s a easy trap. In a three way tie of morality, frugality, and health, in decide to also cut down on meat consumption and eat more vegetables and fruits. It’s been about 5 days so far, so let’s see how low it lasts. In better news though I’ve lost over 5kg since I started at work. @DeadLinesman Huge respect to you mate, nothing but admiration shouldering burdens like that. Be careful mate, don’t burn out, take care of yourself as well. @Whiskey I guess we are probably more alike then we realise. From what I’ve read it’s like reading something I could have wrote myself. I’ve got your back too mate, sincerely.
  21. That is fucked. No one should own so much land.
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