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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I don’t know if the inland areas can support as much population as the coasts. The environment of Alberta for instance is pretty hostile. I’m pretty sure the majority of Canadians live within 200 miles of the American border, or something ridiculous.
  2. The Philippines isn’t a kleptocracy anymore, I was referring to the past, the 60s/70s more specifically.
  3. It's too much and that sort of population boom can be bad. Canadians that would have been living in the major metros can no longer afford to as housing prices have skyrocketed with demand. Same issue in Australia, I will probably never be able to afford to live in one of the major cities. It's kind of unfair to some people, it's bizarre how much immigration is pushed as a 'good thing' but it isn't a 'good thing' or a 'bad thing' it's just something that happens, and while extreme consequences for better or worse. I'm an immigrant and I'm anti-immigration for the most part. It sort of works in a place like the USA because it's so big and can handle an incredibly huge population, but Canada and Australia just can't. It's not like people immigrate to Winnipeg or Calgary. They want Vancouver and Toronto. People don't move to Toowoomba or Newcastle, they go to Sydney and Melbourne. Then it's just the smart and capable people moving, it just causes a brain drain on the migrant's country. My wife's parents were both doctors, are two doctors more valuable in the Philippines or the USA...? I'd say the country with people living in destitute poverty needs medical help more than literally the richest nation in existence. I don't blame people for leaving either, why stick around in a kleptocracy (the Philippines) or a theocracy (Iran) when they can live in the home of the free, land of the brave where the USA's inherit problems are hardly their concern?
  4. Spike


    Was it specifically to lose or was it more specific than that? Like X amount of wickets, or this batsman out to this bowler?
  5. If you wanna see something crazy about Canada look at the demographics change since the 90s. I don’t think any country has had such a immigration change like Canada.
  6. missed on a chance to end it with fully sick
  7. Was it a bald Mancunian by chance?
  8. That was the point the teacher was trying to make, that he suppressed his natural accent for a personal intonation.
  9. Spike


    The NFL is an embarrassing organisation.
  10. Interesting. I would have thought otherwise with the big strong voices of Wolfgang Puck and Arnie. But maybe I did know that as I know recall in history class the teacher showing us recording of Hitler and then stating that Hitler [would speak closer to a Bavarian (sic) accent as it was commmanding then his native Austrian accent]. I may have the particulars wrong but that is the general gist of it. Kind of amusing really, as if kids in rural Australia can pickup on the idiosyncrasies of the accents of the German language from 60+ years earlier.
  11. @Tommy this is pretty much how we hear it, right or wrong. Werner to me, sounds like the first clip.
  12. It sounds different to foreigners though mate. I don’t know the accents too well but some sound a lot more guttural than others, how Austrians (Puck, Scharzeneggar) talk for instance is a lot more macho sounding than say Timo Werner who has that accent is in the English world is the ‘effeminate sing songy sounding German Eurotrash’ accent, I don’t know really how else to describe it. Our perceptions of what German sounds like is completely different to you, and I assume @Beelzebub’s would be completely different to mine as his first language (which I’m not sure what it is, Punjabi? Pashto? Pakistan has a lot of languages, he probably speaks several) is even further removed from the Germanic language groups.
  13. Spike


    That was my reaction as well. First I thought he had hurt his hand in an odd way but then I realised he was quite literally having a seizure. I’m positive it didn’t just ‘look like’ but it was a seizure caused by concussive trauma.
  14. What is more surprising is that she had the energy to drum at such a high level while battling with anorexia.
  15. Spike


    What makes you say that
  16. Explain how? I really don't understand you sometimes.
  17. That is really just Australian sports in a nutshell though. One game played at at 120,000 mega-stadium then the next at the local park. Leichardt Oval Telstra Stadium 4,032 × 3,024
  18. Spike

    Off Topic

    His child died? Thats terrible.
  19. Spike


    He also said he’d fill in for Brian Johnson for ACDC but they went and got Axl Rose instead lol
  20. Mate, don’t act all shocked and ‘I don’t know what you are talking about’. You know exactly what I meant using an example of someone failing at X and succeeding at Y, I just picked Ancellotti because it was relevant to your experiences as an Everton fan. If you think I was having a dig you need to ask yourself; why I would do that, and why I would I even have predisposition to wanting to have a dig at Everton. You’re being needlessly defensive.
  21. Succeeded extremely well at Sevilla twice. But hey, Ancellotti failed at Everton and then won a CL with Real Madrid...
  22. Spike

    Off Topic

    She probably just mixed up Rhodesia being renamed to Zimbabwe and attributed it to South Africa being renamed or alternatively named Zimbabwe. You’d know her better though I don’t think it is really a justification but more of a rationalisation of why it happened, conquest and violence was simply a valid form of diplomacy. Yeah it is shitty but that was the reality of the entirety of history up until about 40 years ago.
  23. Spike

    Euro 2024

    Also two red cards, but only one of red carded players would receive death threats till the next world cup
  24. Spike

    Euro 2024

    England would draw every game
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