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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I'm fine with Conte staying as long as some of the dead wood is gutted and suitable starters are bought.
  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    I got blackout drunk on Saturday. It's always followed by a deep shame and a month of sobriety.
  3. Ajax can't be too upset if they tried to sell him last year
  4. Going through the God of War series again. I wish I had a PS4, the exclusives on Xbone are pathetic.
  5. How long before Paolo Guerrero is banned again?

    1. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      It'd be really funny if he celebrated the ban being lifted by doing some lines

    2. football forums

      Devil-Dick Willie

      He will be caught riding the white horse in russia with 8 under age prostitutes and go to gulag for life

    3. football forums


      When Smith's and Warner's ban will be lifted xD

  6. If Karius is already uncomfortable distributing the ball quickly and under-pressure isn't it up to Klopp to realise that and not have him play in a manner that requires quick thinking and distribution? Doesn't that exasperate an already apparent weakness?
  7. You guys think that Klopp's high tempo methodology had no influence on Karius playing the ball too quickly?
  8. Klopp's overly aggressive 'heavy metal football' is the progenitor of Karius' mistakes... and Liverpool's success.
  9. Spike

    Off Topic

    30' sun is shining, food is grilling, sky is blue, pounding Old Style beers, listening to music. Fuck I'm a lucky man right now.
  10. Spike

    Off Topic

    Nah mate, I thought the definition of 'contraception' was any sort of 'birth control/termination'. So I was very wrong. There have been videos of certain people bragging about their numbers of abortions but I can't validate their authenticity though, so it could very well just be pro-life propaganda. But I wouldn't be surprised if their are mentally ill people out there that treat it 'like' contraception. Never doubt the human mind for evil. At the end of the day I understand both side's arugements and their is no right answer. If it works for Ireland, good for them.
  11. Spike

    Off Topic

    They do end the same ( no baby is no baby), just a horrible different road. No baby, but one road is much more traumatic. I already said you were right, no need for continual digs, because I don't think I had a dig at you.
  12. Spike

    Off Topic

    Different threads, ya cunt. Did you not see my fucking posts in the match thread ( I know you did, you cunt, you quoted me)
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    I have a problem with everything Okay then. I suppose you're right though, contraception is before pregnancy. They both end the same though, no baby.
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    It is used as contraception though. Not wanting a child is that very definition; people don't do it because they think it's fun, they literally do it as birth control. Is it their body though? When can you decide that it's a separate human body that is being destroyed? Do you have the moral authority to make that decision. How can you say it's morally okay to abort a human life? If you say it's okay before 10 weeks, why not 9 weeks? Why not 14 weeks? When does it magically tick over into being a human? When it is born? Then why not have abortions up until the day of birth? Is it a human the moment zygote is created? Most people I've know that do it, have done so for selfish reasons, because 'they don't want to ruin their lives', weighing themselves as more important than another [potential] human. I don't care what people do to themselves, I really don't but when you phrase it so haphazardly as you just did, it is concerning. As if it's an inalienable human right; just don't speak as if it's a moral rule.
  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    Good cunts never die they just become farkin legends aye @Cannabis not that you'd know ya gronk
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    I don't think there is a moral absolute to this. Of course you can't discount the emotional trauma, the physical trauma, the late nights thinking if it was the 'right thing to do', the second guessing, damaged relationships, and so on and so forth.
  17. I miss Lampard more than Terry. My favourite player of all time.

    1. football forums


      Though I do miss, Terry as well.

    2. football forums


      Terry leaving hurt more than Lamps. Lamps however will forever be our greatest ever. 

  18. Spike

    Off Topic

    Reading about Ireland's abortion referendum. I love how people on both sides of the abortion argument think they are morally right. 'My body, my rights' (but it's not your body, it's someone else's body) or 'It's a human' (how do we arbitrarily decide when a human is a human). Both sides have it all wrong, if they even bothered to read an sort of literature on the subject they'd quickly know that when it comes to medical science there are papers, journals, and what have you that are support nearly all claims for and against. Personal bias aside, I think abortion is fucking weird and disturbing outside of the extremes. Yeah, I don't mind when Sally gets an abortion because she got raped and will probably kill herself and the baby through post-natal depression. However it makes my skin crawl reading about Jen who treats abortion as late term birth-control, walking out of her sixth abortion. Then there are those weirdos that think it's just the greatest thing ever (wtf is wrong with them). Abortion shouldn't exactly be stigmatised but it shouldn't' be normalised either.
  19. Working CL final but I'm sure as hell am not missing the WC final. 

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    2. football forums


      I'm out all day for Saturday too. Lunch and dinner appointments which are a godsend to be honest. I tend to have better luck when I don't watch games. xD

    3. football forums


      Times like this I am really glad I don't work weekends 

    4. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Aw that's shit about the CL final mate, but yeah definitely make sure you get the World Cup final off

  20. big ol Casemiro admits to not having 'Barca DNA' - hilarious
  21. Fucking hell, I didn't think inland tornados happened like that in Europe. I thought it was a norht-american thing.
  22. Embarassing. I hate how people photoshop other jerseys onto players. If you are the superstitious type it ,eans the transfer wont happen
  23. I think Guti does get the credit. Everyone that knows him, knows what he was capable of and that he was also a lazier more tempermental version of Ozil. Haha, good player really, maybe if he wasn't a brat he'd have had a greater career.
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