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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I think he let the pundits get to his head with their insistence that an individual record is more important than actually winning titles.
  2. FSG are fucking clowns tbh. We've only got a limited time with Klopp and Salah, but they're business model is just relying on Klopp to work miracles. We're so fucked when he leaves, I think.
  3. New Vegas is absolutely brilliant. It's really badly dated now, the gunplay is hilariously shit without VATS (and tbh so is the melee combat ) but it's still such an enjoyable game. Now that Microsoft owns both Bethesda & Obsidian... I'm hoping that one day a proper "New Vegas 2" sequel (I wouldn't mind the Fallout games going back to their roots with something in the New California Republic, tbh) can be made where it's a Fallout game made by Oblivion. I love Bethesda, I really do... but New Vegas & The Outer Worlds just demonstrate they're much better at making the player choices far more impactful to the story. Fallout 4 is a much more polished game than New Vegas/Fallout 3 (both are on the same engine, which just feels so... old) and I loved/still love the game. But it did grate me a bit with how they've made a lot of the choices the player has to make: "Yes, I'll do that" "Yes, I'll do that - but I've said it like an arsehole" "Maybe I'll do that if you give me a bit more dialogue, but in the end yes I'll agree to do that" or "No, I won't do that... actually yes I will do that." Still, I ended up loving the game. It's got a good story, the factions are all pretty cool (except the minutemen, bunch of useless arseholes) Starting with New Vegas though you're starting off with probably the best Fallout game story-wise. And the one with the most potential for each playthrough you have of the game to feel more different to the last. Great game.
  4. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Jesus fucking Christ
  5. Honestly I’ve only passed through on train & coach, but it looks like a sad place. Probably not fair on it though lol
  6. Should Jordan Beheaderson still be called up to the England squad? He seems to think he should still be called up.
  7. I wish, it’s a fucking joke. He’s been able to get an account and access back to his money, but only after days of constantly jumping through hoops. Christ is Luton even more of a shithole than it was before I left? That’s honestly impressive if true
  8. A big "thank you" from me & on behalf of the people there who want to be able to demand a better life for themselves, their friends, and their families free of the oppression of theocratic autocrats that have led that country into the toilet.
  9. My uncle's account was closed and he's not even actually Muslim, just born in a place taken over by radicals. Kind of insane tbh.
  10. @Tommy @Rucksackfranzose please do whatever small thing you can to voice your displeasure about this news to the German government, because it's a pretty foul thing for a big western corporation to be involved in.
  11. Yeah, I agree with that. Granted I've not got a religious background at all - my dad's side of the family's probably squarely what would fit in the definition of agnostic & my mum's side of the family, as victims of religious extremism in their home country, are basically big on being anti-religious. My mum's side of the family definitely have shaped my belief that when you see people pushing these cultural values as cornerstones of political thought... it's a big red flag. It's sort of antithetical to having a free society, trying to control how society behaves and operates to fit a political ideology that's rooted in religious traditions. The religious right wing in every country, regardless of the religion and regardless of the country, are always the scariest group of people. They're almost all universally fundamentalists. Fundamentalists are not people that believe in compromise and they aren't tolerant of people who think differently to them. That sort of extremism isn't really compatible with the idea of a truly free democracy.
  12. He's not really in a political party though - he's officially an independent. He runs as a democrat when he runs for president because it's the only party that would take someone like him on a national level other than the green party, and the green party in the US isn't the same as it is in other parts of the world (promoting weird conspiracy theories, not really pushing environmental causes - it's kind of a scam tbh). And he caucuses with the democrats in the senate because the republicans are nutters. So it's not that surprising because most of the democratic party are just what the UK would consider tories - and his policies are pretty far left for what tories would find acceptable. He's a victim of there being no real left-leaning party in the US and the corporate media having so much power over the 2 political parties that actually have a chance.
  13. I don't think they can abolish the electoral college unless they've got enough seats to amend the constitution... which is incredibly unlikely.
  14. Also forgets that the US was founded by a bunch of Christians who didn't like having "traditional religious values" imposed on them. The idea of promoting Judeo-Christian morality, or any religious morality, from government sort of goes against the general concept of the whole "freedom of religion" part of the US's first amendment... and going against that isn't really conservative politics at all tbh.
  15. Moderate voters are going to be people who can identify with values on both the left and the right. That's what makes them moderate. They don't fit neatly into a political spectrum. They have some elements of being right wing, they've got some elements of being left wing. Most people that don't make politics their whole life and their whole personality are probably moderates tbh. Because it's normal for people to not fit neatly into a partisan box that's been created for them by the establishment politicians and the media. For politicians that fall under the category of "moderates" are the sort of politicians that can appeal to these sorts of people. They're democrats that have conservative leanings - which is what Biden very much is the definition of. Or they're republicans who have left-wing leanings on certain issues, like John McCain and Mitt Romney. Also Richard Nixon would likely be considered a moderate today. There's also an argument to be made that the modern day GOP isn't conservative at all, it's just right-winged. And the moderate branch of the democratic party is where the conservatives would find their home nowadays. Because if this were England, most democrats would be considered Tories except for a far few. Most of the GOP politicians would be considered UKIP or BNP or something along those lines.
  16. That's probably a moderate democrat, but there's moderate republicans too who'd probably be more right leaning in terms of policies but more left leaning in terms of social/cultural issues. Very few of them left now that John McCain is dead. Mitt Romney and Will Herd are probably the only 2 left on the national level. And Herd's basically irrelevant and Romney's nearly irrelevant.
  17. Has a party with an incumbent president ever ran a primary to challenge that president? Genuinely asking - I have no idea. I assume it's never happened because the optics of it are that the party is in disunity and disarray, therefore unfit to lead. Also realistically, Biden was the democratic nominee because he's a moderate and the democratic base wanted a moderate to run against Trump to pull moderates away. His long career in politics is one of being a centrist and he was even VP for Obama, who was pretty much as middle-of-the-road moderate as they come despite his platform of running on hope and change. I think the best people the democrats could put forward are: Bernie Sanders - who's not a moderate and as far as US politics goes, would be branded a filthy socialist that would turn the USA into the USSR. So no chance for him really. Pete Buttigieg - moderate as fuck, but he's gay and that's like poison for the GOP controlled states. So no chance for him really Gavin Newsom - also a very moderate democrat, although more left-leaning than Biden or Buttigieg. He's a Californian, so that's poison to the south and the midwest, so no chance for him really. He's probably got the most charisma out of the possible candidates. Unless the south and midwest have big attitude shifts to what's acceptable to them from a moderate candidate... it'll take someone with a lot of charisma like Obama to get swing voters to vote for them.
  18. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Awful news, so sorry for your loss.
  19. More like moderates and conservatives are owned by corporate interests and that gets boomer dicks hard for some reason.
  20. The right wing would have us believe RFK Jr. is the best viable alternative to Trump from the democrat point of view. But that's only because he's so batshit insane that he makes Trump seem relatively normal.
  21. Doesn't help when the people who most consistently to turn out to vote are boomers that couldn't really give a shit about the future
  22. The fit and proper test for new owners is absolute bullshit too, tbh. And we've seen lots of examples of owners coming in that are meant to be "fit and proper" but they end up being very far from being able to provide stability for the future of the clubs they buy. It seems particularly egregious in Forest's case as they've got a guy who's been involved in a few Greek government corruption scandals... and has ties with organised crime.
  23. It's honestly ridiculous that you can still run for political office if you've been convicted of any serious crimes amounting to a felony in the US. His base though are just so far removed from reality though it's not surprising they'd say something like that. Trump wasn't joking when he said he could kill someone in broad daylight and he'd still be loved by his followers. It's not a normal political following, it's a total cult of personality. These people have made supporting Trump what defines them as human beings.
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