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Question a Member: ATL

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9 minutes ago, Anton said:

I don't know who he is. But that means we can ask lots of questions!

P.S Can a bloody admin or mod close the other threads? They should be open for 7 days. Thanks legends.

it's @ATL

Our resident American with a hot missus. 

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4 minutes ago, Anton said:

I know it is. Check the opening post. 

good job I quoted your post.


Anyway, @ATL, questions for you.

Is Anton an idiot?

Why will he never win Member of the Month, like you have, here on TF365?

What's your favourite part of TF365?

Other than where you live now, where would you love to live and why?


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3 minutes ago, Stan said:

good job I quoted your post.


Anyway, @ATL, questions for you.

Is Anton an idiot?

Why will he never win Member of the Month, like you have, here on TF365?

What's your favourite part of TF365?

Other than where you live now, where would you love to live and why?


You made that up. This is a stitch up. 

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The same questions I've given to the rest...


  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Atlanta Utd or the USA...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
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2 hours ago, Stan said:

good job I quoted your post.


Anyway, @ATL, questions for you.

Is Anton an idiot?

Why will he never win Member of the Month, like you have, here on TF365?

What's your favourite part of TF365?

Other than where you live now, where would you love to live and why?


1. Just naive
2. The ongoing investigations are just hovering like a black cloud over him.
3. Talking with people who actually know the sport.
4. I would love to live in Norway, Sweden, or Iceland. I like the idea of living in remote-ish places.

2 hours ago, SirBalon said:

The same questions I've given to the rest...


  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Atlanta Utd or the USA...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?

1. Had a teacher in 5th grade that was stunning, and got one of my first erections while up (see what I did there?) at her desk.
2. Yes - Religion being a big one. Most of my friends closet to me have been atheist for years, whereas I have always believed in some form of God. For awhile I would just go along with my friends because it was easy and I didn't want to be the outcast. They all know now, and it's amazingly less dramatic than I thought it would be.
3. Yes - Not physically mind you, but emotionally I have.
4. I'm assuming this is in regards to being at the match, in which case I would say the Inter-AC match (my first match ever), where Adriano scored in the 90+ to win 3-2. I just happened to be sitting on the blue side of San Siro which is why Inter has a very special place in my heart.

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Just now, Teso Dos Bichos said:

Favorite place to eat in Atlanta/Georgia?

Probably Mojitos or Capital City Grille

Are you a 'Dawgs fan and if so, do you like Kirby Smart? 
No, I went to the University of Alabama, but I do like Kirby Smart

Atlanta's traffic is horrible, have you been to another city with worst commute?
I lived in China for over a year, and that was worse.

Last time you saw the braves? 
Last year was the first time in 20 years I didn't go see a game, So it's been a minute.




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Just now, Berserker said:

What age did you go bald?

Started fading away in High School, so 18. Figured it was better to shave it instead of pretending that I actually have hair.

What do you do for a living?

Right now, I essentially sell Industrial Equipment to major OEMs and Power Plants. I hate it, and I think I've gotten an interview with Cisco, which is more along the lines my what I enjoy doing. I have been doing my current role for 10 years though so it'll be strange if I were to leave.

Which countries have you visited, would like to visit and why?

England, Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Netherlands, Czech, Russia, and China.

Next up is Egypt (History), Turkey (Just wanted to visit), Portugal (heard it beautiful)

Top 5 members you like and dislike the most on the site and why?

Top 5 in no particular order are : @Tsubasa @nudge @Stan @Storts, and @Deadlinesman

At this moment, there isn't really anyone on TF365 that I don't want to meet.




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Just now, Stan said:

where do you see the MLS in 5 years time?

Sadly, over saturated with no pyramid system in place. Hopefully within the next 5 an MLS team will have won the CONCACAF Champions League, and more teams will try to attract young talent, instead of getting the retired folks from Europe.

Do you think USA as a national team can challenge for World Cup in the next 10-20 years?

No way. The major contenders for World Cup dominance are those that have their best athletes play soccer. We just aren't that way. If you have an athletic child in the U.S., they will most likely play basketball, baseball, or football (American). Soccer just isn't on the top of sports here and therefore I don't think the U.S. will win one in my lifetime.


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Just now, Spike said:

I don't believe you, Georgia Boyo.

I'm a pretty cautious driver. I have seen too many wrecks to be acting like an idiot. My wife though, she would cut your ass off if it meant finishing her makeup while driving.

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Just now, ATL said:

I'm a pretty cautious driver. I have seen too many wrecks to be acting like an idiot. My wife though, she would cut your ass off if it meant finishing her makeup while driving.

Your wife will die in Atlanta. I see an accident once a day. I was almost in two yesterday.

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2 minutes ago, Spike said:

Your wife will die in Atlanta. I see an accident once a day. I was almost in two yesterday.

I have told her this many of times. But as with most women in my life, she doesn't give two shits on what I think.

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6 minutes ago, ATL said:

I have told her this many of times. But as with most women in my life, she doesn't give two shits on what I think.

I have never been scared of traffic outside of Atlanta. Even in Manila when the lanes changed directions half-way through the day wasn't as scary as a full size F150 going 70mph through a 40 zone.

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50 minutes ago, Teso Dos Bichos said:

xD the only way they will win it is if the mexican clubs decided to not participate

We had 2 teams in the Semis this year so it's not as far away as you make it seem.

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