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Status Updates posted by Azeem

  1. Egypt bottled on that one international stage that they were consistent in !

  2. I have Hope !

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    2. football forums


      He definitely is sencere to do what he has promised in his manifesto accountability for all but does he has a plan ? That's a big question mark and besides the system is polluted to the core even if he gets rid of the Octopuses their tentacles will still be creeping out there. 

      And the Khan we know through out his life never sells out. 

      Regarding the US, they are losing the whole region to China and Russia so they are the ones in hot water. 

    3. football forums


      A close friend and colleague of mine who's from Multan in Punjab tells me that the US under Trump are really unsettling and manipulating Pakistan right now by trying to get them on board against Russia and China.

    4. football forums


      I said this in the recent American military buildup thread that because of being busy being policeman of the world since the dawn of the century US ignored the Russian and Chinese threat, now they both have a very real sense of bravadoism about them. 

      US has realized that but they may have started all those wars by their will but they can't finish them without considering all the stakeholders whether potential enemies i.e Pakistan, Iran and friends EU. 


  3. We are the ants on a Persian carpet. We experience life's colors and textures but fail to discern the beauty of the pattern.

    - Rumi 

  4. Got a real bad sore throat :( Advice go easy on ketchup 

    1. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      Gargle with warm water with salt added and then rub some Vicks on your throat, works a treat for me. :D

  5. People are sleeping ,they wake up when they die

    - Ali Ibn Talib

    1. football forums


      If an infidel wakes up from a life of haram, would they die.

    2. football forums


      Every soul will taste death

  6. Has there been a more interesting mafia than me for the neutral B| ?

    1. football forums


      There’s certainly never been one as fucking obvious on day one xD

    2. football forums


      Reverse psychology 

  7. If masturbation is a murder than i'm a serial killer 

    1. football forums


      Don't believe you... Send me video proof! :banana:

  8. United we Tea, United we drink !

    1. football forums
    2. football forums


      And what a good shai it was too haha

  9. The world is coming down the flags are up

    Whose gonna be number one whose gonna take out the cup

    Who will it be who will be the king

    Its a one in a life time chance

    Who rules the world gotta see who rules the world 



  10. One day i will have a blue check mark next to my social media accounts 

    1. football forums


      Let your family, friends and acquaintances give you their personal version of a blue tick and you'll be well on your way to accomplishing something special instead of fools that are manufactured mate. ;)   

    2. football forums


      Pass :coffee:

    3. football forums


      I'm not going to a,low that as I'm not Max Magnusson! :ph34r:

  11. Election Day :108_metal:

    1. football forums


      It's always erection day when I'm around.

    2. football forums


      You have a nice ass why wouldn't it be 

    3. football forums


      Regardless of who wins today i would like to thanks ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) for telling me what to post.

  12. i just realized a few days earlier that Trump features in Home Alone :64_zipper_mouth:

    1. football forums


      ...and Little Rascals

    2. football forums


      Didn't show concern for a child missing his parents then, doesn't care now either.

  13. When was the last time Italy scored three goals in a match ? I've only seen them scoring three past Ukraine at the 2006 world cup.

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    2. football forums


      That was in their World Cup qualification group :)  

    3. football forums


      Traditionally Italy aren't into scoring lots of goals. They're into winning games!  They have never given a damn about those sorts of things and why they never looked to change anything until now where they've seen they've been left behind by how football has evolved.

    4. football forums


      Even their all time top scorer luigi riva has some 30+ goals which is quite low as compared to other top nations

  14. Free the Dolphins !

  15. Yeeeaah ! Ramadan 

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    2. football forums

      Panna King

      I am hungry :( 

    3. football forums


      Ramadam really isn't fasting though, is it. It's just moving the hours of your food and getting used to that is the difficult part.  What I would find practically impossible to do during the period is not drink anything especially if it's hot during the day.

    4. football forums


      Ramadan Mubarak!

  16. So William's new kid puts Charles further down the line to the throne

  17. ' Interacting with people is half the intelligence '

    - Ali Ibn Talib 

    1. football forums


      Very true and one of the most difficult things to do to be honest.  Being able to interact with all sorts of personalities and keeping to yourself isn't easy. 

    2. football forums


      It's understandable @SirBalon, after all you were raised by wolfs in the cold mountains of Galicia.

  18. No one remains a virgin forever, Life fucks everyone

    1. football forums
    2. football forums


      I mush prefer it when South-East Asian hookers suck me off. Oops, I mean yeah why not.

  19. Love is the only way to remove misunderstandings, problems, hatred and anything she is wearing 

  20. There are many people in this world who are like cocunuts.

    -Brown from the outside but white from the inside

    1. football forums


      Also bananas. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.
      And oreos. Black on the outside, white on the inside.
      Using this logic I have deduced that in fact most of the world is actually white and racism is a figment of our imagination.

    2. football forums


      Oreos are terribly close to the colour of molasses (terribly dark brown) which leads me to the deduction that we are all a bunch of sugar starved nuts using racism as an excuse for our sugar addictions. Shit, sugar is white. You win Spike.

    3. football forums


      @Spike From what i know British used these terms in their colonies, they gave Indian people a deception by choosing some common people within the masses to run offices. This made the people think that they are being govern by their own people not from outsiders, but this wasn't the case. They did picked common Indian people but they made them to think like them,dress like them,eat like them i.e eat with spoons,forks and knives, eating with your hands is not civilized.


  21. This international break has been the most interesting as far as i can remember.

    1. football forums


      so this time barely not even remotely interesting vs not interesting at all is what you are saying

  22. Is 'Bedpolo' a good codename for sex?

  23. Never ask a women about her age

    Never ask a man about his pay

    Never a ask a child about his/her grades

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    2. football forums


      Never ask @Tanksie to pour you some hot coco mix 

    3. football forums


      Never ask @True Bender about his true identity. 

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