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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Danny


    Think he’s steamrolled through a lot of opponents but not been made to box, showed enough tonight imo to say that he can outbox someone like Joyce in periods, just needs to get his head down. Rarely worked Joyce’s body for example
  2. Danny

    Rugby League

    And no one was there to see it
  3. I have no recollection of posting that at all, genuinely thought there was a second Danny on here for a moment
  4. Danny


    Just wish AJ and Fury would fight each other, do one with these nothing fights now please
  5. I genuinely regret spending money on this, the tackling is just terrible. Slow and ineffective, tell me how I can put 4-5 past the computer every game whilst counter attacking and concede a shitload at the same time. I’m not going all out attack, I’m hitting them on the break with 2-3 players. It’s just so bad, like refund level bad. I’d just prefer FIFA20 with a kit/player update Hows PES this year?
  6. I’ve read two books in my entire life and the first one took me a year to finish, I was about 12 Made an effort to read recently and read Translations by Brian Friel (a play), an Irish book that would come under the genre of “The Brits Are At It Again”...was an easy enough read and the characters were endearing. Done well to highlight the complicated nature of colonialism and the various effects it can have on the people being oppressed by it, as well as the people put in charge to support it.
  7. Really don’t get the widespread support for Corbyn, he was the head of a main political party that allowed anti-semitism to run rife, he was literally the head of systemic racism within a sector of British politics. Racism comes from systemic oppression and he was the head of a system that allowed anti-semitism, refused to act swiftly and promptly, just let it carry on. That makes him a massive, massive cunt regardless of the other good things he’s done in his life.
  8. The governing bodies have really done very little to protect the players from this schedule
  9. Is Arteta a poor mans Mourinho or does he just know that Arsenal have a shit team?
  10. I found half the battle with exercise is just sticking to the routine, if you do it consistently you’ll feel better for it Ive put a bit of weight on the last year or two, nothing too much mind, still fairly slimish but just grown the old double chin, tits and belly popping out. Difficult living at home sometimes to commit to exercise and eating healthy as you get stuck a bit so hoping when me and the missus move out in the new year things will change there. I’m not a massive fan of running but I can do it if needed, prefer to swim and cycle though which is a bit difficult under lockdown (swimming at least)
  11. I don’t think this will drastically improve life for Americans, especially those normally affected by discrimination. But it’s a step away from complete and utter madness Trump and Trumpism was one of the least surprising surprises, America is a country built off of slavery and exploitation. To have a black president really shakes up the status quo, Trump is the expected response But Biden’s win has shown that was just a rebound rather than a path America was going to go down for a long time
  12. Look at how his conviction was quashed and it’s very disturbing.
  13. Keane is also from Cork, not much British colonial mindset there
  14. So another not quite a lockdown lockdown I’d like to know why so many people on the BBC believe closing schools either 100% or 50% is the answer but governments clinicians disagree
  15. A good win today against a tough side to beat away, once our injury list dries up we will be in a good position for the season. We've had a mixed start but the good this is we're only 4 points behind the automatic spot so it's a healthy position to be in. We play a 3 man midfield which means we have 6 midfielders, of the 6 two have been injured and once has been in and out so with the tight schedule it's been difficult to stay consistent. Ivan Toney stopped playing football in Feb/March so even though he's fit to play he is carrying an injury and we need to manage his game-time which is why he's consistently been subbed off for Marcus Forss who scored a lovely goal today. Forss has scored 6 or 7 goals already this season, we are not going to miss the goals from Benrahma and Watkins. Forss is a product of our B Team and could turn into the poster boy for it if he carries on this way, has been in great form. Waiting for Jansson to come back into defence but Sorensen is doing a good job deputising. I'm not sure how other teams are doing regarding injuries but most of our formations and subs have all been to protect players from injury. For example with Toney it's proven that the majority of injuries come in the last 15 of a game so that's when we bring him off. The coaches can see in training and matches how long a player keeps his foot on the floor for when running, the longer it is the more fatigued they are. When they're fatigued they get subbed off....very good handling of the squad and our games so far even if we haven't won nearly every game.
  16. The intention is to be neutral when being secular is it not? It’s hardly neutral to ban religious garments. I mean the levels of Islamophobia in France are directly related to what’s happening, no one is saying that these issues excuse or provide enough reason behind beheading someone, but it doesn’t surprise me that a country like France seems to suffer more with these attacks than any other in Europe. There is literally no issue with not being able to see people’s faces, I’ve lived in London most of my life, in areas surrounded by women with face coverings. It’s not an issue to anyone that isn’t a raging bigot.
  17. I mean it clearly is islamophobic amongst many other religious based discriminations in which you’ve just listed. But also it clearly affects Muslims more than most religions as they are garments chosen to be worn by most Muslim women, compared to say a Nun whereas most Christian women will not wear a religious garment
  18. If you ban religious clothing with no real reason other than its religious then you are “the bad guy”. There is no plausible logic to it. It’s wilfully ignorant to ban face coverings and include religious garments in that. It is islamophobic. If you go through such trouble to be known as a secular nation then why would you have policy in place that’s discriminates against a specific religion for no real reason? Again France is not to blame for beheadings or shootings but it is to blame for discriminating against Muslims
  19. Then maybe it’s just a miss communication and if so then I apologise, also taking into account that English might not be your first language, but how the post is written it is the same rhetoric used against muslims and ethnic minorities
  20. If France was truly secular they wouldn’t have banned burkas and hijabs. Clearly there is no justification for beheadings or mass shootings but France has a much more volatile relationship with its Muslim population that it doesn’t need to have. And @Rucksackfranzose post is literally steeped in racism, a religion is an ideology, to be French is not seperate to being Muslim. That thought process is part of the racist thinking that “you can’t be from here because you’re black/brown/Muslim/etc.”
  21. There’s no evidence these local lockdowns have worked in the UK is there? Feel like you need capable test and trace for a thorough local lockdown to work... National lockdowns aren’t the long term answer but the government need to announce a lockdown so they can pull their fingers out their arse
  22. It’s lower but madly according to the BBC local area thing Ealing has around 400 recorded deaths and Liverpool 600ish, yet their number per 100k is larger
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