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Gerard Piqué - La Voz (The Voice)

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Gerard Piqué says...


A while back I thought about starting a general thread where everyone could contribute what footballers (or anyone connected to football) say on social media because it seems it's the sign of the times not only with the general man or woman on the street these days but also with these "celebrities" that justifiably have something to say although not always cautious or well thought out.

I've never created that thread although it can be done in a jiffy and could actually become quite entertaining.  But I've decided (for now) to open up one that's dedicated specifically to one of the most vocal of the lot in the football world, Gerard Piqué.  The Barcelona and Spain centre-back isn't one to keep quiet when he gets something into his head or feels a wrong has been done and he wants to make a comment or two.  His posts on various social media platforms tend to be direct and to the point although sometimes confusing as to the individual target they're intended for at times.  Obviously like every human being he's not always right in his views and can sometimes be precipitated in the moment he makes his comment where then he has to backtrack.  But on the whole (especially these days where he's more measured on his attacks) he pulls off quite a punch and it tends to be in the know...  His problem?  His direction is sometimes only known by him and the party it's intended for which on a platform that's so public can many times be misinterpreted and cause a storm.

Maybe in the coming days I'll post stuff he's said back in the day as there's lots.  But for now I'll start with his latest attack which is one of his favourite victims...  The press and an issue that occurred some months ago where they (the press) published a news article stating that Piqué had been speeding and had been fined by the Catalan regional police "Mossos d'Esquadra".  The point of last night's attack via Twitter is because nothing has ever been said from the press to rectify the moment that false news was released in terms of an apology or the fact they'd got it seriously wrong.  He's waited and yesterday decided to issue one of his damning social media comments.

"Now I'll explain to you how a large part of the press work these days:"

  1. A paparazzi takes a picture of you talking to the Mossos d'Esquadra (Regional Catalan police)

   2. That paparazzi invent that I had been driving at 190km/h and that the police had given me 6 points on my driving licence so as to be able to sell the pictures at €1,500.  All lies.

   3.  An English media platform purchases the photos without caring to check the veracity of the story.

   4. A large part of the media in this country (Spain) spread a piece of news without corroborating the information.  All so as to obtain more clicks.

   5. The damage has already been done and nobody does anything to change this dynamic.

    6. My objective in the following months is to create a medium of communication that will be different, truthful, authentic and belonging to the players.  I'm fed up.


This final tweet (below) is an official communicative release of information from the Catalan regional police (Mossos d'Esquadra) themselves to clear up all the nonsense some of the media in Spain (mainly Madrid based) have been publishing on this issue as they continue to attack Piqué from all sides with falsehoods (on many other things like falsely accusing him of being a Catalan separatist) due to him not shutting his mouth everytime he senses injustices on issues he cares for.

  • The Mossos d'Esquadra haven't ever issued any driving infraction to Gerard Piqué.  Please try to avoid information that hasn't been verified first.
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Piqué: "Applying 'VAR' should be obligatory"


This isn't one of Gerard Piqué's social media rants or messages...  The Barcelona defender and Spain international assisted the opening of another of the Johan Cruyff Foundation academies "Cruyff Court" at Sant Guim de Freixenet where he was asked about this season by some of the press and this is what he had to say to the questions (the press obviously searching for a headline or two);

"The reason we're not Champions is simply because we dropped silly points along the way and at the end Real Madrid accumulated more points than us.  On whether the referees decisions punished us this season and helped Madrid is a matter of opinion depending on where you sit on these things.  What's for sure is that 'VAR' is a must and extremely important.  Every league should be forced to use it and made law as should every international tournament be it at club level or full international."

"The Spanish football authorities have all summer to play catch-up with goal-line technology which is something already being used elsewhere in big leagues and where a few results were altered in Spain this season and not only us.  But overall 'VAR' is the way forward to making football a truthful sport not just for us or Madrid but for everyone most of all those clubs that don't tend to get the correct decisions when they play against bigger clubs.  'VAR' will help referees make the correct decisions and something many haven't touched on which is that it will inevitably stop dissent from players to referees occurring seeing as everyone knows the correct decision is being implemented."

On questions about who Barça's next coach could be specifically the strong rumour that Ernesto Valverde is the chosen one;

"I'm not going to fall into the trap of naming names because I can talk about many coaches that are more than worthy of coaching FC Barcelona and with the correct credentials.  On Valverde, he's a top coach that's done a marvellous job at Athletic Bilbao and who knows Barça very well having played at the club.  He could be a good option but that's upto the club to decide and I'm sure they'll make the correct decision."

On the insults from Sergio Ramos and Dani Carvajal when Real Madrid won La Liga last weekend (The press wanted a headline on this because of what Sergio Ramos said about Piqué when Barça won the treble three years ago);

"Even though in everyday terminology what they said is an insult.  I don't consider it to be that way because they were euphoric and celebrating a big feat they've been fighting years to achieve.  You have to give players slack in occasions such as those and the press should understand full well that it really isn't anything personal seeing as we play together in the national team and we all know each other very well indeed.  Anyhow, he apologised to me and I told him that it wasn't necessary at all and that it was you guys, the press, that have made a big deal out of it."

On the Copa del Rey Final and what he thinks about the Champions League Final;

"We have a difficult game against a team that beat us fair and square at the Camp Nou in La Liga this season.  Anybody that thinks this is a forgone conclusion is just searching for more narratives to use in support of what ever colours they cover themselves with.  On the Champions League Final... I don't care who wins and on the question on whether I'll be watching it, well I won't because I'm at Harvard in the US concluding a course that has to do with my future."

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24 minutes ago, True Blue said:

Hope he also reflects to Barcelona and the constant pushes by ref's in Europe and domestic league, by gifting them penalties and dodgy decisions through out the season.

He says both clubs (Real and Barça) get benefited a lot more especially against smaller clubs. 

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I love how Pique doesn't let bullshit slide and publicly speaks out about it, even if it means potential punishment. He and Dani Alves are similar in that regard.

Gerard Pique will be a fantastic club president when that time comes.

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59 minutes ago, Kowabunga said:

TL;DR: Piqué wants to become Silvio Berlusconi.

I think he's the best thing Spain have in overall blanket neutral opinion.  He'd make a great politician, but it's best if he takes control of Barça to be honest which I'm sure he will.  Nothing whatsoever like Silvio Berlusconi though.

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3 hours ago, SirBalon said:

I think he's the best thing Spain have in overall blanket neutral opinion.  He'd make a great politician, but it's best if he takes control of Barça to be honest which I'm sure he will.  Nothing whatsoever like Silvio Berlusconi though.

Wannabe president of a club and media tycoon. Only needs to drop his missus for an underage one.

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5 hours ago, Kowabunga said:

Wannabe president of a club and media tycoon. Only needs to drop his missus for an underage one.

Everyone wants to be something mate.

59 minutes ago, True Blue said:

He is my hero now

Shall we both buy a poster of him xD

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Piqué-Tribune in the Copa del Rey Final press conference


It was the pre Copa del Rey Final press conference yesterday and the player chosen to answer press questions with head coach Luis Enrique was none other than Gerard Piqué.  It's as if Luis Enrique himself threw a parting punch at the press (which he so much hates) by choosing "The Voice".

The press rubbed their hands (an amateur student journalist from London who had been invited said that the Madrid based journalists physically rubbed their hands and seemed to be sharpening their knives) in anticipation of what could be about to occur if they asked the correct questions.  Just to say that Luis Enrique smiled (for once) all the way through the press conference with a wry look in his eyes, sitting back in his chair all relaxed.

Luis Enrique's very first comment before the conference commenced;

"On my final day in front of you I take with me that all of this is a circus and I won't say who the clowns are"

Here are some of the best quotes from Piqué who is becoming more and more powerful as time goes by.  He's always been vocal, but in the past few months he is now using this rising status in a more serious manner but with intelligence and not so quirky so as to inflict side jabs for the intended.

All of Piqué's answers came in respect from direct questions to the effect....

"Alavés are the revelation of the season and they have before them an opportunity to make history.  It is us who will have to be at their level and not them at our level."

"Luis Enrique has been one of the best coaches in the history of FC Barcelona and the players will be playing this final for him as much as for the fans.  I know he hasn't had the best of relationships with you guys (the press), but in the dressing room he ended up conquering every single one of us and we want him to finish up a winner which is what he's always been."

"Indeed I am planning a particular medium of public communication with information, news, real news and with facts where what we know won't seem like conspiratorial talk to the fans supporting all colours.  But all that is for the future and today is not the day to talk about this."

"The Champions League Final? I'm just thinking and concentrating on our final and when that's finished then may the best team win in the Champions League.  You guys know full well that my personal preference in this case is for Juventus to win, but that's because you've asked me a personal question and the personal answer comes with colours based on it."

"I already answered questions on the refereeing this season and I will only repeat what I said then.  There is technology we can use to make football fair for everyone and yet there are some that are stunting this progression in our league.  Others have used goal line technology in big leagues and we weren't permitted it.  Because I look at things from our perspective and what we lived, then we were the victims of not having goal line technology and that one particular detail cost us three points.  Then we have 'VAR' which will be implemented in other leagues next season and again there are some resisting it here.  I won't even go into the amount of points we lost with that.  To win leagues against a team like Real Madrid you have to be infinitely superior to them and it has never been enough to just simply be at their level and battle it out."

"All I will say about 'VAR' and which is the most important thing about it all is that it will take the pressure off the referees, we will get the ultimate correct decision, it will eliminate any dissent shown to the referee on those all important decisions and finally eradicate us or even the press using excuses once the final whistle has been blown."

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  • 2 weeks later...


Piqué explodes against the media after Spain v Colombia


Gerard Piqué has once again made the headlines due to the fact he will never lay down and take what he sees as injustices.  Again the ugly side to Spanish society has reared its head and Piqué burst after the friendly international which saw Spain draw 2-2 against Colombia.

More whistling from the crowd was directed at Piqué (although it was a very small minority) and the player has blamed certain sectors of the press with these quotes:

"After the European Championships I've not received another whistle from the fans in internationals. You (pointing at a journalist), your paper and medium and another I'm seeing here are the reasons as to why this is occurring."

He then added...

"Why does it interest you guys so much all of this?  Because you want it to happen, that's right, you love this happening! Your mediums of so called news are the reasons this happens because what's all the talk in the papers over the past few days on will Piqué be whistled or not, on making polls on your websites on whether Piqué will be whistled or not.  And then you guys accuse me of certain things ey!"

"You think that people whistle me because they think I'm a separatist?  Who's invented that slogan that seems to haunt me?  Where has it come from because I've never said I was a separatist, I've never said I want independence for Catalonia...  I've always maintained the opposite view on all of that and yet your mediums that pretend to offer news have nourished these views that don't and have never existed.  I've never ever said anything in favour of independence for Catalonia and you guys are the biggest embarrassment Spain has because you are the image of what this country is."


Spain head coach, Julen Lopetegui was then quizzed on this by those newspapers Piqué had accused (they didn't even want to ask questions about the game which shows how Piqué is right), this is his response...

"I had other things to do in the game and didn't pay much attention to the whistling.  But my view is that it's disgusting and based on pure lies...  Piqué leaves his skin on the field of play for these colours and has always given 100%.  He is one of the few players that has never signed off international duty so as to protect himself for oncoming club games.  But we will just concentrate on the next game against Macedonia and leave other stuff which you seem to think is news to you guys who are very professional with it."


Piqué estalla contra algunos medios

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The reason I created this thread dedicated to what Gerard Piqué says either on social media (a medium he is prolific in using) or to the press is because he isn’t one to hide, he isn’t one to mix his words and whether you think he’s right or wrong, sentimental or thoughtless, he isn’t one to hide.  Piqué is involved in a multitude of companies and most of them created by him... Things related from everything from video-games to even what he sees as the future of sports journalism related to how sports stars can express themselves without having the hounds on their tails (the sensationalist journalists).  He signed his new Barcelona contract a couple of days ago and since then he’s been doing a big round of interviews in all mediums especially in the American press (including Latin America and North America) where his words have a lot of impact.  Here’s his latest rather controversial choice of words relating to the future of football and his thoughts on it everything revolving sport.

“People know what I’m like which is that I speak my mind and I’m not a coward in that sense.  I won’t mince my words and I will tell people what I think or feel about certain subjects which can sometimes be sensitive things.  Sometimes I pre-plan what I’m going to say and sometimes I say it on the spur of the moment... At times I’m more fortunate in my choice of words and sometimes I’m not depending on what I’ve decided to express myself on.  There are also times where my words aren’t so clear and left open to interpretation because I haven’t exactly made things crystal and the journalists can use it at their will depdending on their sentiments towards me.  But ultimately I’m my own man and I defend myself to give my truth which of course as in most things in life won’t be to everyone’s liking.”

”The world has changed massively in the past decade or so and I don’t have to tell anyone this is the case because I’d be being condescending, but sometimes I feel that some don’t really capture the immensity of the change and the fact that it’s a prelude to a whole different way of living in the not so distant future.”

”Take for example the ‘Milleninaist Generation’, those born since the 2000s.  This bunch as they mature and become expressive and decision making people will not see things like anyone pre that time has seen it before.  The world isn’t massively different, the way we even express our thoughts will have changed with internet and social media just as the basic and most obvious identifiable method of communication, although it actually goes even deeper than that.  This generation does have its defects and one of those defects is that their attention span is of a much lower resistance to generations before them.  Everything is instant and everything is there at the touch of a button which means that all those things from before like even waiting for a week to watch another episode of your favourite series is something alien and almost traumatic to them... It could potentially cause a storm to just contemplate a return to something that isn’t that distant in the human retinainterms of time-scale.”

”This also affects sport because I would say the way forward for football is to either lessen the amount of games or even shorten the length of them due to the ever changing and evolving that the sport is now beginning to experience from analysis technology that is even being used to determine refereeing decisions.  It’s something that has been taken from American sports, a world I know a lot about and that I adore.  Everyone knows my love of the NBA and I’m well known amongst those that’s work in the NBA circuit due to attendance when possible and the work some of my companies are working on behind the scenes with them.  American sports evolved a long time ago in preparation for this new generation but not because they were clever enough to foresee the future change of humans, but just because the North American society is that way inclined in relation to soulless sport.  American sport is designed for instant excitement and not philosophising in any way at all... That feeds the modern mind on a higher percentage than something like football or even that sport that’s love in the Commonwealth community called Cricket.  Cricket would never work in an American society and it I said alien to the modern mind... Of course I’m talking about their test-Cricket version of the game which is their philosophical version and there we come to the massively changes we’ve seen even in that sport to prepare for the modern less patient society.”

”In America they feel the colours as much as in Europe where it comes to sport.  I’m not saying that fervent support doesn’t exist, but the soul isn’t there, the soul connected to history and the patience involved in taking a global sentiment into your nervous system while you’re entrenched in a 90+ minute game of football just to use as example.  If it’s a tactical 0-0 draw and reaching the final 10 minutes, here in Europe you will find the fan leaning forward on their seat because the implications of a victory are so great and so connected to the whole chain, that you can be living a situation that can change your sentimental outlook on a whole week... Sub consciously of course!  But that affects our whole perspective of the global manner we see the sport in Europe.  We have relegation for example and in America they’d don’t.  In America a sport that isn’t actually really a sport can have people hooked in an explosion of expressionism which will last The amount of time it’s there in front of them for but it won’t change their week and it won’t fill coloumns of newspaper space with a journalist having to wreck his mind in trying to decipher the issues behind a possible solution for a coach, team or individual.  That’s not important because numbers and instance impact I see the name of the game.  One has soul and the other doesn’t which isn’t  criticism, it’s the way it is and football is slowly going down this route which is something I’m very interested in and want to be involved with.”

Gerard Piqué goes on to talk about this more deeply and other factors of visions and businesses he’s involved in.  Things all connected to the future and the understanding of the new generational mind.  He believes that even if your aren’t sentimentally in unison with the “Millenial Generation”, you have to understand it or you will be left out or be cut off.


@Kitchen Sales

@The Rebel CRS



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I'm not sure about the idea that American's are too impatient for cricket. In baseball they play 162 days of the year and often 3 or 4 days in a row against the same opponent. 

I also don't think impatience is an American sport thing or an under 18 thing. Most fans at well established clubs in England would not accept passing the ball along the back 4 all day and slowly waiting for an opportunity. We are talking about men in their 40s and 50s screaming to go forward, go at him, get into them, fuck them up. A few Premier League teams have stopped throwing the kitchen sink at the opppnent towards the end of the game and in stoppage time, irritating fans to their core. 

With regards to soul, football needs to own up to the reality that its modern day passion is rooted in vulgar tribalism. It's hard for American teams to get that kind of tribal when each city is a 6 hour drive from the next.

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On 21/05/2017 at 13:03, Cannabis said:

This thread disappoints me, at first I thought Pique had signed up to some Spanish singing competition.

That's exactly what I thought :D

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So Gerard Piqué has been at it again... And again in a matter of days against Espanyol.

This comment I’m about to cite underneath comes after yesterday afternoon’s 1-1 La Liga draw away to Espanyol where he scored the equaliser in a game where it looked odds on for Barça to lose due to the state of the pitch with the terrible wet weather conditions and the fact Espanyol had gone ahead in that second half.

This is his quote;

“As time goes by they’re (Espanyol) more detached from the city of Barcelona.  They’re situated in Cornellà and have a Chinese owner.  They don’t have to spend money saying they’re from Italy, China or Tabarnia 1.”

1. Tabarnia refers to a political project  within Catalonia as well as a satirical parody of the Catalan independence movement which advocates the creation of a separate Spanish autonomous community, following a referendum on the question, encompassing metropolitan areas of coastal Catalonia.


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On 2/5/2018 at 02:34, SirBalon said:


So Gerard Piqué has been at it again... And again in a matter of days against Espanyol.

This comment I’m about to cite underneath comes after yesterday afternoon’s 1-1 La Liga draw away to Espanyol where he scored the equaliser in a game where it looked odds on for Barça to lose due to the state of the pitch with the terrible wet weather conditions and the fact Espanyol had gone ahead in that second half.

This is his quote;

“As time goes by they’re (Espanyol) more detached from the city of Barcelona.  They’re situated in Cornellà and have a Chinese owner.  They don’t have to spend money saying they’re from Italy, China or Tabarnia 1.”

1. Tabarnia refers to a political project  within Catalonia as well as a satirical parody of the Catalan independence movement which advocates the creation of a separate Spanish autonomous community, following a referendum on the question, encompassing metropolitan areas of coastal Catalonia.


I wonder how many youngsters Barcelona have poached from Espanyol over the years... it's easy to talk big when one belongs to the dominate side.

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