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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Personally, I think team spirit is shocking there. You have way too many ego's at a club that as much as I hate to say, is the biggest club in the country. And they are all pulling in seperate directions. The club used to carry an aura about it, especially when Fergie was there but equally that was because the players respected their manager. I think the problem these days are that players don't appreciate the magnitude of playing for club that size and the responsibility/burden that comes with playing for a club like that. Its not just any club, you are consistantly under the spotlight, every performance praised or scrutinised. And some of these players don't have the character to handle it. You got players like Pogba who clashes with Mourinho and Solskjaer and rather than players back the manager, they back their mate and immediately the manager has lost the respect. That should never be the case. It won't have got any better in there with Ronaldo either. Only have to look at recent weeks and see the likes of Martial and Lingard being called out by Rangnick. From what I can see, the coach has been quite open and honest and calling out the sulky players. Maybe this goes to show just how much player power is at the club? The culture needs to change there and they need to create a never say die team spirit like they had with Fergie. Maybe that comes with a top level manager, we'll see but they certainly could do with removing the egotistical cunts that think they are bigger than the club. Build the club around the youth and players that understand how big the club and what's required to make it there.
  2. Will Everton change their badge to read, Frank Lampard's Everton?
  3. Silly boy. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11748/12527904/ivan-toney-brentford-striker-apologises-for-social-media-video I should imagine this will probably blow over at a club like Brentford, but what I would say is, if that was one of ours knowing our fanbase, they would be hammered. You do wonder what on earth goes on in some of these players' heads at a time where social media and camera phones are everywhere. https://twitter.com/ivantoney24/status/1487336705963311107?s=20&t=rAzp0zA8wcZtLvyaZsNr-g
  4. Good, pleased for the lad given the unfortunate incident that happened at our place. Handy player to have as we come to the most crucial half of the season.
  5. Well well well. I have a new found respect for Wayne Rooney, which is really annoying given he's done his best to be pretty dislikeable in the past. For him to turn down the chance to go back and manage his boyhood club in the Premier League and see the job through at Derby given the position they are in, with his hands tied behind his back, well that deserves the utmost respect for me. Could easily have jumped ship, and I'm sure he thought about it, but you can tell he's got the bit between his teeth with this whole Derby thing and wants to finish the job. Kudos to him.
  6. Would you take Dele Alli? I have read a few transfer rumours he could be heading your way.
  7. It would be very apt if it was Lampard and we play them on Feb 12th at Goodison. First home game v Bielsa after the history of spygate and the playoff games. You couldn't write it.
  8. Lucas


    I'm hoping the niners do it. Got in the hard way, been on a roll now on the road winning at the Rams, Cowboys and unbelievably, the Packers to get to the conference final. I like the Leeds link with the 49ers too although this will surely deem them to fail. But to get as far as they have with one of the worst QB's is mightly impressive. A Cincinnati, San Fran final would be a great clash of styles.
  9. I'm not sure on that but my point was intending to go down the road of Kenright being in a high enough position to speak out, whether it put himself on a dodgy wicket or not. I can understand job protection why he would stay quiet but for me, if he loves the club so much, I think it would be more hurtful for him to stay silent as opposed to speaking out and if it cost him his role as chairman, then so be it. Would you want to be a part of the current regime if you weren't happy with it anyway? I don't think he has a lot to lose from that aspect but in fairness, it may not be as black and white as I'm seeing it.
  10. I saw a video doing the rounds this morning of Kenright talking to the fans outside after the game Saturday. I'd love to know why people like Crooks and Keys feel sticking up for him is merited when nothing that was coming out his mouth would help appease the fanbase and only encourage frustration. We know how toxic the place is right now. All fans want are some answers. It was all ums and errs from someone put on the spot and extremely wishy washy with no real response. If anything, he looked like he was scared to say what he really wanted. How do you defend someone like that when they have the power to change things? Odd. Kenright has done some good things for the club, don't think any Evertonian would dispute that but he's also not exempt from criticism. If this was Spurs or Coventry, they would change their tune I'm sure.
  11. Lucas


    I would say thats 4 of the most amazing, dramatic playoff games all over one weekend that you could wish to see. Yesterday was unbelievable. Just when you think you saw it all in the Bucs Rams game, up steps the Chiefs and Bills. One of the very best. What a season it has been, and is boiling up to now.
  12. Firstly, who the fuck time wastes in the 86th minute when 4-1 up against a team ravaged by injuries and kids playing? Secondly, I remember at the time thinking how the fuck did he get away with the Raphinha challenge because it was vintage Xhaka, reckless. There was uproar when Joe Gelhardt got booked for dishing some back later in the half. Thirdly, at a time when they have cowardly backed out the North London derby, this negativity really doesn't look good for Arsenal and needs explaining. It's important at this stage not to overreact till the proof comes out but if this turns out to be true and Xhaka is in on this, he needs to be given a serious ban. This is no better for me than drug taking. The square root is still cheating. P.S Ban Andre Marriner. Xhaka was trying to get booked by taking out Raphinha and he still missed giving him a yellow Oh, and give us our 3pts, you cheating postponing bastards.
  13. They would be more suited as international managers for me now, especially Mourinho.
  14. I wanted to say that but I couldn't quite remember if that was entirely accurate. On another note, I wonder what would tempt him back there anyway as opposed to wanting one last crack at the World Cup with this 'golden generation' Belgium team.
  15. Martinez is an odd one. Surely at a time like this you'd want someone that is going to unite the fanbase, not split it. There were sections that wanted him out quite venomously before, and it's hard to imagine they would be any more accommodating.
  16. I really don't know, I thought they were hampered financially which prevented them going for bigger players in the summer, like your Dumfries and people like that. Instead it was freebie after freebie.
  17. I totally get your point, fair in the examples that you give and there's nothing to suggest that wouldn't work at Everton going down the same route. My reasons for Dyche though is that I think your club is absolutely toxic right now and he is the kind of personality that would bring you together. It's amazing the difference we see in players when they are happy. DCL is a big example of that when Ferguson first stepped in a while back and got him scoring. I also feel Dyche has a bit of a stigma attached to him from managing at Burnley. I agree, his job there is safety first but he plays within their means. He knows they are underdogs every year and accepts that. Would it be a tad unfair to assume he'll be like this at Everton? Burnley can play football when they want to. With a better calibre of player, I'm actually curious as to what he would do at a higher rated club with better resources but at the moment, i completely get its hypothetical. When he speaks, he certainly makes a lot of sense though. Very hard to judge him when it's primarily what he's done at Burnley and seems I'm alone on this thought but I wouldn't write him off. Can you imagine him and Klopp in the derby? That would be box office to me
  18. If I'm Graham Potter, I'd see absolutely nothing appealing about joining Everton. Bigger club than Brighton, 100% yes. Better team/squad? Hmm, probably not. Better financially equipped? Nope, not anymore by the looks of it. He'll feel he's building something decent at Brighton and if he is to leave, it's got to be for something a bit more worthwhile than Everton you'd think. Just pure, hard facts. Sounds massively harsh towards Everton Football Club and who knows, I might be wrong and he might relish the challenge but I don't see it as a realistic appointment myself. Sean Dyche would be a good appointment for me. He won't leave Burnley mid season I'm sure but that's someone who I feel would go a long way to uniting the club. I think as a man manager, players like him and would bust a gut for him, especially after having Ancelotti and Benitez. Players seem to have a lot of good things to say about Dyche as a person. I like his character. Might not be the most glamorous name but for where Everton are at this moment in time, I think he'd be a brilliant candidate and he deserves a chance somewhere bigger.
  19. We just watched the new Ghostbusters Afterlife film. It was quite a fun watch actually, good choice of cast. Had a bit of a 'Stranger Things' vibe to it (and not just because one of the main characters is in it) but vastly improved from that abomination a few years ago with the all female cast. The scene with all the mini stay puft marshmallow men running about in Walmart was brilliantly done. Some classic easter eggs and references to the originala too if you are familiar and of course, one or two surprises. Won't spoil anything for anyone that wants to watch it but definitely worth a watch through to the end, midway and after the credits. Good fun.
  20. For them though, they are two very good signings, enough to push them on. Villa have no excuses for me now, they should be finishing 8th with what they have invested into personnel the last three seasons. Forget Grealish and £100m they recouped for a minute. £140m the first season up, £90m the second season and now currently this season, they have spent £116m. So we are talking best part of a £350m rebuild. Ok, Grealish has paid for £100m of that but factor in wages also and they really, really should be pushing on now and pushing past your Wolves, Brighton's etc.
  21. I'm sure it will get sorted. Liverpool prefer to pay bigger wages than spending extra on bulking out the squad, so you'd think they would be fine to reach a fair compromise. Pretty sure Salah wants to stay although going public like this always feels like there's been a bit of a stalemate in talks and it's a tactic used by the player (or rather his agent) that puts the ball back in the club's court.
  22. Out of interest, did anyone watch that thing on ITV about Anne Williams fighting for justice for the 97, including the life of her young son? I must admit, I'm not fully clue'd up on everything but I found it easier to gain more of an understanding of events from watching this drama. Very shocking I thought in some places but really well done and quite tastefully too.
  23. I'd be worried if I was Tottenham. They managed to finally snare Conte at the 2nd attempt, they have painted the dream to him and now when he wants them to front up and back him, it's all going rather quiet. I think Conte is that volatile that if he doesn't see evidence of the club matching his ambition, he'll do one, which would be a crying shame for them. Levy has got to act surely. So many bang average players at Tottenham to clear out and replace that they won't go anywhere soon without doing so.
  24. Didn't you play a whole half with an extra man though? I can see the frustration of not getting a result against 10 men.
  25. What's that big ball of fire in the sky? Can't remember seeing that for sometime now...
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