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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. I woke up to take the trash out this morning came back and couldn't find the cat then I found him doing this, its a little nippy in the mornings.
  2. Me and @Dr. Gonzo did. I liked it.
  3. They're back what a damn bass line.
  4. WAJO ... don't worry you'll catch on once you get past EP5
  5. Where's @Bluewolf he might enjoy this show. And @DeadLinesman too.
  6. A lot of people complained that this episode was too dark and I can see why. For starters, the alien itself was just a shadow and I don't know if they purposely did that or if this is the same FX crew from GoT who are going for TVs that support full black displays or some other weird shit I can't imagine. I don't think the Sheriff is dead because why hire an actor with the pedigree involved, I am sure this isnt the last we've seen of him. As for Ahmed its all setup quite right isnt it? First, he does the thing that makes his wife hate him and eventually he's going to die and they'll find something else about the aliens as a result of it but hes also going to have one of those epiphany moments where he gets redemption for all hes done. Either ways its moving in that direction as I think the aliens aren't killing people just infecting them slowly.
  7. https://kotaku.com/metal-gear-solid-games-being-removed-over-historical-fo-1848013833 I own physical copies of both these games but its a bit sad to see them have to go down this route.
  8. I think shes definitely alive because I think the aliens are slowly trying to infest humans. Sam Neil is a weird one, I think his whole talk about not living a life fulfilled is going to come back full circle as him being some kind of communicator for the aliens or like you said an alien zombie running the rest of the converted folks. As for the kids, their brains are probably more tuned to the aliens. Especially Caspar who seems to be drawing things from the future. I even wonder if the show has a slight twist in terms of kids with special abilities of sorts but its all speculative till we actually know what the aliens are up to.
  9. @nudge I think we can just add Spoilers to the title haha. Don't think anyone else is watching this show Also, I think the water theory is just a theory because of the fact that Aneesha finds a parasite attached to a human but then I have to ask where that person got the cut. I think there is some kind of takeover though because of how that kid heard Wajo in his head when the houses in the neighborhood got attacked. What was even more interesting is that Hinata said it just before the shuttle wall blew. Why the aliens would have used a word like Wajo is beyond me so my theory there is that they mimic what they see and they were listening to the shuttle and that message got relayed to the rest on the planet? We'll know more once the linguists run their checks next week but for right now these aliens are confusing in the sense that they are playing this hide-and-seek game with everyone we've seen them encounter and what's even more odd is the start of the show when that invisible entity blows the shepherd away. Why didn't it do what they did to Sam Neil? Also, there was a moment where Mitsuki said that the crew may have survived? I don't think this is the last we've seen of some of the folks we think are dead.
  10. I don't take IMDB reviews or any reviews seriously until I have watched the movie/played the game myself and can make an informed comment on it.
  11. I just got done with EP5. I think its one of those where you really need patience because they are trying to get you more invested in the characters before they do the big reveals. I did have a question and haven't bothered to look online for it but here I go in the spoilers.
  12. One of the fans himself is recording what they were chanting from the video I have seen. How stupid do you have to be to think you're going to get away with this kind of behavior these days. I hope they get identified and banned for life.
  13. If they don't I'll be very shocked. Prediction engine tech is already making massive strides with medical treatments.
  14. You said that and I immediately thought of this movie
  15. Facebook is now moving to a new name of Meta. And their site is meta.com Have to say it just feels like what Google did with Alphabet years ago.
  16. Well Nintendo don't have any immediate plans for an F-Zero because I think they pushed the last one on the GC and that was quite good. While I'd like to think they'd do something for the Switch because of the sheer fact of its portability I can't see them touching it unless they can do something super innovative. Mario Kart will be what we get for a while.
  17. Thinking of picking up Deathloop today. From what I have seen it looks very interesting mechanics-wise but my only hesitation with games like these just like when i bought GhostRunner is that the gimmick wears off soon. Has anyone on here tried it?
  18. Mel81x


    Came in here to say congrats!! I was with some friends watching this on the night and kudos where its due your team played well.
  19. Yes it does and it closes the story arc for all current 2-D Platform as well. Have you played Fusion?
  20. I just finished it. Quite the ride and probably one of the best gaming experiences for the year I had. Some of the puzzles to get upgrades were challenging but overall I think this entry in the series is very polished and I really couldn't have asked for more except maybe that it was a bit longer.
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