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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Same. Around +30 during the day, around +20 at night. Perfect weather.
  2. And have a BBQ while sunbathing in the garden
  3. The coldest temperature I have ever experienced was below -30, haha. So while I hate cold weather, especially when it's also humid and windy, -9 sounds like a pretty mild winter
  4. nudge


    I absolutely adore geckos. Wild house geckos are pretty much everywhere here, not as pets, but as freely moving wild animals in urban environments, so there are always several at the house/apartment/everywhere. Then after a while, you also get really tiny gecko babies What's interesting, that you can actually see noticeable differences in their characters/temperaments. Some are shy and hide whenever you approach them, some are very loud/territorial, and some actually kinda enjoy human company. We had three baby geckos in the bungalow a few years ago who would always climb on the table, then on your hand/computer mouse and then the monitor whenever you were working, and had absolutely no fear of humans. And then for some reason, there's always one which is not the brightest tool in the shed and extremely clumsy, and falls down from the ceiling after falling asleep once it gets startled by something I had a gecko fall on to my head or shoulder at least a dozen of times as a result
  5. I'm just surprised @Tommy hasn't turned up to this thread yet in order to lobby for Düsseldorf
  6. It's understandable, and it also depends on your preferences. I think it is manageable, but 5-6 cities + potential additional destinations in 2 weeks would probably be a bit too much for my liking, as I prefer slower travel and spending more time in one place. Personally, I'd plan at least 3 full days in München/Berlin each + 1 or 2 additional days for day trips from there, and then if you add additional places along the way, that's 14 days gone very quickly
  7. Yeah that sounds good. Whichever route you choose, try not to cram too much into your 2 weeks, regardless how tempting that might be
  8. I assume the whole family will be travelling? Having many people and luggage (ugh, my least favourite thing) can be a real nightmare when using public transportation all the time, especially if you have connecting trains... Also keep in mind potential (and when I say potential, I mean very likely) delays and cancellations. Personally, I like to find a "home base" somewhere in the middle of the planned route and then do most of the traveling from there - day trips by public transportation to the big cities because driving and looking for parking spots in big cities sucks ass, and renting a car for the smaller towns/country side. That way, you don't have to carry all your stuff with you every time as well...
  9. I honestly don't even know where, how and when this inside joke started, but I've been going along with it for years now I think it's probably @Faithcore's fault.
  10. Of course not. But we are kinda running a Bruno cult here, so please throw away your logic and accept him as your lord and saviour
  11. Yeah, it splashed down over 150 km off the coast, should have just stuck with the livestream tbh
  12. Three of the kids have passed away
  13. Orion splashdown in less than 1 hour... What a view.
  14. nudge


    They are all great, although some I would say are more cute than funny
  15. Yep. And the technology will only get better. I have a feeling it will become quite difficult to distinguish between a genuine image/video and an AI generated fakes in the future, which will be a proper nightmare in terms of misinformation, propaganda, and choosing what to believe.
  16. @Rab I just started having the same issue I had previously - replying to a PM, but it doesn't work. EDIT: It works again.
  17. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/12/thanks-to-ai-its-probably-time-to-take-your-photos-off-the-internet/ This is quite an interesting read and experiment... The output is not perfect, but it's scary how easy it is to make something like that. @Mel81x
  18. Yeah... I'm all for euthanasia/assisted suicide for terminally ill people who suffer, but this looks more like putting down desperate people who can't afford living.
  19. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11516989/Canadian-man-doctors-approval-euthanasia-despite-admitting-POVERTY-main-factor.html I know the source is dodgy, but nevertheless, this is so fucked up... And it seems it's not just this one case. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/11/canada-cases-right-to-die-laws https://globalnews.ca/news/9176485/poverty-canadians-disabilities-medically-assisted-death/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/woman-with-disabilities-nears-medically-assisted-death-after-futile-bid-for-affordable-housing-1.5882202 https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/10/13/medical-assistance-death-maid-canada/ https://nypost.com/2022/11/08/canadian-man-assisted-suicide-being-pushed-on-me-by-hospital/ @Viva la FCB wtf?...
  20. Düsseldorf should hire you as their PR manager
  21. I've seen some of it in the past, the German show is called Bares für Rares. Not my kind of TV, I'm afraid...
  22. That's a pity. I thought the story was really, really good. If you are not planning to play it, at least watch the ending! I'm putting it into spoiler tags, just in case
  23. Yeah, that made me laugh too Have you played the first game? I really enjoyed it, but the sequel looks so much better
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