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Everything posted by nudge

  1. nudge

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    I'd say this one is more @SirBalon 's cup of tea judging from the (lack of) clothing (Click to enlarge.)
  2. nudge

    Members Pictures

    You surely mean 'with no pants'!
  3. Finished watching Blood & Treasure, perfect summer series for entertainment, loved it. Just realised it has already been renewed for Season 2; didn't expect it due to for poor reviews (still don't get why) but apparently the viewer numbers and ratings have been good so that's a nice surprise @Bluewolf
  4. Toprak was taken to hospital in an ambulance after the match yesterday as he had trouble breathing after colliding with one of Fortuna players early in the game. Fortunately no injuries have been found but he will be monitored in training next week. Rashica is undergoing tests on his upper leg as he had to be substituted due to having issues with it yesterday. Waiting for a diagnosis but it's likely he'll be out for some time
  5. Saw this today. Just in time for Spa...
  6. Well... The premise is pretty much the same in both but the movie focused on the world without children, its implications and hope (or lack thereof) for humanity whereas the book was more interested in the politics, abuse of power, path to dictatorship in such society. So still a decent dystopian novel, but the movie was by far more powerful and thought-provoking. Honestly I would have forgotten about the book already if I hadn't watched the movie.
  7. To be fair that's one of the rare occasions where I liked the movie better!
  8. nudge

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    Then it will be between 394 and 413 meters... So yeah; 400 meters is still a safe bet it seems.
  9. nudge

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    Is it meters or yards Chris?
  10. nudge

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    The diameter of the fishing line. Basically how thick it is. I actually found it interesting so I did my calculations and came up to roughly 400-405 yards (depending to which digit you round the initial numbers during the calculations). I'd wait for Rando's results if I were you though @The Rebel CRS
  11. One of my all-time favourites...
  12. nudge

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    Chile I believe.
  13. Ist Mariä Himmelfahrt ein gesetzlicher Feiertag in Baden-Württemberg?
  14. Yeah those two definitely work as there's a lot of chemistry and sexual tension there between them The pastor made me laugh; there are quite a few chuckles in later episodes as well but nothing feels forced thankfully. Been bingeing on this tonight after work; 5 episodes in and it's getting better and better...
  15. So Salihamidzic appears to be an incompetent tit with little to no soft skills who likes ghosting people? I'm shocked
  16. Finally decided to watch Blood & Treasure. Heard about it months ago and judging from the plot summary it looked like my kind of a show but I got discouraged by bad reviews and never gave it a go until today. And I'm so glad I did! Can't understand negative reviews at all; it's a highly entertaining throwback to Indian Jones + National Treasure + Tomb Raider and the likes. Basically a lighthearted adventure/treasure hunting flick with the 80s/90s flair; extremely fun for what it is. @Bluewolf
  17. A risky and controversial approach that focuses on treating the symptom instead of the cause and can do even more harm. I'd love to see how the study evaluates the potentially severe side effects such as decline in crop yields, changes in weather/precipitation patterns, acid rains and ocean acidification, changes in entire ecosystems and so on. On the positive side, that's how quite a few sci-fi dystopian movies started
  18. Yeah that's a big blow... If they don't manage to sort it out and miss the launch window as a result, the whole mission is in danger of being canceled altogether. Still almost a year to go and they are having an expert panel next month to try and solve the chute problem. At any case, failure during the tests is much better than failing during the launch/landing.
  19. A 3-part miniseries... I watched it some twenty years ago on VHS Let me know what you think...
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