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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. @The Palace Fan Lovely bit of beef this morning.
  2. Lucas


    Corrr, I can safety say I wouldn't mind Nudge's kebab any day if the week looking at that
  3. Lucas

    Tips & Bets 365

    Tidy bit of work yesterday
  4. Lucas


    Looking forward to catching Josh Warrington tomorrow, especially as there's no bullshit PPV, on one of the normal Sky Sports channels. He looks in great shape in all. Just a shame there is no crowd because the atmosphere for his fights are mental.
  5. Lucas

    Members Pictures

    Our John boy, loves a bit of Dogging.
  6. Lucas


    Jimmy Anderson. That is all.
  7. What a surprise! Ah well, we got there in the end, and so will you fingers crossed. Great chance this year whilst Bournemouth and Watford are pissing about.
  8. Lucas


    Fucking Brady.
  9. Lucas


    Not going to lie, I would be slightly dubious of that haha. Definitely a 'sniff before you try' effort
  10. Lucas

    Members Pictures

    I see little'un on the left is going for the same hairstyle as his daddy.
  11. If you didn't know it snowed today, you would just be able to tell by the masses of Facebook posts letting you know. My god.
  12. Lucas


    What kind of crazy individual are you? Ruining Potato Salad like that? You disgust me!
  13. Lucas


    Sounds interesting. I sometimes use Apples in Salads though I haven't for ages. I do love a Waldorf Salad in Summer, with apple, celery, grapes, walnuts and a mayo dressing. I could literally eat a bowl of that and Potato Salad and that would hit the spot for me.
  14. Yeah definitely. David Tennant was eerily good in that.
  15. I watched The Pembrokeshire Murders, caught up with it on ITV from last week. Really gripping watch and a true story. Only 3 Episodes but absorbing details given the story. I like these cold case style stories. Luke Evans and Keith Allen were brilliant in their roles as detective and serial killer. Worth a watch I'd say if you've an afternoon spare.
  16. Lucas


    Looks nice. I bet it'll look the same when it leaves your body too
  17. Looks like last night has come at a price for City. It will be interesting to see how they break down sides without KDB now for a couple weeks. They never look the same without him. You look at the fixtures he'll miss and granted, they are soft fixtures but they are all low block sides as well so City might find it tough without his passing/delivery. Lot's of pressure on Sterling to produce now.
  18. Lucas

    Show us your pets

    Don't want to tell you how to suck eggs but from my experience, this is what I'd say. Sorry if it's a bit overkill. Sounds a bit simple but puppy proof your place before they come. Anything you don't want chewed, make sure its off the floor. They will be inquisitive when they check out your home and the amount of times I've said they won't touch that and they have is unbelievable. When you bring it home, if there is a blanket that his its mothers scent on, that will help it settle in your home. No big drama's if not. Naturally your daughter will want to play all the time with it. That's fine. At that age they just can't control when they go toilet so just be aware when they are getting excited and worked up, to stick them out in the garden after 15/20mins of play to avoid accidents. Just on getting them excited too, not sure how old your daughter is but they are very bitey when they are young. Tell her to be careful when she keeps waving her hands and fingers around its face, they just think your playing otherwise. Make sure they got some chewy toys they can play/bite into. Make sure they go out first thing when you get up and before bed so they get used to going to toilet at these times. Keep a couple water bowls out whilst they are getting used to things so they keep their fluids up. I'm assuming you will probably get a crate for the puppy, which if you do, you want it to get used to going in there so don't sbut the door unless its at night so they can get used to walking in and out. Never make them scared to go in it though as punishment if naughty. Equally if they cry and howl at night, you kinda need to put up with it initially so they know your not weak. Try not to mix up the diet too much because then they will get fussy and think if they don't want it, you'll just give them something else. There are certain things under no circumstance can you feed them, like human chocolate, grapes etc as its poisonous so familiarise yourself with these things. Don't overdo it on treats initially, more as rewards for going toilet outside or when they learn to sit and stay. They are going to have accidents, its natural. Just try be patient with that till they grasp it, and they will.
  19. Lucas

    Show us your pets

    First time as a puppy owner or dog owner in general? It'll be the worst/best decision of your life.
  20. Lucas


    Sometimes, it's best just to keep your mouth shut. P.S Not surprised gobshite Vaughan is on here either.
  21. Lucas


    All things considered, whatever happens tomorrow, India will walk away with enormous credit for even making this as competitive contest as it's been.
  22. How strange is that haha. Must have been decent if we've both given it a high vote. For ages, I kept looking at the Italian American guy thinking, 'I bloody know you' and then half way through realised it was only fucking Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. He's changed
  23. Green Book Been on my watch list for ages and finally sat down to watch it tonight. Completely worth the wait, loved it. Very touching, poignant, funny and extremely powerful. Both actors were top drawer in this playing almost polar opposite characters. Just makes you realise what they went through to do what they did and I didn't actually realise it was based on a true story till the end. 8.5/10.
  24. Lucas


    Cue the fucking waterworks
  25. Lucas


    Every now and then you get a Test like this which shows why it's important to keep the 5 day format.
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