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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Stan


    Got tickets for Wimbledon today. Court 1 on the missus' birthday so using that as one of her birthday presents. We both love Nadal so a sickener he won't be there but I'll just be glad to finally go! Will be mens QF day so hopefully get to see some decent play.
  2. Gabriel, Holding, Chambers, Mari. Saliba to come back but unsure how he'll be. I'd say it is a place to improve on, perhaps not quite low as last on their priorities.
  3. I tried discussing that the other day, saying that Arsenal's stature has dropped dramatically recently. It didn't go down well.
  4. It's frustrating. This has already been moved from April and we moved it to July thinking it'd be well clear of the 'roadmap' reaching it's conclusion. Sadly it's a day out after this latest extension . Just leads to more frustration.
  5. Yeah I'm trying to see it as a positive. The threshold has gone but social distancing remains there. Just waiting to hear back from our venue now on how many people will be allowed. It's a big venue so maybe we can get to the amount of guests we initially wanted but I'm still 50/50 on how it'll be. Initially we planned for 90. I think it'll be about 60 for the venue we have so means we'll be having to give some bad news to some of our guests.
  6. Thanks. Every time I feel like I've dealt with the anxiety and uncertainty of it all, another curveball is thrown. Last week there were a few 'leaks' day by day of what could happen. One day it was 'unlimited numbers can be allowed at weddings'. Then the next day there's the leak about the 4-week delay. And then even over the weekend there's still talk of wedding numbers increasing. But therein lies more certainty. When will they increase? To what number? From 21st June or 19th July? Then there's the 'break clause' if the data is good enough. What happens then? So many questions come up every so often and very rarely are we given a satisfactory answer. And when answers are provided - such as 21st June being the 'unlocking', it doesn't happen. So plans that we make well in advance go out the window anyway. Even if there's contingencies it's still hard to plan for. To say it's incredibly frustrating would be a huge understatement. I'm resigned to not having the wedding ceremony we planned for in July (which has already been moved from April). After that it's just keeping fingers crossed for the 'ideal' Indian wedding we both want and have planned the best part of 12-14 months for in August...
  7. Stan

    Off Topic

    You have to be another level of cunt to do this. Even if it wasn't just a few hours after what happened to Eriksen its fucking stupid to vandalise something that could save someone's life. .
  8. Exactly. As if it's some kind of genius idea he's concocted
  9. Stan

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Agreed as well. I feel for those at our company (and probably millions of others) who were almost thrust in to WFH as a result of the pandemic. Having to work in bedrooms, kitchens, tiny spaces I count myself very fortunate to have had ample space both when I was at my flat and back at home. Also can't stress enough to get as much fresh air as possible when it comes to taking breaks. Probably won't realise it at the time but it is so healthy for you to take that kind of break and not just be inside all the time.
  10. Stan

    Work/Jobs Thread

    I've been wfh for nearly 5 years now. I can't stress enough how important it is to ensure you maintain your wellbeing. Mentally and physically. Regardless of the work you're assigned to do for your role, taking regular breaks and keeping active is so important. Sitting at your desk all day isn't healthy but getting up and moving about can be so beneficial. You'd do it in the office so why not do it at home? If you're worried about the time then think about how much work you'd do instead of commuting. It's also not healthy to have so much screen time and video calls without breaks. If you're workplace aren't championing healthy work/life balance then they're already doing something wrong. Agree with @The Palace Fan about being new in a company and having to work from home. My manager started work and then 4 months later COVID hit so for her getting to know people in the company was made hugely difficult. Even since we started working from home, generally you miss so much of what goes on in the office or for the company, but then that's where good communication comes in from the top. And to be honest because you've got a job to do you kind of get over not knowing (or at least not needing to know) trivial things you usually would around the office anyway.
  11. It's just such an embarrassment he gets to represent our country. Cringeworthy.
  12. Stan


    Was Nadal injured for half of that match? There was a point towards end of the third and start of the fourth that you could tell his body had almost given up on him.
  13. Stan


    Only while the investigation was going on I believe.
  14. Stan

    Off Topic

    Yes and I personally chose @McAzeem first as the Guinea pig.
  15. Stan


    Bit OTT I thought. He's an odd individual.
  16. Stan


    @Eco you watching Djokovic/Berettini? Rubbish fans have to go home halfway through the game. Shame players have to go off as they were primed to continue an epic game.
  17. Wants to be 'fairer and greener' Travels on a plane from London to Cornwall
  18. Stan


    Ben Stokes did it a few years ago and was cleared
  19. Stan


    I suspect it's not anyone in capacity at ECB. It's more likely a member of public digging it all up and bringing it to the public eye. Then it gets 'brought to the attention' of the ECB. But it does indicate to any teenager around right now - careful what you tweet/post/comment on or about as you never know when it might come back to bite you if it can carry any kind of offensive nature
  20. You're really conflicted inside now aren't you?
  21. Stan


    These two points kind of contradict each other to be fair. They do have to worry about their consequences of their actions because eventually it will come back to bite them. So if you're 18, think about what you write online - on FB, Twitter, Instagram etc. I don't think him saying he was young negates any learning he might have picked up since. You could have the best upbringing and still be an absolute cunt through immaturity; it might not have been his upbringing or who he surrounded himself with. It was 'only' 9 years ago - social media was still rife at that time and even at 18 you're bound to make some mistakes. I agree that they should be educated as well as having to face the consequence of not playing a sport they may love or enjoy. Otherwise what is the point indeed. Banning them from the sport for a period of time, only for them to come back and play anyway without realising what exactly they have done is wrong is pointless. Agree that it's telling about the government getting involved - forgot to mention in my post that I have no idea why Johnson had to get involved. Ramprakash was right with his comments about the government having no right to have their say.
  22. Stan


    A lot of investigations by ECB in to their players and historical social media posts. Ollie Robinson obviously the documented at the moment for racist/sexist/misogynistic tweets 9 years ago. Allegedly Craig Overton for telling a Pakistani player while at Somerset 'to go back to your own country'. Allegedly Buttler/Morgan for mocking, on Instagram, how Indian people speak. And this morning they're investigating other instances of historical comments. They've set the precedent with the Robinson incident. Suspending him from all cricket, however this is more so they can continue to 'investigate'. Michael Holding made a good and valid point yesterday; these are historical - if he has changed his ways, apologised, educated himself and matured since he was younger, should he continue to be banned/suspended? I agree when he says we all make mistakes when we're younger but if we can show we can learn from those lessons, why not give him second chances? Some of the above are instances when they were a teenager, when they probably didn't know better at all and still learning. I think the ECB have some very big decisions to make. It'd be a huge call to replace Robinson for Overton in the upcoming next test against NZ. What do others think of this whole scenario?
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