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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. @Stan @CaaC (John) @Dr. Gonzo @DeadLinesman @Spike @Pyfish @nudge @Beelzebub @Tommy @Lucas @Bluewolf Round 1 is underway. As a refresher for newcomers I am reposting the rules here. Should be a fairly easy round with some slight tough questions thrown in the mix as well. The Rules or How does this work? For people who haven't played before the game is very simple, there will be 10 questions asked per round and they may have multiple answers. The goal is to try and answer like the rest of the players. An example is, What is a common accompaniment with eggs for breakfast? And if you and 5 other people answer "beans" then you get 6 points. If your answer doesn't match anyone else's then you get one point. The idea is to gain as many points and get to the top of the list to be the Sheepiest of the lot. If there is ambiguity in the question, as is sometimes the case, I will put specific instructions next to the question as I know some of these can be close in wording and I try my best to group them together. Sheep - Season 11 - Sports - Round 1 - Miscellaneous Name a sport that is played with three people on a team? Name a sport that was invented in Brazil. How many referees are there in total for a modern football match? Name a popular sport that is not an olympic sport yet. Name a sports-person who is now in politics. Name a famous sports sponsor company that makes alcoholic beverages. How many rectangles does a football pitch have? Name a country who has won a gold medal in curling just once. (Best guess) Besides China, name a country that won the most mens-doubles badminton gold medals. The sheep have decided to form a team to play one of the following sports as a team sport which one did they pick from the following: (Archery/Synchronized Swimming/Gymnastics) Notes/Rules For 1st timers, the rules of the game are simple. You want your answers to these questions to match with one other player or more than one other players. E.g. If your answer is "Wookie" and five other people answer the same then you get 6 points for that question. If you do not match with anyone else you're only going to get 1 point. The winner is the person who has the most points after 5 rounds. Please DM me all your answers and don't post them in here. Please feel free to ask questions for clarification purposes and I'll try and answer them as best as I can. Please do not try and discuss answers to questions until the round is over. I will accept spelling mistakes and words that follow a certain theme. If the answers have to be unique I will call them out specifically with the questions There is no such thing as a WRONG ANSWER. Keep in mind that you can type anything you want and if someone else provides the same answer we can all have a laugh while you'll walk away with 2 or more points. You all have till Monday(Sep 25th) to get your answers to me. If they all come in sooner I'll have the results out faster as well and we can move to the next round. Good luck.
  2. Sorry two questions were just way too easy haha. ill have it up tonight I promise John.
  3. Ill be posting round 1 later tonight. Took some time to draw up questions.
  4. I copied it from an older season. Apologies.
  5. We're at 8 now so ill wait till we get to 10 and next week we can start.
  6. I want to apologize in advance for anyone I didn't tag in here but hopefully you can make it.
  7. Sheep - Season 11 - Sports Sports are a great source of entertainment for the masses. You get to watch a single person achieve the impossible, sometimes you get to watch teams do the unthinkable, sometimes there's heartbreak and sometimes we get to witness redemption; but no matter what your preference is they entertain. This season of Sheep is geared around sports in general and will test your knowledge on some sports that you may not have even heard of. Needless to say, we're back and we hope you're ready for a new season. If you'd like to participate in this season please let me know, I will tag participants from the last round. If you feel I have missed someone or if you feel like you may know someone who wants to participate, please tag them and once they confirm I'll add them to the roster. Apologies in advance if you aren't able to participate but I am tagging you based on prior participation. @Stan @CaaC (John) @nudge @Lucas @Bluewolf @DeadLinesman @Pyfish @Dr. Gonzo @Spike The Rules or How does this work? For people who haven't played before the game is very simple, there will be 10 questions asked per round and they may have multiple answers. The goal is to try and answer like the rest of the players. An example is, What is a common accompaniment with eggs for breakfast? And if you and 5 other people answer "beans" then you get 6 points. If your answer doesn't match anyone else's then you get one point. The idea is to gain as many points and get to the top of the list to be the Sheepiest of the lot. If there is ambiguity in the question, as is sometimes the case, I will put specific instructions next to the question as I know some of these can be close in wording and I try my best to group them together. If you'd like to see how previous seasons went please browse this sub-forum and feel free to ask questions. This season will start on September 15th, 2023 or sooner if we can get enough people. I am looking for 10 or more people to get in but 8 will do too. P.S. Could I please have an admin pin this to the top of this subforum and unpin the Season 10 threads. Thank you in advance.
  8. nothing really. windows is good at ensuring you dont make mistakes
  9. I'm going to assume the operating system is Windows. What I would do instead of swapping D as the primary which btw is a bad idea is try to move as much data from C to D, even if its installations, etc moving them to D isn't a bad idea considering how far Windows has come with the way the operating system works. P.S. 6GB of free space on a primary drive must mean Windows is hunting very hard for disk space to write stuff to for optimized performance.
  10. He's trying to create a stance that he himself knows doesn't exist. What's odd is that he thinks people will just drink the Kool-Aid and offer him the sympathy he "thinks" he deserves. His comments about Klopp starting the narrative in some places are so weird and totally out of place too.
  11. GOTY ... phew those are some high praise words haha. Still, I'll give it a run. In my personal experience, games like these rarely cut the shop and by games like these I am talking high exploration oriented games.
  12. I shall begin playing this over the course of this week. From what I have seen its getting mixed reviews but I want to give it a go myself.
  13. I dont know whats more funnier. The fact that he did this interview or the fact that he thinks people will buy what hes saying.
  14. Mel81x

    Life Hacks

    This glass bit is a godsend when you want them to truly sparkle
  15. Find it a bit odd honestly. I think he's fantastic as a goalkeeper even if he wasn't playing for us. He used to have these moments of "I want to be a defender not a goalkeeper" where he'd run around trying to be a Barcelona defender but those days are past him now. The guy scored a header at the death, has stopped so many goals from potentially turning over games and is generally quite commanding of his area so I find it weird that folks in Brazil don't like him much.
  16. It looks great and im sure it will play great too but since I am going to try it out on PC I can't see myself getting an XBox for this. Sony's time for great releases will come post September imo they've got a good Xmas lineup (albeit mostly multi-platform)
  17. Starfield is getting great reviews, its a shame Baldur's Gate is as awesome as it is because its been stealing the show.
  18. Mel81x

    Making Music

    So, I went out and got this Now, first impressions are quite good especially for the XY capsule and how it records stuff. If you're sitting in a room and have the mic right at your neck (not the bridge or the hole of the acoustic) then you get some fantastic recordings. The problem, however, is that because its recording it with potential pad and other options you have to then take it to something like Logic or your DAW and then raise the level. I'll be trying this out in a more noisier setting today with two guitars, a bass, a drum and two vocals to see how this fairs but its already going to be going in my gig bag to everything I do just because of how versatile it is. Has XLR jacks, jacks for instruments, splits into channels, creates WAV files for each channel and allows you to even playback with monitoring. What more could one really ask for.
  19. Mel81x


    I read the news this morning and came to post about it. How sad but you know what if they are doing it right I can wait.
  20. It's weird how they never bought that aspect of their winning teams to Liverpool honestly. Either way it's not going to happen at the moment with the way the transfers have gone and how things are shaping up for this season. We're not going to be competitive in the league because we'll get jack-knifed in midfield every single game and unless this team can find a way to bypass the issue of a proper holding midfielder. I've seen Endo's highlight reel and while it looks impressive, you're not going to get that much time on the ball in a Klopp system where you have to be rotating things faster. Only time will tell how good he's going to be for us, but I remember watching Mino and thinking he was a very industrious midfielder only to then watch him not do the same on the pitch. I do agree you can get value for players at a much earlier point in their career, but the club's scouts seem more interested in finished products or almost finished rather than getting talent at a younger age before they find their way to Europe.
  21. The kicker in this isn't Katy (who does a great job) its those two gentlemen playing guitar. The sync is superb when they play the switch patterns.
  22. Mel81x

    Off Topic

    The good news is y ou can learn all what you dont want your kids to be. The sad part is no one has true control on what their kids turn into.
  23. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Im with Dr. Gonzo on this one, get the strings and fiddle around with the pickup heights and I think it will start sounding a lot better. Congrats on the purchase I think it looks great.
  24. Mel81x

    Off Topic

    Conodolences on your loss. I hope you're feeling better now healthwise too.
  25. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I think that's a fair assessment of how it all works. To me, active pickups on a bass are when you want a lot of punch in your dynamics while passive are for pretty much a lot of songs where you need to hang in the background and the let the true sound of the instrument shine. Passive, to me, is also great when you want to pair it with sound gear for more breadth in the music, active pickups can be very annoying when you try to run them through sound gear as you get such an elevated sound drive already its hard to use clipping, etc properly. I think playing an instrument varies so much between people that you never really get the same sound on a bass if two people play it just because everyone's fingers work differently.
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