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Australian Politics

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So it's time once more for our election. For you foreign types here's the Australian deal

It's basically a 2 party system. We have 3rd partys, but they combined get absolute fuck all, and they sell their souls cheaply. 


The 'right wing' party and our reigning overlords are the Liberals (ironic). Calling them right wing is an absolute lie though. They are a party of evil corporate sluts who sell their souls and our futures for sweet fuck all to the highest bidder. 'right wing' insinuates they have an ideology. They don't. They simply exist to create wealth for their private donors. How does such a party exist and get voted in regularly? Well.... Rupert Murdoch. They literally own the media. And dumb/ignorant people vote for them due to scare campaigns and a lack of understanding of what policies actually impact their lives.


The 'left wing' party is Labor. They're dull and a shade too socialist for my liking but they actually want to run and improve the country, so that's a good start. They've historically proven to be excellent economic managers as well. It looks as though they will win this election because of the rise of non sponsored online news outlets and because of internal issues amongst the liberals. (yes, our country is more concerned about internal party politics that it is about it's future and health care being sold off


In their current reign of terror the liberals managed to...

Ensure houses cost so much money that less people own more houses than ever in our history. You either rent because you can't afford a house, or you're 50+ or super high income and own 6 houses. 

Ripped 80 billion dollars out of public schools and hospitals.

Privatized public hospitals so they could provide 'better care' but the private buyers are typically dodgy in it for a buck types who cut every corner and understaff to the point where it's literally criminal. 

To create a surplus...

To spend on defense contracts, for no reason other than to A) Appease certain private donors and B) Lock down that money so the Labor government can't use it productively when they get re elected in a few weeks.  If that strikes you as petty and not at all in public interest, it's because it is

Also they publicly defended cardinal pell. Even after he was found guilty. 

But that's okay because they spent hundreds of millions of dollars so Australia could have a plebiscite on whether gay people should be able to get married or not. #progressive. 

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Why is Australia such an irrelevant country in geo-stragetic word politics despite being a highly developed one ?

I mean never heard any Australian politician/leader making the headlines like Canada, Germany etc and that's coming from someone who cares F all about politics. Can't even name one Australian PM. 

Is it because of Australia's geography ? or they don't have any active enemy/interests to fight for ? 

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Turkey has Azerbaijan and Russia has Ukraine as its vessel state etc to persue and protect their interests in the regional politics but i can't say that Australia is there for the Western interests in the region 

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6 hours ago, Azeem said:

Turkey has Azerbaijan and Russia has Ukraine as its vessel state etc to persue and protect their interests in the regional politics but i can't say that Australia is there for the Western interests in the region 

We have been too cautious balancing or strategic defence alliances with the USA and major trading partners (China).

We tend to follow the USA but never lead. 

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I'm quite interested in this election campaign. I take issue with @Devil-Dick Willies portrayal of the liberal party as entirely negative. Like every party they struggle to balance all of their factions.

That said in the past 3 years of government they have definitely been worse than usual in this area, particularly as their most conservative wing is emboldened in the era of Trump. In this period a bunch of religious right wing conservatives deliberately acted to undermine the PM (Turnbull) and stifle all his middle of the road fairly majority concensus policy proposals with threats of mutiny, rendering him a pm in name only, then eventually moved on him for inaction and instability. Thankfully the worst elements of this group lost the leadership contest, although the pm did leave and the eventual winner and new prime Minister was actually quite significantly conservative.... Almost to the point I wonder if the plan all along was to dangle someone very unsavoury out there in the hope the public would then feel better about the eventual option.

My local member was a major instigator of this instability and my vote will be in part to remove him from office. He's much more conservative than his electorate and therefore not the voice I'd choose for us even if he is active in our community, (and a former best friend of mine but that's another story.)

The other major reason I'm leaning against the liberals is that their climate change policy is lip service only, and likely only to drive accounting trickery as a means of achieving meaningful reductions in emissions. The bipartisan supported previous energy policy was canned by the previous (now gone) pm due to the fringe conservatives sabotaging it.

The lack of policy certainty has driven up energy prices due to business investment inaction due to policy uncertainty. Labor will implement this and it will improve the environment and lower energy prices.

My view. Climate change is an issue that needs to be addressed. It's an unfortunately emotive issue that gets a bad rap because allot of its supporters have only a simplistic understanding and are too often just irate hippies looking to have an argument. 

For me it is without a doubt a top 3 issue for shaping the future of humanity. Do we accept that all the ice will melt? Do we see a future with partially abandoned major cities due to this? Most importantly and not often enough discussed, do we see a population cap on the world a few billion people short of where we are now due to the reduction of arable land needed to sustain the world's food supply, and are we prepared for our grandchildren to live through that transition? Going without saying is the economics impact of such a humanitarian crisis playing out.

Since the current evidence suggests we can act now at a pretty reasonable cost to curtail the scenarios if not avoid them entirely I'd say hell no. 

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  • The title was changed to Australian Election 2019

What positive things have they brought to the table? @Harry. Genuinely interested.

We're destined for a recession because of their horrendous, and as I just explained, intentionally petty economic management

They have cut funding to schools and Hospitals since the Howard government. A startling rape of the health and future of the nation

They are ignoring the literal future of the planet with their non existent action on climate change and renewable energy

They sold(loaned for 100 years)our energy grid to a private company to 'lower the cost' then the cost of energy went up immensely

The NBN was the greatest infrastructure update of the century. They undermined and underfunded it and fucking doomed us to shit internet for the foreseeable future. We literally dug the fucking country up to lay cable for next to no fucking reason The fucking utter pillock cunts.   

They have destroyed the Murray Darling. '

They are doing fuck all about the Reef and encouraging the destruction of Kosciusko


Let's hear about what they've done well then? 

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1 hour ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

What positive things have they brought to the table? @Harry. Genuinely interested.

We're destined for a recession because of their horrendous, and as I just explained, intentionally petty economic management

They have cut funding to schools and Hospitals since the Howard government. A startling rape of the health and future of the nation

They are ignoring the literal future of the planet with their non existent action on climate change and renewable energy

They sold(loaned for 100 years)our energy grid to a private company to 'lower the cost' then the cost of energy went up immensely

The NBN was the greatest infrastructure update of the century. They undermined and underfunded it and fucking doomed us to shit internet for the foreseeable future. We literally dug the fucking country up to lay cable for next to no fucking reason The fucking utter pillock cunts.   

They have destroyed the Murray Darling. '

They are doing fuck all about the Reef and encouraging the destruction of Kosciusko


Let's hear about what they've done well then? 

The upside of conservatives are more intangible imo. I see them as a necessary evil to maintain a balance.

They maintain Australia's competitiveness with other economies by keeping costs down and finding savings in areas others deem too hard. Particularly the cost of skilled labour, which with labors union backing always trends disproportionately upwards under their leadership as they cede turn demands and turn blind eye to union corruption.

They  also advance a culture that rewards effort and hard work, and people getting on with it rather than the overly sympathetic, "Woe is me" forces that dominate the left or which view all corporations as "the man" and the job of labourers is to be as unproductive as possible in order to maximise the number of Jobs created on a project, or where everyone gets the same payrise no matter how shit they are on the job. 

It's a rot that sets in if there's nothing there to balance it. An economy where people aren't motivated that hard work will pay off won't stay competitive for long.



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2 minutes ago, Harry said:

The upside of conservatives are more intangible imo. I see them as a necessary evil to maintain a balance.

They maintain Australia's competitiveness with other economies by keeping costs down and finding savings in areas others deem too hard. Particularly the cost of skilled labour, which with labors union backing always trends disproportionately upwards under their leadership as they cede turn demands and turn blind eye to union corruption.

They  also advance a culture that rewards effort and hard work, and people getting on with it rather than the overly sympathetic, "Woe is me" forces that dominate the left or which view all corporations as "the man" and the job of labourers is to be as unproductive as possible in order to maximise the number of Jobs created on a project, or where everyone gets the same payrise no matter how shit they are on the job. 

It's a rot that sets in if there's nothing there to balance it. An economy where people aren't motivated that hard work will pay off won't stay competitive for long.




The royal commission into union corruption found fuck all. The underfunded set up to fail royal commission into the banks where they even hand picked a commissioner into their own corruption found the banks guilty of heinous crimes such as charging minors, charging people for unused services and charging dead people. 


The unions protect against things like the liberals stripping penalty rates (as they have). 'work choices' the liberals recently relaxing construction job site laws so more corners can be cut at the cost of safety and they persecute companies who kill their workers. How any working human being can approve of the liberals attack on the unions is unfathomable


You sound like a complete uneducated whopper here tbh. Like you have no idea what actually goes on in this country and your above statement is a bunch of ambiguous bullshit. The unions aren't corrupt. That's Murdoch nonsense. They reward fuck all because they have stripped penalty rates and have fucking destroyed full time work. Educate yourself. 

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19 hours ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

The 'right wing' party and our reigning overlords are the Liberals (ironic). Calling them right wing is an absolute lie though. They are a party of evil corporate sluts who sell their souls and our futures for sweet fuck all to the highest bidder. 'right wing' insinuates they have an ideology. They don't. They simply exist to create wealth for their private donors. How does such a party exist and get voted in regularly? Well.... Rupert Murdoch. They literally own the media. And dumb/ignorant people vote for them due to scare campaigns and a lack of understanding of what policies actually impact their lives.

Sounds like a western right wing party to me.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Sounds like a western right wing party to me.


A western right wing party wouldn't have legalised gay marriage, and generally right wing = small government, more freedom with lower taxes. These cunts tax the shit out of the poor to give to the rich.


Oh I forgot about the part where they gave themselves groundbreaking new laws for greater power to spy on the population through their electronic devices. Laws that are not allowed in other western countries because they require having back doors into encrypted information. 

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@Devil-Dick Willie. I'm not going to engage with you if that's the tone you want to take. I've worked on enough construction sites to understand unions and not be speaking out of my element.

Most unions are fine. Most of the ones in manufacturing are. Some though particularly construction ones can be militant, intimidating and scary to take on. Victoria is known for this. A legacy from an era where Victoria was the big fish in manufacturing oil and gas and power generation.

They are much more intimidating than banks, and few people are willing to speak up about them. I would never in a million years go on record. It's a huge risk for a construction company to move on them either. They will have picket lines on most jobs in that state into the future. For an individual its career limiting, likely to result in intimidation and fears for your safety. 

Tires slashed, wheel nuts undone, a loud V8 purring on the curb in front of your house at midnight only to drive off when you look out the curtains, 3 nights in a row. A midnight rock through your window. All of these things have happened to people I know who came under the crosshairs of unions on construction sites.

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3 minutes ago, Harry said:

@Devil-Dick Willie. I'm not going to engage with you if that's the tone you want to take. I've worked on enough construction sites to understand unions and not be speaking out of my element.

Most unions are fine. Most of the ones in manufacturing are. Some though particularly construction ones can be militant, intimidating and scary to take on. Victoria is known for this. A legacy from an era where Victoria was the big fish in manufacturing oil and gas and power generation.

They are much more intimidating than banks, and few people are willing to speak up about them. I would never in a million years go on record. It's a huge risk for a construction company to move on them either. They will have picket lines on most jobs in that state into the future. For an individual its career limiting, likely to result in intimidation and fears for your safety. 

Tires slashed, wheel nuts undone, a loud V8 purring on the curb in front of your house at midnight only to drive off when you look out the curtains, 3 nights in a row. A midnight rock through your window. All of these things have happened to people I know who came under the crosshairs of unions on construction sites.



What year?


And please, engage. I want to see ANY kind of concrete counter argument to my above. Please

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On 13/05/2019 at 23:46, Devil-Dick Willie said:

A western right wing party wouldn't have legalised gay marriage, and generally right wing = small government, more freedom with lower taxes. These cunts tax the shit out of the poor to give to the rich.

Oh I forgot about the part where they gave themselves groundbreaking new laws for greater power to spy on the population through their electronic devices. Laws that are not allowed in other western countries because they require having back doors into encrypted information. 

Sounds like the Conservatives in England but the Democrats in America. Guess it depends on whose scale you're judging by...

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2 hours ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

3 sausage sandwiches for $7 and I got to vote against the great evil of our nation (Who harry never got round to mounting any sort of defence for)


Good day out all round. 

I could see you were a lost cause mate and I voted Labor anyway.


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1 hour ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

@Harry That's a cop out and a half. I was genuinely interested just to see what you had to say tbh. 


I knew you would, you did say earlier that this time round you would vote labour due to a shithouse 3 year team from the libs. Their latest term has been indefensible IMO. 

I vote Labor most of the time tbh. Maybe two thirds.

This time it was energy policy and climate change that was decisive. Also important to me was protection of the ABC and in rejection of my very conservative local member who backed Dutton and destabilised Turnbull throughout.

Definitely this term was the worst I've seen for hard core conservative disruption and was so frustrating watching everything Turnbull tried to do be cockblocked by small vocal minority.

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This is looking like a pretty depressing result. Another minority government maybe. Liberals to retain power most likely. 

If Labor do lose I can only conclude it's owing to shortens unpopularity and a strong campaign where the plucky gaseous Morrison took centre stage.

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12 hours ago, Harry said:

This is looking like a pretty depressing result. Another minority government maybe. Liberals to retain power most likely. 

If Labor do lose I can only conclude it's owing to shortens unpopularity and a strong campaign where the plucky gaseous Morrison took centre stage.


Unfortunately you're right. The uneducated peasants who vote based on what the PM will look like decided Shortens head was too big. The Liberal candidate will always get centre stage because of their media monopoly.


Our prime minister is now a man who shat himself at McDonalds, leading a party who only want to benefit the ultra rich financially, and who only appease the ultra conservative socially and environmentally. The stupid and poor who voted ScoMo in will get dumber and poorer and they've none but themselves to blame.


Fuck queensland. 

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