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Everything posted by Toinho

  1. Toinho


    Incredible morning. Pathetic really from England. Waste of time.
  2. Day 4 in a row of 42+ plus today. Mental.
  3. I just finished it too. I thought it was good. An anti vaxxer thinks the movie correlates perfectly well to “idiots” not being awake in this day and age with COVID. They focused completely on the politics part of the movie. Whereas I think, while there is an obvious focus on politicians being untrustworthy, I took away from it that it’s actually mainly an attack on misinformation, as well as people ignoring science, and a movie that defends scientists. Interesting how there’s different takes on it.
  4. Toinho

    Off Topic

    Needs severe mental health help
  5. Watched the launch and the next 20 minutes or so. Incredibly fascinating. I’ll admit I didn’t know it was happening until I was talking to a friend and I’m glad I did. This could yield an incredible look into the past!
  6. I came back to try make this list. I will try better in 2022.
  7. You’re still doing this? Cute.
  8. I had Pfizer for my two. Tempted to go moderna for the booster next year - if eligible etc. Pfizer knocked me about a little.
  9. What are the big attractions there? I could Google it but…
  10. Enjoy. Where about? I’ve only done Oahu.
  11. Well, announced today I will need my booster early next year to keep my job. After being told double vaxxed is the way to go… we have another mandate… not really sure how I feel about this right now.
  12. Toinho


    Delayed response but congrats mate. Hope the good sleep continues forever…you must be near the 4 months regression now (we didn’t have one - but babies struggled around 6-8 months with sleep).
  13. Look, I’d happily give him my bratwurst.
  14. Oh hello and thanks for the concern. Life’s been hectic. Really hectic. Babies + work + operation etc etc. I thought I’d pop back in here though and be an early Xmas present for at least @Bluewolf and @CaaC (John).
  15. Oh thank god glad to hear it. Thanks mate happy to get on with my life now.
  16. I just made a comment on some of your posts and have actually apologised. Let it go. Head outside. Talk to a human face to face x
  17. Imagine how I felt after your comments about me. Equally confused! At least we are finally on the same page!
  18. I haven’t levelled up in ignoring certain posts though! I’ll get there.
  19. Aye. I shouldn’t have called him sad.
  20. I think you said it far better than I could have. Anyway, back on topic. Apologies lads and lasses of the free world. None of my business in here anyway as I’ve levelled up.
  21. May wanna rename this thread “Tommy’s Jokes”.
  22. It’s just a forum mate. I don’t need to post jokes daily or need your approval thst I’m “funny or very serious”. However, not going to argue as it’s pointless just recheck the definition of self-conscious as I’m very happy with who I am, what I am and where my life is. That’s your own identity problem, and I hope you get better, I truly do.
  23. An easy bite! But I expected better from you I highly doubt it though, this is merely just a forum and not a true representation of how we are in real life. For example I’ve met @Danny. Hilarious in real life, boring here!. Anyway, I have German ancestry so maybe you and I are related. Fun fact.
  24. Somehow still watching Ted Lasso weekly. I like it…(once I got over the whole football thing not looking too legit). I then watched the first episode of Mr Corman last night. Thought it may be interesting, a 5th grade teacher who should feel happy with life but doesn’t, has some good bits but not sure it’s gonna draw me in.
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