To be honest parts of Latin American countries are pretty much at war themselves in theory because even though most are drug wars, they aren't ordinary ones. The violence near the boarders in Colombia, the Cartel wars in Mexico or even the gang wars in parts of Brazil and Honduras, for example, are certainly what I'd regard as being at war technically. They are practically on the same level as a civil war, especially the Mexican one.
Then again they are also countries that people can visit without problems, barring they avoid specific parts. This is the difference between said countries and certain African or Middle Eastern Asian countries, where they are literally no go zones completely.
Either way, it's sad how even in this day and age there is so much blood shed, whatever the country or continent, and the people who most suffer are usually ones who aren't the actual cause, but rather manipulated and brainwashed.
What stands out the most here however is the threat of nuclear warfare, which could literally end humanity. I don't think it's a case of people caring less about the civil war currently occurring in Ethiopia and Sudan, as I'd say most would like to see world peace, but more the threat of it going nuclear.
As for Uruguay Ricardo, that would actually be a great option. When are we all going?