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Everything posted by OrangeKhrush

  1. The civil rights movement conducted legitimate protests, I am sure there were one or two incidents on the side but his entire rights advocacy protests did not involve threats of violence, vandalism, civil disturbance. The right to protest is one thing however it is not absolute, there are limits and if those limits are respected then a protest should be respected.
  2. Rory Jennings now claiming he was right about Haaland
  3. From the reports nobody was killed, if anything it was just a show of power, that they can hit any target, including those in very close proximity to Iran's nuclear facilities and completely avoid detection. American news reporting an air strike which is the most likely, Iran have no capacity to detect F35's and the type of strike described looks like a typical precision strike from a aircraft. It may also have been a AGM 158 JASSM stand off missile which the US recently sent to Israel, these are long range, cruise missiles with next to no radar cross section, given the expense of these, it is highly unlikely.
  4. I am fine with protests however there is a fine line between protests and public disturbance, violence/threat any kind of targeting of people who are directly related to your opposition or to people who are not interested and forcing them to adopt a stance through coercion is not protest as you said, it is zealotry. Protesters arrested for shutting down golden gate bridge and harassing people in my view is well within Law enforcements right to protect the interest of the public.
  5. OrangeKhrush


    With preparations for Pasach upcoming I am making: Chicken soup with matzo balls Lamb rack and brisket served with kugel and veg cooked in salt water Gefilte fish For the prayer part; apple slices and honey de shelled hardboiled eggs in salt water kitke and salt
  6. Deutschland Uber alles was banned due to its connection to the national socialists party, it was however just the Uber alles was removed/replaced. All for Germany or everything for Germany is a tough one to sell as endemically nazi, civic nationalism is not illegal. I will read up on SA but may need a bit more accuracy for Google as SA will throw up a metric ton of other results If a politician uses any symbolism to destructive regimes be it nazism or leninism maoism the individual should be banned from the party
  7. I look at the Coefficients working against England as a catalyst for a exciting run in. Spurs and Villa are now in a dual for the final spot, Spurs and Villa have a run in that could upset the top of the table as seen on the weekend past, Spurs having Arsenal and City would not be easy games for any team and the constant slips and jinks will make that league exciting.
  8. Pole Position - Which driver will post the fastest lap in Q3? Verstappen Podium - Which drivers will finish the Grand Prix in the top three positions AFTER MAX VERSTAPPEN IS REMOVED FROM THE RESULTS? 1. Perez 2. Sainz 3. Leclerc Random Driver - Predict the finishing position of this week's random driver, Yuki Tsunoda. 12th Bonus Question - Which of the "bottom five" teams will get a car into Q3 - RB, Haas, Sauber, Williams, Alpine or None? None
  9. Are Burritos not sealed by melting cheese on the outside of the wrap
  10. Whatever mince I don't use for the taco's I keep for lunch the next day, add it to rice and its sort of a curry
  11. This is going to spice up the top 4 race now, If City and Arsenal go out that's the extra co-efficient done.
  12. I absolutely love tacos, slightly spicey with guac and salsa
  13. This is not good for the English clubs odds of a 5th champions league spot
  14. Always enjoyed Rudy Rochmans views, lot of thought provoking stuff.
  15. They have participated in false news reports i this conflict, just because they skew a view you want to believe doesn't make them correct, they can report the correct news 99% of the time but they still do drop unsubstantiated hit pieces, the two worst hit pieces were both around Al Shifa at different stages, in November they reported the IDF destroyed Al Shifa, killing 800+ people, it was then discovered that Al Shifa was standing, and it was a Hamas rocket that may have been deliberately targeting their own, but reported as a misfire hitting the parking lot, killing 49 people. By the time they did a redaction the story went viral and the damage was done, that is intentional. The next was a month or so ago with a piece about IDF soldiers executing people and raping, based on a single "eye witness" that later confessed it was a lie to try galvanise Arab interest in the region, again it was published and later retracted after damage was done. The media will lens perception based on what base they want, they want people who are anti semetic to read their material and run with it, some media is far more reliable and neutral, I tend to stick to them over the usual suspects. Various news sources have suggested that around 300 tons of food aid and around 200 tons of other aid has entered Gaza, per the UN index Gaza needs 4.2 tons per week food to feed everyone properly, that means over 54 weeks of food is in Gaza yet the story run is how infamished it is, this while they make tik toks ranking foreign food aid, or seemingly made the journey back into Northern Gaza. Al Jazeera did not show the Associated Press footage of Hamas stealing supply trucks from North Gazans in need, why because it is Hamas punishing their own people who they believe have been aiding Israel. This conflict needs to be viewed through the lens of of bilateral obligation and how Hamas have purposefully violated Rules of war to endanger their own, the west has been complicit due to the rise of anti semetic factions within both spheres of western politics and anti semitism is heavy on the voting ticket
  16. This conflict has kind of been ignored but it is escalating with Russia now on the offensive but taking large casualties on the way. Their was a US report card that came out saying that Russia has lost only or just under 10% of its airforce and around 25% of its armored capacity however those seem to have caveats. The russian airforce is highly ineffective but still hasn't been able to get any foothold in the war, this is despite Ukraine having very little to no anti aircraft defense systems. The Armor losses are grossly skewed against reading into its soviet era stockpile with old T-54 and T-62's being repurpsosed for service. Moscow projects to the media that this is to save more "modern assets" but I think it is a bluff, Russia doesn't have a modernised army, they are still beholden to soviet era stockpiles, the next issue is 3 tankers die every time a Russian tank gets lit up by western weapons, you can replace tanks but not people. The west has essentially thrown Ukraine to the wolves and drummed them up into fighting a war to act as weapon testing, while the results are successful in the sense that Russia is hopelessly outclassed technologically, Ukraine is also suffering absurdly high loses. Russia passed 475 000 dead and wounded, in a war with absolutely no value for Russia other than being a strong arm against NATO, it has failed miserably, the Russians have just shown themselves to be a weak fighting force under the control of a mad man who is so reliant on China and Iran to help him through it. It is probably about time NATO showed some balls and backed Ukraine with a show of intent. Putin will sign a ceasefire faster than you can say Katyusha.
  17. I was hoping it would be like the old days where you get one episode a week. I loved the anticipation of waiting for the next episode of prison break as an example, you had the whole week to debate what will happen next.
  18. As I said it wasn't a butchering, I just didn't feel the NCR or Brotherhood of steel at all and that ghoul vape was a bit excessive. I am just very picky and think some things needed a slower burn to get into story lines expand it a bit. I will definitely watch season 2, I will be more critical of season 2 but at least it isn't going to be complete shit like Ashoka
  19. I saw that on saturday, thought it was initially just a joke but it was legit posted on X
  20. Al Jazeera are pro at reporting news that is completely made up, ergo why they never show where it happened or use old footage of something completely unrelated. DIP is a common ploy, its been about 2 weeks without Palastine being the center of attention, they must be missing it.
  21. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed live in a sermon in Australia, the assailant a 16 year old said he did it because he insulted his prophet. Mental.
  22. https://www.bbc.com/sport/articles/cjjpvqw83ewo There is no buy back clause for cole palmer.
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