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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Mel81x

    Making Music

    That tree of life is very pretty. Granted its not the best for a beginner or a learning musician but it looks great in real life.
  2. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Long-term want of mine and then I realized that California laws have some weird thing where the wood can only be gotten at certain times so they make very limited numbers and only on request these days or so I hear.
  3. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Oh I wasn't talking about a Rick guitar, I was talking about a JetGlo bass but you're right the JEM is the one I actually like (and can get because you know ... Japan) more.
  4. Cant see us offloading Hendo in the summer considering the season thats just passed. He may not be the one who plays the most games or have the best luck with injuries lately but when he does come on the pitch that midfield starts to operate at a higher efficiency. Granted we've lost Gini who was also very instrumental there but Hendo gets them all pushing harder and to bring someone else in to replace him isn't as simple as just letting him go and slotting someone else in.
  5. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Now all I need to do is get that blue JEM and then my circle is complete. Putting aside the fact that I cant decide between it and a Rick JetGlo.
  6. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Ocassionally it will start putting a lot of static on the line for me and it wont go away till I restart the machine. This leads me to believe its just driver issues but the funny thing is that there seem to be no updates from them in a while haha. Also, congrats on the purchase.
  7. Mel81x

    Making Music

    It is what Steve plays and that neck from Ibanez is actually very good for fast fret work if you want to play licks, etc.
  8. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Yeah I am. I have one that I really want just because of the look and more importantly the neck but I know its not everyone's cup of tea. Will probably get it early next year if its still in stock. https://www.ibanez.com/na/products/detail/jem77p_1p_04.html
  9. No ones calling it bad we're just postulating haha
  10. Mel81x

    Making Music

    @Happy Blue would you buy a JEM from Ibanez?
  11. Mel81x

    Making Music

    if it ever comes to this side of the world (highly likely) I am going to try and play one just to see what its like. Nice to see them try their hand at this after having such a successful history with pedals.
  12. This looks promising based on the way they are holding it. But then if you have a smaller hand it may just slip?
  13. its a good idea in theory. The real question now is what all can't it play and how long its battery lasts in real-time plus with the PC landscape changing far more erratically than the console landscape how does this thing last. Also, I can't stand that button placement being all the way at the top with those big pads in the way, call me old-fashioned but touch gaming on a hand-held is still miles away from being a thing.
  14. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I use Sanjay's tutorials to get a bit of a feeling for how things go and then went from there. I just took the concepts he explained and then expanded on them but there are some good subreddits for it, still yet to find a Discord server so that I can actually discuss this with other folks in real-time. As for folks who can play multiple instruments. I used to play with someone who was a keyboard player and we had a friend who played the lead guitar in a band. One day we were just jamming and out of nowhere this person said "that sounds wrong, here can I try" and all of a sudden he sets it right. We all just stopped for a minute and then someone said "you didnt tell us you could play guitar" and he just casually says "its easy once you just know the fundamentals". My rhythm guitarist just said "fucker".
  15. Mel81x

    Making Music

    When I started out with it, there was just so much to learn. This thing can arrange, slice and do so many things and I am not even using the full tool which can just live on its own sans anything else. You want to add a bass line and you're confident you know it, no problem just play it out on the pads and then push it into a group and woosh now you have a bass line in there. Got a need for a synth or a piano and you want to add it to your track, then just program it get the midi sound you want, tweak and add. The list really just goes on. Where it really does shine though, as your friend probably knows more than i do, is how it arranges things with time and you don't even have to look up at your monitor or anything because those pads that are used for drumming actually turn into visual tracking cues for how you can read the time on the way you program the beat division. I still have a ways to go when it comes to drums but its a solid piece of equipment once you master it and that is really where the hardest part has been for me when it comes to learning drums. I am just not used to having my hands restricted when I am playing even the bass or guitar the way finger drumming works but the exercises are helping and while I can do your standards like 4/4, 3/4, 5/8 etc the problem really starts when you want to play something to get it out of your head versus just arrange it on the board. My other problem with this tool is that most of the tutorials are really all centered around EDM production and how you use it with regards to that and very few folks who use it for other instruments rarely seem to be contributing to the learning scape for it but that really hasn't stopped me ... yet haha. The other nice thing about the mini is it travels well (mostly around the house for now) so I just plug it into my Mac, fire up Maschine and practice so thats a blessing in disguise I wouldn't have gotten with the bigger brother.
  16. Has a very similar feel to Hypersonic Missiles but still a good tune.
  17. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I've been practicing this for almost two weeks now and his exercise #2 i spot on for learning how to get better at not fluffing playing. The only thing I really need to do now is add some theory to all this so that I am not limited to playing a certain way but its good progress. This Maschine isn't a joke as I am slowly learning.
  18. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/07/netflix-will-start-publishing-video-games-has-hired-former-ea-exec/ If they stay as just a publisher and not a platform then it may work out in their best interests over time.
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57798520 "Gyms in South Korea's capital Seoul and its surrounding region have been told not to play music with a tempo higher than 120 beats per minute (bpm), in order to limit the spread of Covid-19."
  20. https://kotaku.com/resident-evil-village-pirate-says-cracked-release-fixes-1847266974 Apparently DRM disabling caused the game to perform much better, true shocker. But, what is the real icing on the cake in the comments section is how Capcom, in their infinite wisdom, thought it was better to implement their own DRM on top of a another DRM VM an expect great performance. It's almost as if people who dont understand software make these games.
  21. Fascinating how a simple input mechanic totally breaks the buffer check on a fighting game and more importantly, allows you to be even more evasive without the game actually allowing it.
  22. So I have been playing Strive for over a week now and although ArcSystems said this was easier than its predecessors its weirdly more complex under the hood. The battle system and player renders are gorgeous in 4K but they suffer from frame stutters, the combat has so many variables designed to benefit players on both side of the spectrum (attack or defense) and the last most interesting thing is how they pause gameplay for half a second when counters are hit. When capitalized you can even spin a bad round in your favor. Can't wait to see how this works in tournaments but so far online its been quite a good mix bag of games.
  23. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Its really quite a piece of kit. When I first got it I was blown away by how easy it was to get an instrument going. The next thing I did was stereo music and my bass for practice and thats when I realized how much this little thing can actually do without so much as a fuss. Normally with FocusRite you end up paying so much more for these little easy to implement things.
  24. Mel81x

    Making Music

    And this is the equivalent of a gf leaving a toothbrush at your house and you willingly letting them. Congrats on the bass it looks awesome. Love that oldschool double pickup at the bottom too. I've always wanted one I just can never get myself to get one as I've got pretty much everything I need right now.
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