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Everything posted by nudge

  1. And about 840 of them are spoken in Papua New Guinea
  2. I hope to add Mandarin to my list at some point, too . Europe is easy due to many languages being related; if you are fluent in one of the Germanic, Romance, Slavic languages, you're likely to be able to at least understand bits of another language from the same family...not enough to have a proper conversation mind, but to get around comfortably. In SE Asia, I find a mixture of body language, gestures, English and bits of broken local language the most useful, haha
  3. Same in Southeast Asia, however, for them it's more about skin tone as an indicator of status and class.
  4. Yeah, and then Spanish and Dutch which I used to be able to converse in, but due to lack of use and practice, it's just passive knowledge now (i.e. able to read and understand most of it but struggle when it comes to speaking). 5 or 6 is a lot. What do you mean by "get around" though? Like, beginner level that's enough to get by in common daily situations, or actually holding a half decent conversation?
  5. I'm fluent in four, used to be conversational in other two, so with a bit of refreshing and practice, I think I could get back to that. A few others just very basic vocabulary for emergencies, haha.
  6. Found this to be a very interesting read: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/07/artificial-intelligence-religion-atheism/565076/ @Mel81x @Eco
  7. That's a whole new level of a pay driver... @Cannabis is going to love this
  8. I can't stand Hoeneß (or Bayern), but without him, the club would not be where they are today, and they owe a lot of their success to him, so no, it's not a disgrace "to a club of Bayern's stature to cling to such a figure".
  9. I'm already afraid to make any predicitions, haha! Must admit I was skeptical when he was first appointed, but he won over me with time, as I think he improved the way we play enormously, and seems to also be highly respected and supported by the players. Looks like he has a clear idea for the club, both when it comes to tactics, squad building, youth development, etc., and I like his no-nonsense approach and directness. But then I was also very positive about Nouri until he completely alienated most of the squad and his own coaching team after a terrific half season, so yeah, I don't know. I have a good feeling about him, and I hope it works out.
  10. She's a proper mental case, haha! And yes, the show is definitely getting better and better, I love it.
  11. Reprimanded, but gets to keep his win.
  12. Finally! Sauber also in points again, this time with Ericsson. Weird race
  13. Yes, exactly the same expression in Lithuanian (kaip silkės statinėje), German (wie Sardinen in der Büchse), Russian (как сельди в бочке). There are surprisingly many expressions that are shared in multiple languages (and not only those that are connected!), and I always wondered about it; did every culture develop them independently, or were those just shared between languages/cultures at some point? Similar to how we seem to share similar myths, legends, fairy tales; it's fascinating.
  14. Yes, you're right. I fucking hate it though, gives me a headache Gravel pits FTW.
  15. Just checked it out, seems a bit short though hehe.
  16. Schumacher was absolutely ruthless on the racetrack and capable of dirty tricks for sure, especially when he was desperate, but then so were a lot of great drivers, it comes in the breed of champions. Senna comes to mind here, Prost too, yet both never get as much flak as Schumi. To say he's a cheat and a fraud is a disservice to one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time, and not only because of his driving abilities, but also for his incredible knowledge of the car and making the whole team around him better.
  17. Yeah, weather patterns have been somehow crazy lately... I mean sure, it's rainy season and flash floods do happen, but it's the first time that I experience it to such an extent that a motorway is flooded with waters rising a few meters high. Meanwhile, the scorching heatwave in Europe is also extreme, it's crazy.
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