You could definitely be on to something. I said at the time and its probably even more stark in hindsight looking back but Guradiola's three years we where the most dominant Ive seen this team play in the Bundesliga. The rotation was seemless week to week no matter who was in or out this team was drilled like something else. There where very few if any lapses in the league and I think at that point allot of people did start to take that for granted. The CL is another story but knockout competition is a different animal. The best measure of that era and how good Guradiola was was the league record. It wasn't even the wins and losses, which dont get me wrong is impressive in its own it was the amount of goals, the amount of clean sheets, the level of performance and consistency was unreal. A quick google says 82-11-9 over the three years, 58 goals concded, 59 clean sheets.