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Everything posted by nudge

  1. @Mel81x @Dr. Gonzo @Tommy Look how beautiful it is
  2. Well, if they also made child labour legal again, then the whole family could work at the same place and spend 12 hours together!
  3. You're not really wrong, they were indeed seen as one of the most secular and liberal societies in the region. After Suharto's autocratic rule was over in the late 90s, the country underwent a period of reformations and a largely successful transition to a functioning democracy with free and fair elections, more political and civil liberties, proliferation of independent media, decentralisation, and a largely tolerant, religiously-moderate society. All of that made it a leading (even if flawed) democracy in the region and Muslim world. Well, except Aceh, which is ruled under Sharia law, but that was an exception. However, the process started stagnating at some point, and now it appears it has been in decline for several years, with hardliner religious groups gaining more influence, and government utilising that to cement their own power. So in other words, another failure to separate religion and state.
  4. Sad developments in Indonesia. The western media seems to be focusing on the laws making pre-marital sex and cohabitation illegal, and while it's definitely bad, the other new laws are way, way worse than that. Insulting the president, state institutions and government officials is now a crime which carries a prison sentence of up to 4 years. Protests and demonstrations without permit are now criminalised, participants can be imprisoned for up to 6 months. The new treason law carries a death penalty. Spreading any ideology that runs counter to the national ideology (Pancasila) is now banned and punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Blasphemy laws are expanded, and apostasy can now be charged as a criminal offense, carrying a prison sentence of up to 4 years. Reporting and spreading news that "can be suspected" to be misinformation or cause public unrest is punishable by up to 6 years in prison. At the same time though, the new laws will include more lenient sentences for those charged with corruption. You can't make this shit up.
  5. The 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka showed the importance of mangroves ecosystem pretty clearly, too - take two villages on the Southern Coast for comparison, one of them surrounded by 200ha of dense, healthy mangroves, the other one by severely damaged, degraded mangroves. The casualties in the first one were the lowest in all Sri Lanka, only 2. The second one had around 6000 people killed...
  6. nudge

    Off Topic

    Omg he's back!
  7. Bruno knows him! They worked together at Wolfsburg.
  8. Free movie? Link? Me? What? Never... I don't know what he's talking about, officer, I swear!
  9. Yep, this looks good! A good old revenge story, too...
  10. So, does anyone remember the name Pescarolo?... It is reportedly set to make a comeback to motorsports, with a Hypercar entry in WEC for 2024 season Oh man, it looks better and better with every announcement!
  11. Well, at least now we know what Han did after the rebellion... Only makes sense, considering all the Indiana Jones Easter Eggs in Andor recently
  12. And the biggest one, Michaël Cuisance
  13. Of course they are, they can't help it. Old habits die hard...
  14. I'm so relieved Füllkrug didn't get injured... Must be disappointing to not make it past the group stage, but honestly, I personally am just glad it's over and he returns healthy Performance wise, quite impressive, even with very little playing time. 3 matches, 66 minutes in total, 2 goals, 1 assist.
  15. nudge


    No, it's aliens stuck in ravioli!
  16. This is only slightly related, but you should get yourself Space Engine. It's a realistic Universe simulator, representing the entire 1:1 scale observable universe from a combination of real astronomical data and scientifically-accurate procedural generation algorithms. All types of celestial objects are represented: galaxies, nebulae, stars and star clusters, planets and moons, comets and asteroids. Known celestial objects are represented using real data from astronomy catalogues, while regions of space not yet cataloged feature procedurally generated objects. Best part - you can visit and explore almost any of them. The newest version is paid, but earlier versions are free to download on the official website: https://spaceengine.org/
  17. Yep, I still use it, too! Hope you found the night mode faster than I did when I first got it, makes the world of difference in observing
  18. I've seen all four of the Galilean moons, and they are easily identifiable as in you can clearly see how they are all lined up on one almost straight line bisecting Jupiter (unless some of them are behind the planet or too close to it to be visible). Granted, they still just look like small spots of light, but it's very easy to spot them and impossible to confuse with any other objects. As for correctly identifying which moon is which, that might be a bit harder, but still very straightforward if you use one of the apps. Without the help from an app, it is good to know that Io and Ganymede are the brightest ones, while Callisto is the dimmest (very easily noticeable). Europa is pretty bright too, but it's usually possible to see the difference and correctly identify it. So the biggest confusion comes from trying to distinguish which one is Io and which one is Ganymede...
  19. For Jupiter, I always get my binoculars out, simply because the most fun part of Jupiter for me is spotting four of its moons I've heard you could even see them with a naked eye under certain conditions, but my eyesight is way too fucked for that haha
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