Found a nice little text-based adventure game of interstellar exploration and settlement called Seedship and created by sci-fi writer John Ayliff . The player takes control of the Seedship AI, an interstellar vessel designed to find a new home for humanity. Apart from scanning planets to determine their suitability, the AI must make constant choices to ensure the survival of the human race - some of those choices not so easy. Would you rather continue traveling through the cosmos hopefully finding a suitable planet before random events happen and damages your ship? Or will you settle on this not so ideal planet with no atmosphere, extreme gravity, extreme temperatures and no water whatsoever? There are always tradeoffs: a world with breathable air and charming wildlife may guarantee comfort, but without resources will end in a genteel return to the stone age. A barren world rich in minerals and alien ruins means advancing human technology and culture, but at the cost of being enslaved to whoever owns the water generation plants.
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