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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Off Topic

    It just has a larger emphasis on the arts, so more artsy fartsy people come from there; that in turn leads to youth sub-cultures that value the arts. They think they are from some cultural mecca so they talk as if they are from New York. There is literally nothign more that I hate about Melbourne than people saying it's 'more European'. Makes me cringe everytime.
  2. Spike

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    I liked the patxarana quite a bit more then the Estrella Galicia. It was a fine beer, I've nothing really to say about it, it wasn't particularly mind blowing nor offensive.
  3. Spike

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    @SirBalon drank patxarana and estrella Galicia for the first time.
  4. Zidane's preferential treatment of his fellow French-Algerian compadre is a cancer that Real cannot afford anymore.
  5. I'm surprised he only has 1 cap for Uruguay. They aren't especially blessed in the CB position.
  6. @SirBalon What do think of Mauricio Lemos of ex-Palmas fame? People are already commenting he has eclipsed Jose Gimenez (who has regressed) but it is odd that he was loaned->transferred to a middling Italian side. Is the Canary Islands club in dire straights?
  7. Theo Asensio Isco Vazquez Mayoral Llorente Vellejo Ceballos Will all have magnificent careers.... just not at Real Madrid.
  8. The best Dutch footballer in the world is Spanish.
  9. Watching the Colchoneros cosplay as Villarreal in stop motion against Sevilla.
  10. Spike

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    I know, that is what we were talking about
  11. Spike

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    It isn't always so sad... yeah in an idealised world they'd be remembered for their sports glory but sometimes a person's life and legacy means more than just what happened on the pitch. Bosman for instance is a nobody as an athlete but as a man he changed the power structure and the relationship between a club and a player.
  12. Spike

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    How else is a fifteen year old supposed to learn?How can ot not be 'racially motovated' when race was an integral aspect of his oife?
  13. Spike

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    It'a nice video that brings a largely forgotten player to a new generation. Even players like Fashanu are largely 'who?' responses.
  14. Spike

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    A video for the oldies @SirBalon @Bluewolf @Batard
  15. Spike

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    Maybe, you would know it from facebook and you'd also know it is very English. I'm thinking it is derived from a romance word that was perhaps intoduced by the Normans. It could also be a coincidence like 'Costello' in Ireland and Italy. But then again it is said that the Galicians or at least the ancient counterparts were related to tribes on the British isles and north west France
  16. Spike

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    Barragan and Barrientos (the last is one letter away from nearly being exact)
  17. Spike

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    There are two Spanish surnames are that very close to my own. I wonder if they share the same etymology?
  18. I thought Germans were supposed to be practical and pragmatic? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/11/berlin-announces-scheme-urinals-women/
  19. Although I adore the Godfather, I don't really want to watch it again because it's perfect and I remember near all of it. BUT the dumbass ball and chain has never seen in some bizarre glitch of reality. So here is my preemptive review of the Godfather. 10/10 just watch the fucking thing already
  20. Training Day 8/10 Not for those prone to anxiety. This suspense film had my heart beating from start to finish, the lingering feeling doom never faded; every second feels like an eternity where a million things could go wrong. Ethan Hawke's performance is underrated juxtaposed to Denzel Washington's larger than life character. A damn fine film with only one moment that I disliked; the very contrived and predictable 'no good deed goes unrewarded' moment; those who has seen the film know what I mean.
  21. Some animals can't exist in the wild without human's farming them.Just food for thought.
  22. Aye, because it isn't always about earning money. My Mrs. won't even entertain the idea of working somewhere she'd hate.
  23. Women typically report far higher job satisfaction then men, not exactly something to not be proud of. It seems women tend to follow what they 'want' to do, versus what 'I need to do to earn more'.
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