This goes back to their 'mates club' thing.
And the 'good process, lads' comment. And calling each other by nicknames. It unintentionally brings about some informality and I thought they nipped it in the bud, but even now on the VAR review comms that do get released they're still all so pally and overly friendly.
I read a while back (and more recently due to Chris Birchall training up) that ex-players are going on courses to become referees. Part of me hopes this is a good thing in that they'll actually have experience of playing the game and therefore make more informed decisions. The other part of me thinks that a) the rules are so ambiguous and vague and grey in some areas that it won't make a difference and b) they'll soon fall in to the 'mates club' and therefore also won't make a difference.
I don't think there's corruption involved as alluded to above - as said it's a huge thing to allege, let alone put into practice. If they're corrupt, who are they corrupt against? Countless times a season there's decisions that go for and against every single club. No matter how hard done we feel as fans, there's probably several examples we can point to where a decision has gone the way of the club you support, but other fans can point to decisions that have gone against.
They're not corrupt, they're just poorly managed by the people in charge.