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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Roy Keane having a meltdown because Cahill said Arsenal are progressing Says nothing when Redknapp does, fucking prick, probably got that 'English colonial' mindest without even realising.
  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    i dont believe that for a minute
  3. Considerably more than a midfield of mount and havertz
  4. Because you picked four midfielders that trend towards being forwards. Cant expect Kante to make up that much slack every game.
  5. That team lineup would concede more goals than Lampard's down to nine players.
  6. Isn't this more a case of our own inherit biases filling in the gaps? They didn't say the drug dealer was black, just that they are quick, we filled in the part making the drug dealer black because of whatever influences (TV, experiences, media, newspapers, music etc). I don't think the issue is the comparison but the fact that we make the link that the comparison is a racist without being explicitly so. An inappropriate simile for a professional broadcaster regardless of racial intent but would we be discussing it if it were directed at a quick white player like Jordi Alba? I think this a deeper issue that what is presented at face value, the social conditioning of inferring a racist statement without the explicit meaning.
  7. Well isn't that because of that famous email scam not their skin colour?
  8. @Devil-Dick Willie https://theconversation.com/issues-that-swung-elections-the-dramatic-and-inglorious-fall-of-joh-bjelke-petersen-115141
  9. To understand QLD first you need to read about the Bjelke-Petersen government. It will blow your mind
  10. If QLD votes out Labor and Anastacia Palazchuzhauzhauy, I'lll headbutt my bedroom wall several times till I forget. God forbid we have that atrocious creature Frecklington as MP, probably worse than Campbell 'Can I be Bjelke-Petersen, too?' Newman. It's a good thing my friends are largely Labor supporters aside from those that can be swayed with 'oi mate, you should vote labor aye'
  11. Progressive or not (I hate that term and it ultimately means nothing), she is a leader despite some silly things she does, I'd always pick Arden over Morrisson. There is no circumstance that I'd pick vote for Morrison over Arden, none. Just imagine if you didn't have Andrews in Victoria. Maybe a second Ruby Princess, open borders to NSW, infecting other states. Ludicrous how people are treating him, as if they are slaves to him and not at the whim of a dangerous virus.
  12. Scotty's shit eating grin brings about a furore that I've never had before in Australian politics save for when Mr. Abbott wanted to reinstate Australian knightdom, the later because of how hilariously delusional it was. Our cuboid shaped PM reeks like as limp-wristed elite private school chum, that revels in homoerotic initiation ceremonies and the authority bestowed in seniority over his peers. The cuntish entitlement of his own position is hallmark of his Sydney Boys School and University of New South Wales upbringing. Everything that is wrong with wealthy Australia, old boy's clubs, nepotism, Sydney, and Australian politics is neatly embodied by this man, a hollow vacuum, devoid of personality, charisma, integrity, and honour; a public servant that is infantilised by his donors while lauding over the people he is sworn in to serve with an underserved arrogance. Just imagine if he were intelligent, then you'd have another Gladys Berejeklian or Malcolm Turnbull. Well, at least the latter embodies some modicum of hard work and integrity despite being closer to English nobility of the 18th century than a modern Australian.
  13. Gillard is fine but her entire existence is 'I'm a woman, unmaried, and atheist' instead of 'I stabbed a popular PM in the back for my position'. Undermined the Labor's integrity and set up a future for seven straight years of Liberal hi-jinx. The idea was the Rudd would lose the upcoming election and a change in leadership would prevent that...guess what eventually happened, Rudd replaced Gillard because her popularity was plummeting and Labor lost the 2013 election. Brav-fucking-o. now Labor has the public image of instability further exasperated by 'da Liberals are better ecanomik managerz'. Though Gillard took the huge hit of handling immigration and asylum seeking, so she has the notch in her belt. Yeah, it is nice that she skinned Tony Abbott alive in parliament but Tony Abbott is also a simple minded man whose incompetence can be read like a book, however in that incompetence you can at least admit Abbott has best intentions at heart and is a human being with moral compass however skewed by the Liberal party, which is more than can be said for Scotty from marketing.
  14. I already fucking did mate Liberal PM going to gaol like fuck. when was the last time a liberal got into actual trouble? John Brogden when he tried to killl himself because he called some chick a mail order bride? also fuck you and the canberra raiders for losing to the fucking melbourne storm, i'm so sick of those cunts winning in our sport, they need to fuck to the vfl already. the only justice would be if the brisbane lions nick a win in the vfl
  15. I had schweinshaxn the other night for the first time. It was cooked perfectly but not my cup of tea, it was naive of me to eat it because I typically don't like fatty cuts of meat. Though it was an experience, I suppose. Also would it kill people to cook sauerbraten with a cut of meat that isn't textured like cardboard? I get the point is to make unpleasant cuts palatable but do we really have to use it everytime?
  16. Spike

    Rugby League

    Hope Canberra pip the Rabbitohs in the grand finall
  17. Just aged ten years watching the bledisloe cup
  18. An Englishmen must be a right bloody weirdo to watch VFL
  19. Of course I have, she knows just about everything. Resenting her is the last thing I can do, everything else is fair game.
  20. Your right but my stomach is too weak to commit to staying at starbucks throughout the course, and my feet are itching to go home to Australia, what I desperately want isn't achievable and I'm stuck in a rut. What am I supposed to do? I don't think my wife really has what it takes to move to Australia with me (maybe she does, but maybe I refuse that idea because I don't want her to go through with how I feel right now), I love her so much but I feel like I'm sacrificing too much of want I love. I feel inable to make any sort of change in my life for better or worse, because I feel the change would bring everything crashing down from the knife's edge
  21. Of course it isn't, the company is fine to work for, they do take care of their employees but fuck me customers are cunts in hospitality, especially americans
  22. shitty people, shitty courses, shitty experience, whole thing was miserable and uninspiring. people more likely to Stan you in the back than work with you
  23. you're 100% right but it's a mental block, because of my awful experiences at university in the past
  24. Spike

    Off Topic

    a potato ocarina, eh? how cute of the young fella
  25. here is the skinny of it 1: Do you feel like you did a good days work at the end of each day 2. Does it fulfil one your needs (some people feel fulfilled helping others, so jobs like teaching are fulfilling) 3. does your job make you feel needed 4. does it stimulate your mind and body if those boxes are ticked then you should do it, nothing ventured nothing gained, but i can’t even follow my own advice because of my crippling fear of failure and committing money to self improvement because i have no confidence in myself. starbucks will literally reimburse me for online uni but i am too cowardly to make the jump also if you learn mandarin, you will be sent to china, and they do everything they can to rip you off because you are dumb white gweilo, i know plenty of people that regret learning mandarin because the chinese business sector is a hive of betrayal and villains. imagine if they were all dodgy lebanese contractors I don’t what the fuck they did to our generation but i have always felt so aimless
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