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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. So how does this law apply to the Rohingya - a religious minority in Myanmar?
  2. Kurdish history is basically a story of constant discrimination and also getting betrayed by military allies. Pretty sad stuff tbh.
  3. They are anti-Muslim laws though. It's pretty obvious tbh. The amendment specifically excludes Muslims from the list of religious groups eligible for citizenship after immigration. That's pretty obviously anti-Muslim, because if it wasn't... they'd not have been excluded. I think it's also against the idea of India being a secular nation, using religious basis to determine whether or not someone can ultimately become a citizen one day. Because using religion as a basis to determine anything is by definition non-secular.
  4. In that article it says Putin and Turdogan are working to deescalate the situation. I don't understand what Turkey's end goal in Syria is. Are they backing rebels in Syria so they can annex that territory for themselves? Do they just want to kill off the Kurds? Because I'm sure Assad would love to kill the Kurds off.
  5. There's a long history of tension between Muslims and Hindus in India with brutal violence that's condemnable from both groups. I don't think it's so simplistic as "this side is to blame" and I think it's crazy to think that I don't feel bad for 56 people burned alive because I find Modi to be untrustable, at best, with Hindu-Muslim relations. And I'm not sure an exclusionary law that denies Muslim immigrants the ability to obtain citizenship is a law that is not anti-Muslim. On the face of it, it's a law that's pretty directly anti-Muslim. It's tough to take the claims of a "lying foreign media" seriously tbh. That's the kind of shite that Iran pulls when Iran's been caught violating human rights by the foreign media. And it's tough to claim that a mostly western based media has strong Islamic sentiments tbh, I'm from the West and I think that our media's done a pretty fantastic job stoking anti-Islamic sentiment - look at this quote from a New Yorker article: "The word that was used most was “clash”—that young Hindu and Muslim men were “clashing,” and committing violence and vandalism on each other’s property. What happens increasingly with events like this in India is that an intensely polarized and rapid-acting media machine makes it impossible to discern what is really happening, or what the facts on the ground are. Even if you work in the press, it is getting harder and harder to distinguish what an image is actually showing you." https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-real-objective-of-mob-violence-against-muslims-in-india It's also why posting videos of what's happening with one twitter user's commentary of what that video is... doesn't actually mean a whole lot, as he discusses in the article. And it's pretty clear Hindus and Muslims are attacking each other as this chaos ensues and the authorities don't really do anything to keep the peace. This is the byproduct of a multicultural society that's historically been divided. But when you've got government authorities idly standing by and letting this violence happen on their watch, offering no real solutions to it... you've got to question whether or not they want that violence because they benefit from it in the long run. But when you've got a secular nation and a government in power that doesn't necessarily want to be a secular nation, you can see where their intentions might lie with this violence.
  6. Considering Modi's history with the Gujarat riots, it is hard to know whether or not these are riots or if these are Hindu nationalist attacks on Muslims. Ministers working under Modi during that riot were convicted of massacres - he's got a more than troubled history with anti-Muslim policies because he's overseen shit like that.
  7. Nah they’re bigger than you still. They’re a proper football club whereas yours is just propaganda for a country that wants more respect at the world stage.
  8. Probably as late as possible, but I dunno that's a tough question.
  9. I am possibly the most biased Liverpool fan on here except for maybe @LFCMadLad & even I think it's hilarious at the notion that United are some tinpot club just because they've lost their way.
  10. They’re closer to you on the table than you are to us. 16 points v 22.
  11. As an outsider, I'd say that looks about right. Honestly, I think only Giroud is worth keeping around as a squad player. Azpilicueta's not looked near the same player he used to be for well over a season now imo. The rest of them are just not the right standard for Chelsea, at least where they want to be.
  12. If he's not fully fit, I don't think he should be rushed back though. We've done that so many times with key players for England, having a half fit Rooney out on the pitch in tournaments looking well off the pace is something that just makes me think if Southgate does the same with Kane, that's just such a typical England manager thing to do. But yeah, if he's not fit to go or not really match fit... then we're definitely fucked.
  13. Does anyone else just see the words "no need to panic" and immediately think "I'm feeling more panicked than I was before I read that" … or is that just me?
  14. Phil Spencer of MS seems to want to end the idea of console exclusives at times, he's pushing for more games to go crossplay. I know that about a year after launch, I'll be getting the new Xbox. I've been happy with the Xbox, despite PS having a few exclusives I feel like I've missed out on - namely I never finished Last of Us & I wanted to play that Spiderman game - I think their online services are just a hell of a lot better & things like gamepass (which also has gotten me some PC games, pretty sweet deal tbh) just make me like the system even more because I get to play more good games that I probably wouldn't have played. Now that they've got backwards compatibility done well & are working towards things like "forwards compatibility" - so I'll be able to play the new Halo on my Xbox One X and when I get the new console... it'll still work and just run better - I think that's very consumer friendly, especially to people who've already got a digital Xbox library. Obviously the PC is probably the best way to game, but for some reason I like console gaming better - maybe it's the big screen or the not having to worry if my device has the right specs to play a game (although if this forward compatibility thing becomes the norm and consoles start coming out the way phones do... that'll probably start becoming a thing). Then it becomes a question of whether you like one console over another for whatever reason - because other than things like the online services & system exclusives... the main 2 are fairly similar.
  15. Oh shit. Apparently Harirchi (the Deputy Health Minister) met with Rouhani (Iran's president) yesterday - the same day he was sweating and coughing on TV. If Khameini gets this disease, he's in the right age range to be killed by it. Can't say I'd shed a single tear if he died.
  16. I think it's the Deputy Health Minister... and he's a fucking idiot. So yeah, there's no way he's good at his job. Last night he went onto PressTV to do an interview where he updates the public with the status of the virus in Iran. But overall he's telling people not to worry. The interviewer has a moment where she's like "you're coughing an awful lot" (and the guy is also sweating visibly on TV) and he makes a joke about how he should be covering his mouth with his arm when he coughs. Then today he makes a statement that he's infected with the virus. He even states that he thinks his time on earth is coming to an end - so much for telling people not to worry...
  17. @Panflute https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51457787
  18. I was looking into it after you posted about it and it seems pretty fun so I was looking into it on Switch. But then I learned it’s coming to gamepass... so looks like another game I’ll be playing on Xbox. Shadow Tactics is great though
  19. I got swine flu and I didn’t think it was that bad
  20. How many matches has he started this season? Is it all 15? I know he got injured earlier, was that the only injury he's had? It's weird how England have so many good right backs right now.
  21. James has played how many matches for Chelsea? I don't see how he's even in consideration for England at this point. Surely Trent, Walker and Wan-Bissaka are all ahead of him in the pecking order. Also seems strange to take England's best right back, who's doing really well playing at right back, and putting him in central midfield... where I've seen him play before and well, let's just say it's different to playing him at right back.
  22. Are there still people on the cruise ship? Like do the new 18 cases from that ship count towards the US's total or the Diamond Princess total?
  23. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    How old? I'm guessing pretty young as you were in Peru last year, right?
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