A few years ago my mate in America asked me to do him a favour, his mother died who was from Scotland and her death wish was she wanted her ashes scattered over Arthurs Seat here in Edinburgh, he sent me the urn with the ashes and I duly complied with his wishes and sent the urn back once I had scattered them.
At the time mentioned the wife was a bit edgy about having an urn in the flat with ashes inside so she made sure I placed the urn in the back room out of the way until they were scattered and the urn sent back.
Well, his father died 3 weeks ago and he had the same dying wish to have his ashes scattered at the same place as his wife so I am just waiting for the urn to arrive and do the latter, the wife is still the same and told me to make sure the urn is put in the back room etc.
This always reminded me of an episode of old granddad & Del boy in OFAH with granddad having a conversation with an urn, I remember it because I was half pissed one night and to put the heebie-jeebies on the wife I went into the back room and pretended to have a conversation with the urn