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Vegetarians and Vegans

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3 hours ago, Gunnersauraus said:

Gotta say @Vegan Kel I never thought you would be a vegan. Have you ever done any protests?


I don't think marching etc has any point to it but I definitely respect the activists who disrupt slaughterhouses and attempt to save animals by taking them to local sanctuaries. I've done a bit of street activism or outreach which is quite rewarding and also been to a few pig saves in Manchester. Hearing pigs screaming as they are gassed to death from the park outside is truly horrific.I think veganism is very misunderstood judging by some of the incredibly thick comments on this thread so I will try to address some of the points being made.

Firstly, I ate meat for 30 years so of course I don't judge any of you for eating meat. What I, and many vegans, attempt to do is to give people the information to make informed choices about eating meat and to explain why there is literally no logical argument against veganism. I went vegan because I want my actions to be in alignment with my values and I cannot do that when I am paying for innocent, sentient beings to be slaughtered for a few seconds on my tastebuds, especially when there are no nutrients in animals that I cannot get elsewhere, The fact that we are biologically herbivore (long intestines for digesting plants, the same chewing action as cows etc) and eating meat, eggs and dairy products directly cause 14 of the 15 most fatal diseases in humans make eating meat even more stupid.

If you are one of those junkfood junkie wasters who simply cannot conceive of eating a healthy, plant based, wholefood diet there are plenty of fake meat vegan junkfood shite to tempt you into going vegan but I have little interest in that shite (although I've tried many out of curiosity and some are scarily similar to meat). There is nothing you can't get a vegan version of (even steaks that 'bleed', although why vegans would want to eat that is beyond me).

I've been vegan for just over 2 years now and I have never felt better in every possible way. I have honestly never missed anything and I used to love kebabs, curries, fry ups, roasts, burgers etc as much as anyone. I have never enjoyed food as much as I have for the last few years and knowing that no being has suffered for my dinner is better than any taste.


We do not need to eat meat. Meat is bad for us. It is not natural for us to eat it. If it was we wouldn't be cooking it, we'd eat it raw like actual carnivores and omnivores do. 

There is no such thing as humane slaughter. As stupid as it is to think so I don't judge as I used to think the same before I became informed rather than chat nonsense. How can you humanely slaughter an animal that wants to live? The animals you eat are mere babies. Children who have lived a tiny fraction of their natural lifespan because people are too lazy/ignorant to change their awful eating habits.

Vegetarians are cunts. Part time phonies like Ricky Gervais who spout off about animals yet can't give up his cheese, the fat cunty mug. 

The dairy industry is even worse than the meat industry, The level of cruelty involved is off the charts. 

I could go on all night but I won't. Rather, if anyone has any questions about veganism either because they are thinking about trying it or because they want to try and prove my statement 'There is no logical argument against veganism' wrong they are very welcome to ask away.

Like I said, I am not here to judge people or get into daft arguments. Rather, I would prefer to educate and inform on a subject that is very misunderstood, largely because some vegans like the twat in Greggs, give it a bad name and also because the inbred yokel cunts who breed animals as commodities hide their unethical, inhumane industries and the governments who subsidise these cousin fucking webbed feet having cunts (and the media they control) lie to you on a daily basis.

There is a reason that you aren't shown where your food comes from.

I would highly recommend watching the videos I posted previously which all show exactly how beautiful creatures are exploited by humans and treated as nothing more than commodities for pure human greed. I would also recommend watching What The Health and Gary Yourofsky's speech which I will post below this. 


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3 hours ago, Gunnersauraus said:

Of course there is something wrong with eating meat. You are killing a living creature with feelings. The world going vegan would never happen overnight so there is no point in thinking about what would happen to all the farm animals.

I don't know what you are on about being more intelligent than vegans there are plenty who are more intelligent than you. 

Correct. You sound like you are vegan in your morals. You should live in alignment with them.

And, yea, judging by the drivel in the post you refer to you're right there!

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1 hour ago, Berserker said:

Also there's been a lot of reports of mentally weak people veganizing their kids and and causing them to have sequels for life, these people should be put in jail. There's a reason vegans have to take vitamins or eat industrial and specially designed foods to compliment their diet, it's just isn't healthy. It's just a moronic lefty trend that has surfaced in the last 20 years like many others.

That's absolute bollocks. One more point to address a previous post I cba to find: No, when there is a victim then it isn't down to personal choice any more than a rapist doesn't have the right to rape someone just because he gets pleasure from it.

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7 hours ago, Vegan Kel said:

That's absolute bollocks. One more point to address a previous post I cba to find: No, when there is a victim then it isn't down to personal choice any more than a rapist doesn't have the right to rape someone just because he gets pleasure from it.

Your predication is, Kel. Do you really want me to cite the articles i mentioned?, because i can certainly do that.


Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in foods from animal sources, so sources for vegans are limited and a vitamin B12 supplement may be needed. If you eat dairy products and eggs, you probably get enough.

Vegan sources of vitamin B12 include:

  • yeast extract, such as Marmite, which is fortified with vitamin B12 
  • breakfast cereals fortified with vitamin B12
  • soya products fortified with vitamin B12

Adults need about 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 a day. Check the labels of fortified foods to see how much vitamin B12 they contain.



Try and live 20 years without an ounce of vitamin b12 and then come back and tells us how good you feel, if you can.

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1 hour ago, Berserker said:

Your predication is, Kel. Do you really want me to cite the articles i mentioned?, because i can certainly do that.


Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in foods from animal sources, so sources for vegans are limited and a vitamin B12 supplement may be needed. If you eat dairy products and eggs, you probably get enough.

Vegan sources of vitamin B12 include:

  • yeast extract, such as Marmite, which is fortified with vitamin B12 
  • breakfast cereals fortified with vitamin B12
  • soya products fortified with vitamin B12

Adults need about 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 a day. Check the labels of fortified foods to see how much vitamin B12 they contain.



Try and live 20 years without an ounce of vitamin b12 and then come back and tells us how good you feel, if you can.

This is a nice easy one... animals are injected with B12. We used to get it naturally from bacteria but now the farming methods are so sanitised that we can only get it from fortified foods or from eating animals that have been given it via innoculation rather than because they naturally contain B12.

Also, where do you think animals get the nutrients that they contain from? Yes, that is correct. from the plants they eat. So why would you want those nutrients second hand?

Not a bad first attempt but you have failed hard. Have another go

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9 hours ago, Vegan Kel said:

Correct. You sound like you are vegan in your morals. You should live in alignment with them.

And, yea, judging by the drivel in the post you refer to you're right there!

I kind of am. I'm a chef so it puts me in a difficult situation. I have thought about being a vegan at home at least then I am doing the best I can. However at work I have to cook meat based products. I find it amazing that some people have so much dislike for people who genuinely care about animals. I also think some people miss the point with militant veganism. I mean the slave trade wasn't abolished by people saying well I don't think it's right to have a slave but I respect your choice to have one was it? That is the way some vegans feel. 





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11 hours ago, Berserker said:

Also there's been a lot of reports of mentally weak people veganizing their kids and and causing them to have sequels for life, these people should be put in jail. There's a reason vegans have to take vitamins or eat industrial and specially designed foods to compliment their diet, it's just isn't healthy. It's just a moronic lefty trend that has surfaced in the last 20 years like many others.

It's not moronic at all. It's people who generally care about animals. There are ways to get the vitamins. @Cicero and @Vegan Kel have both mentioned where you can get them from

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Just now, Gunnersauraus said:

I kind of am. I'm a chef so it puts me in a difficult situation. I have thought about being a vegan at home at least then I am doing the best I can. However at work I have to cook meat based products. I find it amazing that some people have so much dislike for people who genuinely care about animals. I also think some people miss the point with militant veganism. I mean the slave trade wasn't abolished by people saying well I don't think it's right to have a slave but I respect your choice to have one was it? That is the way some vegans feel. 





You still can be vegan and cook meat at work as you aren't paying for those animals to be killed. That is exactly what veganism is about, doing the best you can. 

The reason people get like that is because they have been brainwashed since birth like most of us have that eating meat, fish, eggs and dairy is natural and it's a hard habit to break. Dairy is especially hard because it contains hormones designed to make baby cows come back for their mother's milk.

It can be scary for some people to consider a lifestyle without eating the food they've always known and there are lots of daft scare stories about veganism out there from the media who are firmly on the side of inbred farming weirdos.

Slavery is exactly what it is and I am glad you've made that connection. It's very clear that you are vegan at heart

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11 minutes ago, Vegan Kel said:

He doesn't seem to realise that cows get B12 from injections 

I don't mean to be disrespectful to South American countries. Perhaps @Grizzly21 can help me on this. But as far as I am aware  most aren't known for their animal rights. I have read that cock fighting is still popular and possibly legal in some. That's not to say all people from South America are cruel to animals though.

However Britain, Austria, Switzerland and new Zealand are the only countries in the word to have an A rating on animal welfare. So perhaps we have a different mentality to some other countries. 





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7 minutes ago, Gunnersauraus said:

I don't mean to be disrespectful to South American countries. Perhaps @Grizzly21 can help me on this. But as far as I am aware  most aren't known for their animal rights. I have read that cock fighting is still popular and possibly legal in some. That's not to say all people from South America are cruel to animals though.

However Britain, Austria, Switzerland and new Zealand are the only countries in the word to have an A rating on animal welfare. So perhaps we have a different mentality to some other countries. 





Watch the Land Of Hope and Glory video I posted earler, The footage is all from UK farms and although we like to think of ourselves as a nation of animal lovers I would disagree wholeheartedly. The treatment of 'livestock' is appalling wherever you go. Gassing pigs with CO2 is RSPCA approved and legal here. I've witnessed their screams first hand and it is an evil thing to do to living, sentient beings just because you're that sad you can't go without bacon (which is a Group 1 carcinogen according to the World Health Organisation).

People who eat meat are not evil people but they are paying for, and subsidising, an evil industry that performs evil actions. The sheer number of animals that are murdered every single day for their bodies to be abused is astronomical. No group of humans have ever suffered like animals do. There is simply no justification for it

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3 minutes ago, Vegan Kel said:

Watch the Land Of Hope and Glory video I posted earler, The footage is all from UK farms and although we like to think of ourselves as a nation of animal lovers I would disagree wholeheartedly. The treatment of 'livestock' is appalling wherever you go. Gassing pigs with CO2 is RSPCA approved and legal here. I've witnessed their screams first hand and it is an evil thing to do to living, sentient beings just because you're that sad you can't go without bacon (which is a Group 1 carcinogen according to the World Health Organisation).

People who eat meat are not evil people but they are paying for, and subsidising, an evil industry that performs evil actions. The sheer number of animals that are murdered every single day for their bodies to be abused is astronomical. No group of humans have ever suffered like animals do. There is simply no justification for it

I know what you mean however I think compared to some countries we are good. However in 200 years or so we will be looked at as not so nice as we think we are

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Just now, Stan said:

Jewish people being gassed, no?

I would seriously dispute that but let's just, for arguments sake, agree that six million Jews were gassed to death by Nazis (even though that number has been drastically reduced by 'experts') is true, how many animals do you think are murdered every single day? Then think how many days it has been going on for. There is no comparison. Literally billions of land animals are slaughtered every year and trillions of sea creatures. 

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Just now, Gunnersauraus said:

I know what you mean however I think compared to some countries we are good. However in 200 years or so we will be looked at as not so nice as we think we are

Simon Amstell made a mockumentary called Carnage set in 2065 where nobody ate meat and people who did in the past were looked upon as monsters. Well worth checking out and it's also very funny

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1 minute ago, Vegan Kel said:

Simon Amstell made a mockumentary called Carnage set in 2065 where nobody ate meat and people who did in the past were looked upon as monsters. Well worth checking out and it's also very funny

I think maybe in 200 years time 1st world counties may have given up meat. Always gonna be difficult for 3rd world countries though

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Just now, Tommy said:

I try to cook vegetarian 1-2 times per week, and fish once a week, but I'd never go fully without meat. It's delicious, and definitely not vegan.


90% of Vegans look ill. That can't be good. Just look at Moby. 

Patrick Baboumian doesn't look ill. He's quite strong too...

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1 minute ago, Tommy said:

I try to cook vegetarian 1-2 times per week, and fish once a week, but I'd never go fully without meat. It's delicious, and definitely not vegan.


90% of Vegans look ill. That can't be good. Just look at Moby. 

I don't necessarily think that is true mate. Maybe some do because of not taking vitamin substitutes. Good that you are least trying to. Really does get me thinking that I should do more.

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Just now, Gunnersauraus said:

I don't necessarily think that is true mate. Maybe some do because of not taking vitamin substitutes. Good that you are least trying to. Really does get me thinking that I should do more.

It's also all the trendy Shoreditch vegans who eat vegan junkfood and wonder why they get ill

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Just now, Vegan Kel said:

The poorest people on Earth eat vegan diets. The cheapest food is rice, grains, vegetables etc

Fair enough. Although what I meant is people in third world countries have to just stay alive. Don't think they are likely to to put animal welfare top of their priorities.

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