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Terrorist Attack at London Bridge & Borough Market

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11 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

From everything you've written I'm only interested in that part mate.  Maybe Australia has something to teach many European states on why they're happy and you're happy.



We only have 450 000 Muslims. More than half are non practicing. Less than half the practicing Muslims are Sunni. Almost none are fresh immigrants (we have a very strong immigration policy) And we persecute returning jihadists on arrival. We also don't tolerate antisemitism or anti white culture. At all. A Muslim lady recently even lost her job as a news caster for using ANZAC day to promote awareness for the current middle eastern conflict. It was seen by the deadbeat pro white rabble as an attack on our culture.


7 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

What do you want...  A medal?  Are you Mutley?

So what!  There are major attacks that are done by nationals and nationals are nationals that have to be dealt with by their country of birth.  Don't start moving the goalposts with which generation they come from because there's no way to obtain any solutions by stating that you're going to be treated in a particular manner depending what generation of birth national you are.  That's stupid!



You should 100% be treated or prosecuted differently depending on your nationality. You'd have to be a fuckwit to think otherwise. Extradition for non nationals, trials and imprisonment for nationals. It's not fucking rocket science.

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2 minutes ago, Tanksie said:

You should 100% be treated or prosecuted differently depending on your nationality.

I'll stop debating with you on that sentence.  You need to get out more mate!  Stop being so insular...

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25 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

I understand that, and it's an argument for a different debate that I have an opinion on.  But immigrants have nothing to do with those attacks and that's an issue that has to be addressed.  We have to solve issues that are actually there and both are different problems that need solutions.

It's wrong to blame immigrants on something they just haven't done.

Yeah, they do. The Berlin attack, the Stockholm attack and the Nice attack are examples of terror attacks directly carried out by immigrants, i.e. people who weren't born in those countries.

Even when the attackers were born in Europe, they are the (grand)sons of immigrants, they use migration routes to travel between Europe and Syria, and/or the influx of new migrants from problematic areas around the world can act as a catalyst for radicalisation (influx of Wahhabi ideology). To pose that these are two wholly separate problems is just playing ignorant.

Furthermore, the fact that some of these attacks are carried out by people who were born here only goes to prove that the narrative that terrorism solely results from war trauma, poor living conditions and poor education is a lie. If we accept that, how is it a good idea to let in more and more migrants when we apparently know nothing about how to win their loyalty?

I agree with you that Western leaders are highly hypocritical by being in bed with the Saudis and other maecenas of terrorists, but then again these tend to be the same leaders who preach open borders and further escalation of the Syrian war.

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1 minute ago, Panflute said:

Yeah, they do. The Berlin attack, the Stockholm attack and the Nice attack are examples of terror attacks directly carried out by immigrants, i.e. people who weren't born in those countries.

Even when the attackers were born in Europe, they are the (grand)sons of immigrants, they use migration routes to travel between Europe and Syria, and/or the influx of new migrants from problematic areas around the world can act as a catalyst for radicalisation (influx of Wahhabi ideology). To pose that these are two wholly separate problems is just playing ignorant.

Furthermore, the fact that some of these attacks are carried out by people who were born here only goes to prove that the narrative that terrorism solely results from war trauma, poor living conditions and poor education is a lie. If we accept that, how is it a good idea to let in more and more migrants when we apparently know nothing about how to win their loyalty?

I agree with you that Western leaders are highly hypocritical by being in bed with the Saudis and other maecenas of terrorists, but then again these tend to be the same leaders who preach open borders and further escalation of the Syrian war.

Most of the conditioning is done not from travelling abroad but initially radicalised on the internet.  From there on in general it's a road that takes them on different routes.

What I said is that that there are issues with nationals committing these crimes and the country has to deal with it as a homegrown case and not an immigration problem.

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19 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

What I said is that that there are issues with nationals committing these crimes and the country has to deal with it as a homegrown case and not an immigration problem.

And what I said is that not seeing the connection between these two problems is wilfull ignorance.

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6 minutes ago, Panflute said:

And what I said is that not seeing the connection between these two problems is wilfull ignorance.

Indeed...  But it all starts on internet in general.  What are we going to do...  Ban internet or maybe only ban it where the demographic is high on Islamic inhabitants because Tanskie has just said that we should treat people differently by law depending on their origin.

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Just now, SirBalon said:

Indeed...  But it all starts on internet in general.  What are we going to do...  Ban internet or maybe only ban it where the demographic is high on Islamic inhabitants because Tanskie has just said that we should treat people differently by law depending on their origin.

There is no solution. Our leaders fucked up and all they can do now is damage control.

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6 minutes ago, Panflute said:

There is no solution. Our leaders fucked up and all they can do now is damage control.

This is how i feel and I like you have brought up Wahabbiism a number of times.  How can I expect my government to solve these issues when they've just executed the nation's will to leave Europe (something I am guilty of too) and just negotiated with Saudi Arabia.  I have no confidence in my government, I hate hypocrisy overall and the solutions have never even begun to be addressed.

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Back on TFF I said that attacks would increase and that we'd become desensitised to this sort of atrocity in the west. Slaughter is now becoming commonplace on the streets of Western cities in the name of 6th century barbarism. The population conditioned into self loathing and blaming itself, utterly fearful of questioning the status quo for fear of being called bigot or racist is a recipe for disaster. 

A great example of desensitisation over the whole sorry mess is Anders Brevik, he killed 69 people 6 years ago and I doubt anyone of you doesn't know who and what I'm talking about. 

But can you name me the bloke who killed 86 and injured 400 last year in Nice? I bet at least 50% have to google him. 

He was an immigrant fyi, Balon immigration is a huge factor of the 3.1million Muslims in the U.K., 1.5milliom are born abroad, how can you expect loyalty or integration from the community when this is the state of affairs. We basically have an invasion taking place on a continent wide scale. In another stunning PR move for the Muslim's of the UK yesterday 200 cases of sexual abuse by grooming gangs in keithley & sinfield west yorks. Not only does every major country in Western Europe now have thousands of jihadi terrorist among the population they also have rape on a scale you'd expect to find in a war torn country pre Geneva convention. Fucking scandalous really, nothing will change though the patriotic alpha white Western male has been emasculated to the point where he's just an object of scorn now. 

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14 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Back on TFF I said that attacks would increase and that we'd become desensitised to this sort of atrocity in the west. Slaughter is now becoming commonplace on the streets of Western cities in the name of 6th century barbarism. The population conditioned into self loathing and blaming itself, utterly fearful of questioning the status quo for fear of being called bigot or racist is a recipe for disaster. 

A great example of desensitisation over the whole sorry mess is Anders Brevik, he killed 69 people 6 years ago and I doubt anyone of you doesn't know who and what I'm talking about. 

But can you name me the bloke who killed 86 and injured 400 last year in Nice? I bet at least 50% have to google him. 

He was an immigrant fyi, Balon immigration is a huge factor of the 3.1million Muslims in the U.K., 1.5milliom are born abroad, how can you expect loyalty or integration from the community when this is the state of affairs. We basically have an invasion taking place on a continent wide scale. In another stunning PR move for the Muslim's of the UK yesterday 200 cases of sexual abuse by grooming gangs in keithley & sinfield west yorks. Not only does every major country in Western Europe now have thousands of jihadi terrorist among the population they also have rape on a scale you'd expect to find in a war torn country pre Geneva convention. Fucking scandalous really, nothing will change though the patriotic alpha white Western male has been immaculated to the point where he's just an object of scorn now. 

Immaculated? Do yourself a favour mate, try not coming across as an absolute retard when you try to make a point.

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26 minutes ago, Tanksie said:

They are harmless. No one gives them any credit for it or actually listens to what they have to say

You are still supporting unscientific, racist anti-white propaganda with your tax money. If you are supporting it, you are infact tolerating it.

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19 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

Immaculated? Do yourself a favour mate, try not coming across as an absolute retard when you try to make a point.

Simple spelling error compounded by autocorrect and typing on a phone with two toddlers running amok. Thanks for the heads up though I've corrected it.

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56 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

immigration is a huge factor of the 3.1million Muslims in the U.K.

Immigration isn't a terrorism issue in the UK to date.  But if you want to stop something "before it happens" then by all means support a stop to immigration.  Put it this way, I'm not desensitised to the attoricites that are occurring and if you could only see my face and reaction to when they happen, you'd would understand that.  But I'm not about to put blame on people that have nothing to do with what's occurred and I'm not about to fall into a trap of going ballistic about people from other cultures coming to this or any other country as that's a whole different argument for me and a different debate.  This is about terrorism and who done it!

You should be going mental about Britain bending over, opening its anus and saying to Saudi Arabia...  Stick your cock in my hole because I'm your whore or whatever you want me to be for your money.  Wahabbiism is actually a very big problem within Islam and Wahhabi states are the big issue on terrorism.


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I was about to set off to Borough Market as soon as this happened. Quite a scary thought that if we didn't fancy another pint after the final (and we were too intoxicated to drink quickly) the we would have been caught up in this. It happened right by where one of the people we were with drinks every Friday after work too. Ended up in Clapham instead where everybody acted like nothing happened.

When the report happened I was hopeing that this would have  been a drunk losing control of his vehicle. Then a knife and gunfire were mentioned and every police car in London headed up there. After that it was obvious it happened again.

The saddest thing is the Westminster dickhead has won. He's created a domino effect with tragedies worse than him.

It won't be long before people start taking the law in to there own hands now. Our pussy footing, human rights, police body cams, IPCC, over crowded prisons, please don't have hate authority  approach to dealing with crime isn't working.

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3 hours ago, Tanksie said:


Stop allowing 3rd worlders to invade your country in mass numbers.

Start persecuting Muslim hate speech and anti establishment doctrine as conspiracy to promote and commit terrorist acts. Extradite where appropriate and imprison the rest for long terms. In non segregation prisons, with re education programs. Anyone caught committing, or planning terrorist act should be charged with high treason and killed.


When all radicals are back in the middle east, prison or dead, you will win your war on terrorism. Stop treading on egg shells in the name of being 'progressive' and start treading on fucking skulls instead.


I am very happy with the Australian Muslim community, and our strong immigration stance.I feel safe in my country. However if I were European I would be angry as fuck and scared, because at this stage it can happen to anyone anytime. If the government doesn't sort this shit out the people will eventually. There will be riots and race wars at this rate.

The radicalised people are the youths who are now in mid 20s and 30s of the mess from the Bush and Blair operation. We are now suffering in Europe. In another 10-15 years we will have the same problem from the migrants from Syria when their children are older. Goverments are to blame as they put people in their own community so they countinue to live how they were in their homeland, the hate is still there as alot do not integrate, its a problem all over mainland Europe as well as the UK. 

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You will hear the same stories that these 3 guys made trips to high risk areas, they were known to authorities,  as its always the same case.    



People in Mosques and other places need to shop these people when they know start acting different, they pretend they dont but the whole communities know what is going on.  Same thing happened in Molenbeek Belgium abd the same thing happens in all those areas, everyone becomes part of the problem but people are too scared to be called a racist and upset certain people by taking action, even if innocent lives are still being lost.

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2 hours ago, Panflute said:

Yeah, they do. The Berlin attack, the Stockholm attack and the Nice attack are examples of terror attacks directly carried out by immigrants, i.e. people who weren't born in those countries.

Even when the attackers were born in Europe, they are the (grand)sons of immigrants, they use migration routes to travel between Europe and Syria, and/or the influx of new migrants from problematic areas around the world can act as a catalyst for radicalisation (influx of Wahhabi ideology). To pose that these are two wholly separate problems is just playing ignorant.

Furthermore, the fact that some of these attacks are carried out by people who were born here only goes to prove that the narrative that terrorism solely results from war trauma, poor living conditions and poor education is a lie. If we accept that, how is it a good idea to let in more and more migrants when we apparently know nothing about how to win their loyalty?

I agree with you that Western leaders are highly hypocritical by being in bed with the Saudis and other maecenas of terrorists, but then again these tend to be the same leaders who preach open borders and further escalation of the Syrian war.

But that is the problem of the EU, those people carried out those attacks have been given passports from certain EU countries. Freedom of movement clearly doesnt work also.  


Also the youths from certain backgrounds mostly Moroccan as we know in Ned and Bel are mostly part of these organisations, you had the Hofstad network which now you have the network in Molenbeek from failed societies. 

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