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8 hours ago, El_Loco said:

https://www.barcaforum.com I´m not registered but I read some stuff they post there. Don´t abandon us though, I find debating with fans of other clubs much more interesting.  

I'm already signed up to a Barcelona forum Ricardo, but it's in Spanish. I haven't been on for a while, but whenever I used to go on there, I admittedly just used to spend my time messaging  women on it(even got one's number in fact who lived in Bilbao xD), although I haven't been on it for a while.


I'd rather come on here personally. It's the only forum I really bother with nowadays and I doubt I'll ever really bother with another forum again. Other than the Spanish speaking Barcelona forum and this one/TFF, I've never really stuck around on many forums. Well apart from the Blackburn Rovers one back in the day, which is where I originally know @JOSHBRFC from, before the TFF days.


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Just now, Cannabis said:

Rumours floating around Twitter that Barcelona are about to bid for Thomas Lemar with André Gomes as the make-weight to sweeten the deal. 

Yeah, read it this morning on both Mundo Deportivo and Sport.  I don't know whether to believe that though...  They're even speculating on Dybala.

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Just now, Cannabis said:

Same, it'd be nice to believe though! I feel sorry for Andre Gomes in a way too, it seems like every transfer rumour coming out of Barcelona these days has him as a make-weight somewhere xD. Coutinho, Dybala and now Lemar, he must feel really wanted...

André Gomes and Arda Turan!  Both of those are always being mentioned in these things.

I don't know what to believe anymore mate...  There's all sorts of confusion at the moment and even very reliable journalists I follow where it concerns Barça are saying that as far as they're concerned the technical team don't know what they're doing or what they really want which is creating all this confusion.

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Minguella rips into the Barça board


For those that don't know him or haven't heard of him, José María Minguella is an important figure in the history of FC Barcelona.  Few know the club better than him, few know the insides and outsides of everything that goes on at the club like he does.  One of the first professional player agents back in the 70s and 80s, assessor to Johan Cruyff, Joan Gaspart (ex-president of Barça) and at one point part of the board in the 70s with the then president Josep Lluis Núñez.

In an interview for Spanish radio station CADENA COPE he went into a monumental charge of criticisms aimed at the present FC Barcelona board.  Mingeulla is a very vocal person but in general has always kept his words down to facts and important details that may or may not be happening at the club.  But yesterday night he brought out some truths, facts and personal opinions on what's been occurring at the club for some time and especially this summer.

Here's a summary of what he said;


On the Neymar departure:  "At the club they've been selective with the information regarding the departure of Neymar and how it occurred.  The club knew of Neymar's intentions to leave since the 10th of May.  How is this the case?  Because I was the one who personally told them about what could be about to occur.  But there are many arrogant and over inflated egos at the club, people that don't listen and have no idea about how this sport works.  I went to Albert Soler who's the director for professional sports at the club and made sure I put my point across on what could happen.  He told me that he would advise those that needed to but that I knew full well what the situation was at the club and that coming from me they would be sceptical."

On the Philippe Coutinho saga:  "On Coutinho I will only speak my own personal opinion as a 'Socio' (club member) and that is that I wouldn't sign the Brazilian.  I really am hoping the deal fails, that Liverpool don't cave in.  I know he's important for Klopp's manner of playing the game but the player doesn't fit in at Barça and for me there are lots of factors missing from his game to succeed at Barcelona.  He looks so fragile that if you blow, he falls over.  He isn't worth a quarter of the amount of money being quoted from the speculative press."

On the amount paid for Dembélé:  "I don't know how many people know this, but when Ousmane Dembélé was at Rennes, I personally sat on a meeting at the club where he was discussed.  He was 16 at the time and the club had been following him since cadet level...  A member of the board at Rennes was sat in the meeting and he told a director at Barça which I won't name, that he would sanction the move of Dembélé to form himself at La Masia for €1.5m on the condition that if certain objectives were met that bonuses would be received by Rennes or any future sale of the player.  I couldn't believe what the board member at Barça answered, the same people that have ruined this club's respectability and spent stupid amounts of money on players that aren't at the required level and even if they are fantastic players, they don't fit at the club.  To spend the amount that's been spent on a 20 year old that isn't totally formed yet is the stuff of a mad house.  Everything is relative and I'd like to ask them that if they had implemented a €222m buy-out clause on Neymar, then where is the relation to spending €160m on Dembélé?  Their faces should be cast publicly in the city square because of the shame in it all."

Terrible negotiators and problems to sell:  "Like I said, unless something is done about it, this board are going to totally put the club in ruins.  How can you sign players that aren't of the level required?  What do you do with them one or two years down the line after what you spent on them?  Digne, André Gomes, Arda Turan and Alcácer!  Where do you sell them to as their contracts run down?  Where do you recoup money spent on players that aren't good enough to be in the first team and when they play they're nowhere near the level required at this club?  Barcelona is being run like a Premier League club, a club with no brains, like a headless chicken working for the moment.  This is all down to terrible negotiation when the player is looking to be signed and then when it comes to selling nobody seems to be assigned to work in that department at all.  Where does Paulinho go next year?  Paid €40m for him where he's failed for 9 years as a professional at club level and Matuidi cost €20m from PSG to Juve."

On a comparison with how Real have been recruiting the past two years:  "We don't and shouldn't really go there because here is the reason this board have nothing to do with how FC Barcelona have worked in the transfer market historically.  The tables have turned on 100 years of how Barça have done things from our east coast to the capital of Spain.  Isco, Asensio and three others I can mention should've all moved to Barcelona.  The deals were easy, the players wanted to go there and the club ethics on how we have always done things at Barça pointed to those deals being done.  Barcelona have always signed some of the greatest players in history, but they were always compliments to the side, to how the club works.  It was never a case of basing the club's future on total signings when we have what's required at home.  Any bulk additions should come from other schools in Spain.  This board have ruined the club!"

Again on Coutinho and his worth:  "What would Coutinho bring the team for the value of €150m?  Answer me this!  Have you guys seen him play?  He measures 1 metre 60 centimetres and when you blow, he falls.  He hasn't won a championship and when a player costs that amount if he hasn't won anything it's because he's ripped a league apart as a protagonist.  Ronaldinho cost €23m and now it's not about what they cost because of inflation, something the sport will collapse with.  It's now what a player brings to your side...  Dembélé is a mystery, he's very talented, over priced but he covers Neymar's departure.  Who does Coutinho cover?  Iniesta?  Don't make  me laugh, wash your mouth out with Holy Water and say 100 Hail Marys."

Di María:  "There's a lot of stupidity in this world but it seems that most of the stupid people are working for Barcelona these days.  You want to negotiate with a club (PSG) that robs you, makes you look ridiculous, doesn't pick up the phone when you want to enquire about one of theirs, their arrogance based on absolutely nothing, the fact they're shrouded in some of the most despicable associations on the planet.  This Barcelona board were in power when Manchester United were looking for any manner to get rid of Di María before PSG came in...  Why didn't they sign him then if he was an option for Barcelona? Oh, yes, Arda Turan was the answer!"

Arda Turan:  "I said at the time that Arda Turan was an error.  Luis Enrique is no longer at the club and Arda was his signing...  A signing he practically never used.  Arda now has 3 years remaining on his contract and he doesn't play.  Why doesn't he play?  Because Barcelona have never played any of their brands of football in 100 years where Arda's position is required.  He hasn't got a slot on the field, he's talented but he can't play.  This is just one of the starting basics on an analysis of what's needed when recruitment is in question.  A project is designed from those basic ideals and even that hasn't been implemented properly.  My grandson could've done a better job than they have, infact he does on a popular game on PlayStation."

Ariedo Braida:  "How Ariedo Braida, the only man in the present board that is a professional in the department and has the knowledge on all of these things...  How can he be on holiday for the summer?  Who decided this (laughter)?  Why did they send him on holiday?  He didn't go off his own accord, I know.  I know and some others do because he would've opposed what is being done.  This is why I'm so angry!  There's only one thing that can happen from now on and hopefully those that can work to Barcelona's ethics need to stand, come forward and take control.  It has to be done as soon as possible because everything about this club is going to ruins."

Edited by SirBalon
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1 hour ago, SirBalon said:


Arda Turan:  "I said at the time that Arda Turan was an error.  Luis Enrique is no longer at the club and Arda was his signing...  A signing he practically never used.  Arda now has 3 years remaining on his contract and he doesn't play.  Why doesn't he play?  Because Barcelona have never played any of their brands of football in 100 years where Arda's position is required.  He hasn't got a slot on the field, he's talented but he can't play.  This is just one of the starting basics on an analysis of what's needed when recruitment is in question.  A project is designed from those basic ideals and even that hasn't been implemented properly.  My grandson could've done a better job than they have, infact he does on a popular game on PlayStation."


Why doesn't he leaves himself when he knows there is no place for him at Barca?

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I hope he prospers at Benfica. I honestly do! It isn't his fault he was signed and he's been the butt of too many jokes in La Liga with countless mems almost every week. Hopefully he can now put many wrong and prove himself although this isn't his first loan deal. 

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The problems in midfield(that have been present for 2 years) have still not been addressed for me. A reinforcement in this area was vital this summer as far as I'm concerned.

Sergi Roberto will get chances now in midfield, that is one plus sign, but Iniesta isn't the man he once was, he can't perform at his best every week anymore and Rakitic is hit and miss, although if the Croatian can reach his best level again consistently, then that will greatly improve the team.

It's time to start giving proper chances to Denis Suarez as it's evident that he is a talent, who could improve the starting 11 and has even shown glimpses when he has come off the bench this season. He is always moving forward and looking to make things happen, which is just what the team need. It's now or never for him really, but the problem is, I can see Andre Gomes getting more minutes than he should be getting again and the fact is, he offers absolutely nothing and can't even pass the ball forwards. He is literally useless.

Luckily the Dembele deal was pulled off as I believe he could be a real star at the club. The fee was questionable, but with the market how it is, it was going to take something ridiculous to prize him away from Dortmund. The negative is, that he's still only 20 and while he can offer a lot in the present, he still has a lot to learn and too much weight can't be placed in his shoulders too soon.

Getting Suarez back to his best will also be important as his goals will be vital this season. Messi will still score plenty but given the lack of creativity in the midfield area(unless Denis Suarez plays of course!), the Argentine's playmaking abilities will be more vital than ever.

One positive is the right back position. Semedo looks absolute class and I don't see why he won't continue to perform this way. He's hungry, suits the style of play and has many years ahead of him. Vidal is also good back-up, so it's an area that is definitely stronger now than it was last season.

As for Digne,  he can be a handy squad player to be honest. Alba is the first choice left-back, but Digne can fill in whenever he needs resting/Valverde decides to rotate. He offers depth, as does Paco Alcacer, who scored goals and linked up well with the the attack when he was given chances in his correct position towards the end of last season. Playing Paco on the right(like against Betis) is obviously not going to get the best of him, but he can do a job through the centre and could be a handy squad player. With this said, I don't see why you'd let Sandro leave on a free and pay 30 million for Paco when Sandro would offer as much(if not more) as he does.

Talking of depth, Deulofeu will offer that and I see his signing as being a positive one. He didn't play well against Real Madrid, but had a cracking debut in la liga. Dembele will obviously go on to become first choice, but Deulofeu will be a very useful player to bring off the bench to change games and be used during rotation. This is something Barcelona didn't have last season.

The centre of defence could have done with another reinforcement, especially with Marlon being loaned out. If Umtiti is injured tomorrow then the only other option after Mascherano, is Vermaelen and you can't rely on him when he has legs made of glass and isn't anything special anyway. Yerry Mina will join up with the squad in January and could well be a success in Europe, but January is a while away yet and there are a lot of games to play before then.

Depth is looking stronger in a few areas, but weaker in others. If everyone is fit, then there is still enough there to challenge for trophies, but if there are injuries in key areas then it could end up being a long season.





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I love this picture...  This picture tells a thousand stories where we see the head of the technical boardroom team Robert Fernández leaving the Barcelona head offices last night.  Over 3,000 member fans were waiting outside (admittedly waiting for the president and not him) with the Barcelona based press.  This picture at least in Spain will make folklore.  Scandelous in the way they practiced their options to sign and embarrassing on how they "negotiated".  They should hold their heads in shame!

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Raiola to become Xavi Simons' agent


Mino Raiola is due to become Xavi Simons' first professional agent...  The Italian/Dutch agent met up with both Xavi Simons and his father after today's early training session with Barça's youth team and the news is that the young phenomenon could soon have his first professional agent in the shape of Mine Raiola the outspoken football agent.

Xavi Simons is now 14 since a couple of months ago and is now eligible to have an agent represent his future dealings.  Up till now his father has taken care of all these issues but now he's almost at the age where he can claim a professional contract and he would be best advised to have someone that knows about these things represent him by negotiating the best deal. 

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"Dybala's new agent could be good news for Barcelona"

Does anyone know if there were EVER any big signings made during the winter transfer window? If so who and where? Pretty sure all important/big signings tend to be made during the summer, right?


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4 minutes ago, 11Neymar Ousmane Dembélé11 said:

"Dybala's new agent could be good news for Barcelona"

Does anyone know if there were EVER any big signings made during the winter transfer window? If so who and where? Pretty sure all important/big signings tend to be made during the summer, right?


I think that favourable agent stuff is rubbish mate.

As for winter signings...  I can't remember an important one for Barcelona to be honest and there don't tend to be too many.

I can think of other ones for other clubs like;

  • Luis Suárez from Ajax to Liverpool.
  • Ivan Rakitić from Schalke 04 to Sevilla.
  • Juanfran from Osasuna to Atlético Madrid.
  • Marcelo from Fluminense to Real Madrid.
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On 06/09/2017 at 2:41 PM, Cicero said:

Watch him amount to shit

Yeah, all this attention and hype before he has even signed a professional contract could end up being detrimental for him and he just needs to be left to get on with his football as it stands. Too much attention and fame at such a young age isn't ideal for a player's progression. 



Unrelated, but as for young players in the current squad(players under 25), I've heard people ask who there is, but there is actually plenty of players there who are under 25.


Ter Stegen - Already one of the best keepers in the world and still 25.

Semedo - I can see him being class and has the talent there to be one of the best full backs around. Only 23 years of age.

Umtiti - One of the best young centre backs in the world and has already proven what he's about. First team regular for both club and country and at 23, he has many years left.

Sergi Roberto - He's finally playing in his proper position now and looks comfortable. At 25, it's the perfect age for him to now kick on given that he still has age on his side, but also a lot of experience now.

Denis Suarez - If he gets more chances(which you'd expect under Valverde given that there were no more signings in the window), then I have no doubt he'll offer a lot to the team as he's one of the most talented Spanish players of his age group, he just needs to be given more opportunities. He was brilliant for Villarreal and it's not like he hasn't shown plenty of signs when actually given chances at Barcelona either. He's 23 now and had a season to settle into the club, so he could surprise us this year if Valverde does the right thing.

Ousmane Dembele - One of the hottest young players around and only 20 years old.


Deulofeu(23), Paco Alcacer(24) and Digne(24) will probably never be "stars" or regular starters, but are all good enough to provide depth as far as I'm concerned.

We are also forgetting Rafinha. He's still only 23/24 and before his injury a month into last season, he was playing very well and getting minutes. He was also one of the top scorers in the side around this (short, but promising) period. Unfortunately, he's probably fallen behind the pecking order a bit now after an array of injuries, although you never know if he can still become a valuable player under Valverde, with a fresh start.

Carles Aleña(19) has also recently signed a new contract, he's a real talent, although still unproven of course and he's not ready for the first team yet. But I'd expect to see him feature in cup games again and he may even make the bench if injuries occur. He's certainly one to watch out for in the future, as is Samper(22), who is now on loan at Las Palmas. If he does well there, then he will likely be recalled to Barcelona and we will hopefully see a future from the lad.





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RAC1: Arda Turan goes on loan to Galatasaray for two years


According to Catalan radio station, RAC1, Barça's Turkish international Arda Turan could be on his way to the club where he started his professional career, Galatasaray.  Barça tried to sell him during the summer transfer window, but the player didn't want to leave Spain and was hoping an agreement could be made between Atlético Madrid and Barcelona for a move in January.  But no deal was sorted out and now it seems that he may have accepted a move back to Turkey on loan and Galatasaray for the next two seasons.  Whether or not this is just rumour because the Turkish transfer window closes tomorrow, what's for sure is that Arda returned to Barcelona injured after playing with his national team.


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The latest on the Arda Turan story is that he is refusing to sign any loan deal to Galatasaray. He wants to stay in Spain and won't even contemplate any deal elsewhere for whatever the money.

Talking about money... Taking into account the games he's played since arriving to Barcelona, he's worked out a €1m per game!

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4 hours ago, SirBalon said:

The latest on the Arda Turan story is that he is refusing to sign any loan deal to Galatasaray. He wants to stay in Spain and won't even contemplate any deal elsewhere for whatever the money.

Talking about money... Taking into account the games he's played since arriving to Barcelona, he's worked out a €1m per game!

He showed so much loyalty towards barcelona by sitting on the bench for half a season due to transfer ban now its the time for the club to repay him. He deserves to play/stay wherever he wants to.

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